342 research outputs found

    Environmental character and history of the Lake Eyre Basin, one seventh of the Australian continent

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    One of the world\u27s largest internally drained (endorheic) basins, the 1.14 million km2 Lake Eyre (hydrological) Basin (LEB), covers nearly 15% of the Australian continent. Palaeoclimatic and associated flow regime variations are recorded in an archive of fluvial, aeolian and lacustrine sediments that are particularly accessible for deposits from the past ~ 300 ka, and are especially relevant for the past ~ 50 ka during which humans have inhabited Australia. Due to its great size, economic resources and diverse latitudinal extent, it has for over six decades been the focus of environmental, scientific and resource-based studies across numerous disciplines. With an emphasis on assessing the scientific and environmental research over this period, this paper is divided into four parts: Part A provides an introduction and background. Part B provides the geological history, including evidence of substantial Tertiary and Quaternary climate change. Part C covers the contemporary environmental conditions, and Part D presents a conclusion and summary. This not only represents the first comprehensive review of current knowledge of any of the world\u27s truly large dryland drainage basins, but also highlights how more multi-disciplinary research is required. Key remaining questions revolve around the impact of global weather systems on the LEB; the lake-level story in relation to a more precise picture of Late Quaternary climate change; the role of humans and climate in the demise of the megafauna; modern hydrological changes; the role of vegetation in altering channel morphology and flow efficiencies; and nature of flood transmissions

    Can the Default-Mode Network Be Described with One Spatial-Covariance Network?

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    The default-mode network (DMN) has become a well accepted concept in cognitive and clinical neuroscience over the last decade, and perusal of the recent literature attests to a stimulating research field of cognitive and diagnostic applications (for example, (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2010; Koch et al., 2010; Sheline et al., 2009a; Sheline et al., 2009b; Uddin et al., 2008; Uddin et al., 2009; Weng et al., 2009; Yan et al., 2009)). However, a formal definition of what exactly constitutes a functional brain network is difficult to come by. In recent contributions, some researchers argue that the DMN is best understood as multiple interacting subsystems (Buckner et al., 2008) and have explored modular components of the DMN that have different functional specialization and could to some extent be identified separately (Fox et al., 2005; Uddin et al., 2009). Such conception of modularity seems to imply an opposite construct of a 'unified whole', but it is difficult to locate proponents of the idea of a DMN who are supplying constraints that can be brought to bear on data in rigorous tests. Our aim in this paper is to present a principled way of deriving a single covariance pattern as the neural substrate of the DMN, test to what extent its behavior tracks the coupling strength between critical seed regions, and investigate to what extent our stricter concept of a network is consistent with the already established findings about the DMN in the literature. We show that our approach leads to a functional covariance pattern whose pattern scores are a good proxy for the integrity of the connections between a medioprefrontal, posterior cingulate and parietal seed regions. Our derived DMN network thus has potential for diagnostic applications that are simpler to perform than computation of pairwise correlational strengths or seed maps

    Contrasting Visual Working Memory for Verbal and Non-Verbal Material with Multivariate Analysis of fMRI

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    We performed a Delayed-Item-Recognition task to investigate the neural substrates of non-verbal visual working memory with event-related fMRI ('Shape task'). 25 young subjects (mean age: 24.0 years; STD=3.8 years) were instructed to study a list of either 1, 2 or 3 unnamable nonsense line drawings for 3s ('stimulus phase' or STIM). Subsequently, the screen went blank for 7s ('retention phase' or RET), and then displayed a probe stimulus for 3s in which subjects indicated with a differential button press whether the probe was contained in the studied shape-array or not ('probe phase' or PROBE). Ordinal Trend Canonical Variates Analysis (Habeck et al., 2005a) was performed to identify spatial covariance patterns that showed a monotonic increase in expression with memory load during all task phases. Reliable load-related patterns were identified in the stimulus and retention phase (p<0.01), while no significant pattern could be discerned during the probe phase. Spatial covariance patterns that were obtained from an earlier version of this task (Habeck et al., 2005b) using 1, 3, or 6 letters ('Letter task') were also prospectively applied to their corresponding task phases in the current non-verbal task version. Interestingly, subject expression of covariance patterns from both verbal and non-verbal retention phases correlated positively in the non-verbal task for all memory loads (p<0.0001). Both patterns also involved similar frontoparietal brain regions that were increasing in activity with memory load, and mediofrontal and temporal regions that were decreasing. Mean subject expression of both patterns across memory load during retention also correlated positively with recognition accuracy (d(L)) in the Shape task (p<0.005). These findings point to similarities in the neural substrates of verbal and non-verbal rehearsal processes. Encoding processes, on the other hand, are critically dependent on the to-be-remembered material, and seem to necessitate material-specific neural substrates

    Age Differences of Multivariate Network Expressions During Task-Switching and Their Associations with Behavior

