741 research outputs found

    Educational Gender Inequality in Sub-Saharan African: A Long-Term Perspective

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    To what extent did sub-Saharan Africa's twentieth century schooling revolution benefit boys and girls equally? Using census data and a cohort approach, we examine gender gaps in years of education over the twentieth century at world region, country and district levels. First, we find that compared to other developing regions, Africa had a small initial educational gender gap but subsequently made the least progress in closing the gap. Second, in most of the 21 African countries studied, gender gaps increased during most of the colonial era (ca. 1880–1960) and declined, albeit at different rates, after independence. At the world region and country level, the expansion of men's education was initially associated with a growing gender gap, and subsequently a decline, a pattern we refer to as “educational gender Kuznets curve.” Third, using data from six decadal cohorts across 1,177 birth districts, we explore subnational correlates of educational gender inequality. This confirms the inverse-U relationship between the gender gap and male education. We also find that districts with railroads, more urbanization and early twentieth century Christian missions witnessed lower attainment gaps. We find no evidence that cash crop cultivation, agricultural division of labor or family systems were linked to gender gaps

    Auchenorrhyncha and Psylloidea collected during the 25th Central European Auchenorrhyncha meeting, Arnhem, The Netherlands (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha and Psylloidea)

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    Die 25. Mitteleuropäische Zikadentagung fand vom 14.-17. September 2018 in Arnheim in den Niederlanden statt. Da es die erste Tagung in den Niederlanden war, wurden Sammelexkursionen in fünf typische niederländische Landschaften unternommen. Drei der Exkursionsziele befanden sich in neu geschaffenen Schutzgebieten, die sich auf ehemals landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen befinden. Die beiden weiteren Exkursionsziele waren alte, geschützte Heideflächen. Insgesamt konnten 117 Zikadenarten und 6 Psylloidea-Arten nachgewiesen werden. Drei Arten waren neu für die Niederlande: Macrosteles spinosus (in dieser Publikation vorgestellt), Kybos abstrusus (monophag an Populus nigra) und Macrosteles sardus (an Epilobium hirsutum). Für einige seltene Arten konnten neue Fundpunkte ermittelt werden: Kelisia monoceros, Aphrophora major, Stroggylocephalus agrestis, Edwardsiana diversa, E. tersa, Fruticidia bisignata, Ophiola russeola und Psammotettix pallidinervis. Durch die drei Neufunde erhöht sich die Anzahl der bislang in den Niederlanden nachgewiesenen Zikadenarten auf 421. Diese Arbeit zeigt zudem, dass selbst in erst seit kurzem bestehenden Schutzgebieten seltene und interessante Arten nachgewiesen werden können. The 25th Central European Auchenorrhyncha meeting took place in Arnhem, The Netherlands on 14-17 September 2018. It was the first time the meeting was held in The Netherlands, and for this reason, excursions were undertaken to five typical Dutch landscapes. Three of the excursions involved newly created nature reserves, located on former agricultural land. The other two were old, protected heathlands. In total, 115 Auchenorrhyncha species, and 6 Psylloidea species were collected. Three species were new for the Netherlands: Macrosteles spinosus (presented in this paper), Kybos abstrusus (monophagous on Populus nigra) and Macrosteles sardus (Epilobium hirsutum). For a number of rare species new occurrences were reported: Kelisia monoceros, Aphrophora major, Stroggylocephalus agrestis, Edwardsiana diversa, E. tersa, Fruticidia bisignata, Ophiola russeola and Psammotettix pallidinervis. Our results show that also in young, newly created nature reserves interesting species can be found.&nbsp

    Технология извлечения структур знаний с использованием аппарата расширенных семантических сетей

