199 research outputs found

    Shin, Cin, and Jinn in far east Asian, central east Asian, and middle eastern cultures : case studies in transethnic communication by exchange of terminology for elementary spiritual concepts of ethic groups

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    Methodology and Objects: Methodologically, from a diachronic linguistics perspective regarding the concept of the shin, spirits in folk belief in China and neighbouring cultures, we compare texts that comprise meanings a) historically in the local language and b) compared to the meanings of equivalent terms in languages of other cultures. Comparing sources of this belief, we examine if and how the shin belief can serve as an example of communication across cultural borders including practical forms of worshipping. Argumentation: We argue that the concept of the shin is across cultural and national borders a result from folk culture transcending political or cultural borders transmitted via migration of ethnic groups. Although similar, mind concepts of different cultures and groups never melted; evidence for this independence gives the Islamic distinctive separation between shin and jinn in this area in the Chinese Quran and other spiritual Chinese writings. On the other hand, the practice of worshipping is similar. Conclusions: A spiritual concept like shin varies in practice in different areas. Central Asia as the melting pot of Chinese and Middle East culture shows the cultural practice of Shamanism with shin belief, complex mind concepts like in Daoism, and religions incorporating shin belief (Islam). Observed changes in the particular local languages show the continuity of the local set of meanings. Multilingual and multicultural areas such as Central Asia rather integrate new words to increase their thesaurus with new meanings than to change the set of previous existing meanings in the languages. Arabic as a language of conquerors in Central Asia is a typical example for such a language that serves as a tool to set up new meanings

    Business communication and globalized English: recent definitions and applications of a concept across the corporate world

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    Este artículo es un estudio de "comunicación comercial" como un fenómeno económico de varias capas de la sociedad corporativa del mundo globalizado. En los sistemas de educación académica y en los negocios en diversas definiciones del término "comunicación comercial" existe, que se aplican en todos los ámbitos de la formación académica y en el mundo de los negocios. Después de la comparación de las definiciones de "comunicación comercial", que demuestran las diversas capas de la comunicación comercial en el mundo empresarial contemporáneo. Ellos se basan en un modelo del mundo corporativo. Para estos casos usamos ejemplos de empresas que implementan la "comunicación comercial" en su estructura corporativa.This article approaches ‘business communication’ as a multi-layered economic phenomenon of the corporate society of the globalized business world. In academic education systems and in the business world under the term ‘business communication’ various definitions exist, which are applied across the fields of academic studies and in the business world. After the comparison of definitions of ‘business communication’, we demonstrate the various layers of business communication in the contemporary corporate world based upon a model of the corporate world and these cases using examples of companies implementing ‘business communication’ into their corporate structure

    Herstellung von humanen induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPS-Zellen) aus Nabelschnurblut

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    WWU Herring Stock Research Intern

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    This internships main goal was to follow up the work of former graduate student Heidi Stewart, and explore the predation activities of large predators in Herring spawning habitats. Last year, Dr. Sobocinski and Heidi placed metal nets in different Bays around the Salihs Sea. This was to isolate herring spawn, in order to see the impact of predators on herring spawn. During this time, I was brought onto their research team as a field assistant and video processer. Heidi trained me in her procedures and gave me my first taste of environmental field work

    NSEA - Environmental Stewardship Intern

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    My responsibilities as a Stewardship Intern at NSEA revolved around prepping, setting up, and striking weekly work parties, teaching volunteers the tools and techniques used in river restoration, and educating community members about the significance of salmon as a keystone species in the Nooksack Watershed

    “Parallel Worlds“. Clusters for a Theory of Concepts of Communications. Historical Intercultural and Cultural Comparative Studies in Perspectives of National and Transnational Constitutions, Values, Concepts, and Terms of ‘Communication’ - ‘Orality’ - ‘Literacy’ - ‘Rhetoric’ - ‘Media’.