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    The effect of aging on functional network activation associated with task-switching was examined in 24 young (age=25.2+/-2.73 years) and 23 older adults (age=65.2+/-2.65 years) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The study goals were to (1) identify a network shared by both young and older adults, (2) identify additional networks in each age group, and (3) examine the relationship between the networks identified and behavioral performance in task-switching. Ordinal trend covariance analysis was used to identify the networks, which takes advantage of increasing activation with greater task demand to isolate the network of regions recruited by task-switching. Two task-related networks were found: a shared network that was strongly expressed by both young and older adults and a second network identified in the young data that was residualized from the shared network. Both networks consisted of regions associated with task-switching in previous studies including the middle frontal gyrus, the precentral gyrus, the anterior cingulate, and the superior parietal lobule. Not only was pattern expression of the shared network associated with reaction time in both age groups, the difference in the pattern expression across task conditions (task-switch minus single-task) was also correlated with the difference in RT across task conditions. On the contrary, expression of the young-residual network showed a large age effect such that older adults do not increase expression of the network with greater task demand as young adults do and correlation between expression and accuracy was significant only for young adults. Thus, while a network related to RT is preserved in older adults, a different network related to accuracy is disrupted

    Inferential NMR/X-ray-based structure determination of a dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptenone inhibitor-p38a MAP kinase complex in solution.

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    Complex problem: The crystal structure of p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase in complex with a dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptenone inhibitor was found to be incompatible with NMR data of the same complex in solution. By using inferential structure determination (ISD) with restraints from X-ray crystallography and NMR spectra, a structure that is compatible with both data sets and very close to the X-ray crystal structure was generated (see picture)

    Small Mammal Activity Alters Plant Community Composition and Microbial Activity in an Old-Field Ecosystem

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    Herbivores modify their environment by consuming plant biomass and redistributing materials across the landscape. While small mammalian herbivores, such as rodents, are typically inconspicuous, their impacts on plant community structure and chemistry can be large. We used a small mammal exclosure experiment to explore whether rodents in a southeastern old field directly altered the above ground plant species composition and chemistry, and indirectly altered the below ground soil community composition and activity. In general, when rodents were excluded, C3 graminoids increased in cover and biomass, contributing toward a shift in plant species composition relative to plots where rodents were present. The plant community chemistry also shifted; plant fiber concentration and carbon : nitrogen were higher, whereas plant nitrogen concentration was lower in exclosure plots relative to access plots. While microbial community enzyme activity increased when rodents were excluded, no significant changes in the fungal : bacterial or potential nitrogen mineralization occurred between treatments. Our results show that rodents can rapidly influence aboveground plant community composition and chemistry, but their influence on below ground processes may require plant inputs to the soil to accumulate over longer periods of time

    A unifying probabilistic framework for analyzing residual dipolar couplings

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    Residual dipolar couplings provide complementary information to the nuclear Overhauser effect measurements that are traditionally used in biomolecular structure determination by NMR. In a de novo structure determination, however, lack of knowledge about the degree and orientation of molecular alignment complicates the analysis of dipolar coupling data. We present a probabilistic framework for analyzing residual dipolar couplings and demonstrate that it is possible to estimate the atomic coordinates, the complete molecular alignment tensor, and the error of the couplings simultaneously. As a by-product, we also obtain estimates of the uncertainty in the coordinates and the alignment tensor. We show that our approach encompasses existing methods for determining the alignment tensor as special cases, including least squares estimation, histogram fitting, and elimination of an explicit alignment tensor in the restraint energy

    Task Difficulty Modulates Young-Old Differences in Network Expression

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    The extent of task-related fMRI activation can vary as a function of task difficulty. Also the efficiency or capacity of the brain networks underlying task performance can change with aging. We asked whether the expression of a network underlying task performance would differ as a function of task demand in old and young individuals. 26 younger and 23 older healthy adults performed a delayed item recognition task that used the response signal method to parametrically manipulate the extrinsic difficulty of the task by imposing five different deadlines for recognition response. Both age groups showed a speed-accuracy trade-off, but the younger group achieved greater discriminability at the longer deadlines. We identified a spatial pattern of fMRI activation during the probe phase whose expression increased as the response deadline shortened and the task became more difficult. This pattern was expressed to a greater degree by the old group at the long deadlines, when the task was easiest. By contrast, this pattern was expressed to a greater degree by the younger group at the short deadlines, when the task was hardest. This suggests reduced efficiency and capacity of this network in older subjects. These findings suggest that neuroimaging studies comparing task-related activation across groups with different cognitive abilities must be interpreted in light of the relative difficulty of the task for each group

    Neural Networks Associated with the Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff: Evidence from the Response Signal Method

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    This functional neuroimaging (fMRI) study examined the neural networks (spatial patterns of covarying neural activity) associated with the speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) in younger adults. The response signal method was used to systematically increase probe duration (125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 ms) in a nonverbal delayed-item recognition task. A covariance-based multivariate approach identified three networks that varied with probe duration--indicating that the SAT is driven by three distributed neural networks