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    This is a study regarding the history of communication based on several clusters traced back from ancient time to the 21st century. It contains also in the second part chapers on the specific conditions of communications in different cultures

    Filosofía y «Gestión del conocimiento»: ¿Dos casos de un mismo tipo? Una explicación de las recientes definiciones y funciones del concepto de profesionalidad en los negocios

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    El enfoque de nuestra investigación gira en torno a la cuestión de cómo podemos implementar la idea contemporánea de «gestión del conocimiento» en la historia de las humanidades y su trasfondo académico, que tiene su origen en la filosofía griega. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo ambicioso el término «knowledge management», desarrollado recientemente de áreas profesionales y estudios académicos que habían perdido la tradición académica existente antes del siglo xix en las universidades occidentales. Desde el supuesto de que la gestión del conocimiento es posible, las organizaciones empresariales contemporáneas utilizan técnicas con el fin de realizar la gestión en el mundo contemporáneo de los negocios, las personas y los artículos. El concepto de conocimiento tiene muchos niveles. Discutiremos la herencia de la tradición filosófica de este concepto en el mundo empresarial contemporáneo considerando su herencia filosófica y su estado actual en las universidades y la cultura académica.The approach of our research circulates around the question how we can implement the contemporary idea of “knowledge management” into the history of the humanities and its academic background with its origin in Greek philosophy. This inquiry has a challenging question: The term “knowledge management” developed recently from professional areas and academic studies, which had lost the academic tradition existing prior to the 19th century in Western universities. With the assumption that the management of knowledge is possible contemporary corporate organizations present techniques in order to perform management in the contemporary business world handling persons and items in the interest of the management. The concept of knowledge has many layers. The heritage of the philosophical tradition of this concept in the contemporary business world we will discuss regarding its philosophical heritage and its contemporary state in universities and scholarly culture

    Re-evaluation of Apollo 17 Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment data

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    We re-analyzed Apollo 17 Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE) data to improve our knowledge of the subsurface structure of this landing site. We use new geometrically accurate 3-D positions of the seismic equipment deployed by the astronauts, which were previously derived using high-resolution images by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in combination with Apollo astronaut photography. These include coordinates of six Explosive Packages (EPs) and four geophone stations. Re-identified P-wave arrival times are used to calculate two- and three-layer seismic velocity models. A strong increase of seismic velocity with depth can be confirmed, in particular, we suggest a more drastic increase than previously thought. For the three-layer model the P-wave velocities were calculated to 285, 580, and 1825 m/s for the uppermost, second, and third layer, respectively, with the boundaries between the layers being at 96 and 773 m depth. When compared with results obtained with previously published coordinates, we find (1) a slightly higher velocity (+4%) for the uppermost layer, and (2) lower P-wave velocities for the second and third layers, representing a decrease of 34% and 12% for second and third layer, respectively. Using P-wave arrival time readings of previous studies, we confirm that velocities increase when changing over from old to new coordinates. In the three-layer case, this means using new coordinates alone leads to thinned layers, velocities rise slightly for the uppermost layer and decrease significantly for the layers below


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    Globalization has developed into one of the most interdisciplinary topics in the fields of culture, politics, and economics since the late 20th century. This article is interested in its terminology and reflections in the arts in the case of the lyrics of contemporary U.S. American and British English popular music. Even though the term ‘globalization’ was coined in the late 20th century and is associated with the idea of a universal economic, social, and cultural process in the world, conceptual elements of ‘globalization’ can be found in human history before the term was coined. The arts conceptualized the ‘world’ as an idea long before the emergence of the concept of ‘globalization’. The elements of ‘globalization’ and its history of associated ideas are found ironized and critically revised in the contemporary arts. At this point, social and cultural criticism arises and describes the contrast between ethical values and reality. Even an individualized form of poetry like the lyric poems of 20th and 21st century U.S. American popular music reflects critically as a contribution to contemporary political discourse on the concept of ‘globalization’