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    В статье рассматривается задача извлечения из текстов естественного языка структур знаний: информационных объектов («именованных сущностей»), их свойств, связей и фактов участия в действиях. Для этих целей разработан инструментарий: язык представления знаний (расширенные семантические сети – РСС) и их обработки (язык преобразования структур – ДЕКЛ). На этой основе созданы технологии, которые обладают следующими особенностями. Из текстов извлекаются не отдельные объекты (именованные сущности), а структуры знаний, представляющие связи объектов и их участие в действиях и событиях. Для извлечения структур знаний разработан уникальный семантико-ориентированный лингвистический процессор (ЛП), осуществляющий глубинный анализ текстов ЕЯ и выявляющий десятки типов объектов вместе с их структурами. Процессор ЛП управляется лингвистическими знаниями, представляющими собой декларативные структуры и обеспечивающие быструю настройку ЛП на предметную область и язык. Основой лингвистических знаний являются правила, обладающие высокой степенью избирательности при выявлении объектов («сущностей»), средствами устранения коллизий при их применении. Это позволяет минимизировать шумы и потери.У статті розглядається задача знайдення у текстах природної мови структур знань: інформаційних об’єктів («іменованих сутностей»), їх якостей зв’язків і фактів участі у діях. Для цих цілей розроблений інструментарій: мова представлення знань (розширені семантичні мережі – РСМ) та їх обробки (мова перетворення структур – ДЕКЛ). На цій основі створені технології, що мають наступні особливості. З тестів виділяються не окремі об’єкти (іменовані сутності), а структури знань, що представляють зв’язки об’єктів та їх участь у діях та подіях. З метою виділення структур знань розроблений винятковий семантико-орієнтований лінгвістичний процесор (ЛП), що здійснює глибинний аналіз текстів ЕЯ та виявляє десятки типів об’єктів разом з їх структурами. Процесор ЛП керується лінгвістичними знаннями, які представляють собою декларативні структури та забезпечують швидке настроювання ЛП на предметну сферу та мову. Основою лінгвістичних знань є правила, що мають високий ступінь вибірковості при виявленні об’єктів («сутностей»), засобами усунення колізій при їхньому використанні. Це дозволяє мінімізувати шуми та втрати.The paper is devoted to the extracting of knowledge structures from the natural language texts, i.e. information objects (“Named Entities”), their features, relationships, and participation in the actions and events. For this purpose, the language used for knowledge representation (extended semantic networks/ESN) and tools for processing (language for structure conversion LSC) are considered. On this base, the new technologies are proposed. These technologies have the following features: extraction from the texts of knowledge structures that represent the links of named entities and their participation in actions and events. For the knowledge extraction the unique semantic-oriented language processor (LP) are designed. Processor LP provides the deep analysis of NL-texts and revealing set of objects together with their structures. Processor LP is controlled by the linguistic knowledge, which are declarative structures (on ESN) and which provides the quick tuning of LP on subject area and language, both Russian and English

    Early motor outcomes in infants with critical congenital heart disease are related to neonatal brain development and brain injury

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    Aim To assess the relationship between neonatal brain development and injury with early motor outcomes in infants with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD). Method Neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging was performed after open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Cortical grey matter (CGM), unmyelinated white matter, and cerebellar volumes, as well as white matter motor tract fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity were assessed. White matter injury (WMI) and arterial ischaemic stroke (AIS) with corticospinal tract (CST) involvement were scored. Associations with motor outcomes at 3, 9, and 18 months were corrected for repeated cardiac surgery. Results Fifty-one infants (31 males, 20 females) were included prospectively. Median age at neonatal surgery and postoperative brain magnetic resonance imaging was 7 days (interquartile range [IQR] 5-11d) and 15 days (IQR 12-21d) respectively. Smaller CGM and cerebellar volumes were associated with lower fine motor scores at 9 months (CGM regression coefficient=0.51, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.15-0.86; cerebellum regression coefficient=3.08, 95% CI=1.07-5.09) and 18 months (cerebellum regression coefficient=2.08, 95% CI=0.47-5.12). The fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity of white matter motor tracts were not related with motor scores. WMI was related to lower gross motor scores at 9 months (mean difference -0.8SD, 95% CI=-1.5 to -0.2). AIS with CST involvement increased the risk of gross motor problems and muscle tone abnormalities. Cerebral palsy (n=3) was preceded by severe ischaemic brain injury. Interpretation Neonatal brain development and injury are associated with fewer favourable early motor outcomes in infants with CCHD

    The structure of a prokaryotic viral envelope protein expands the landscape of membrane fusion proteins

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    Lipid membrane fusion is an essential function in many biological processes. Detailed mechanisms of membrane fusion and the protein structures involved have been mainly studied in eukaryotic systems, whereas very little is known about membrane fusion in prokaryotes. Haloarchaeal pleomorphic viruses (HRPVs) have a membrane envelope decorated with spikes that are presumed to be responsible for host attachment and membrane fusion. Here we determine atomic structures of the ectodomains of the 57-kDa spike protein VP5 from two related HRPVs revealing a previously unreported V-shaped fold. By Volta phase plate cryo-electron tomography we show that VP5 is monomeric on the viral surface, and we establish the orientation of the molecules with respect to the viral membrane. We also show that the viral membrane fuses with the host cytoplasmic membrane in a process mediated by VP5. This sheds light on protein structures involved in prokaryotic membrane fusion.Peer reviewe

    Multiple liquid crystalline geometries of highly compacted nucleic acid in a dsRNA virus

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    Characterizing the genome of mature virions is pivotal to understanding the highly dynamic processes of virus assembly and infection. Owing to the different cellular fates of DNA and RNA, the life cycles of double-stranded (ds) DNA and dsRNA viruses are dissimilar. In terms of nucleic acid packing, dsDNA viruses, which lack genome segmentation and intra-capsid transcriptional machinery, predominantly display single-spooled genome organizations(1-8). Because the release of dsRNA into the cytoplasm triggers host defence mechanisms(9), dsRNA viruses retain their genomes within a core particle that contains the enzymes required for RNA replication and transcription(10-12). The genomes of dsRNA viruses vary greatly in the degree of segmentation. In members of the Reoviridae family, genomes consist of 10-12 segments and exhibit a non-spooled arrangement mediated by RNA-dependent RNA polymerases(11-14). However, whether this arrangement is a general feature of dsRNA viruses remains unknown. Here, using cryo-electron microscopy to resolve the dsRNA genome structure of the tri-segmented bacteriophage Phi 6 of the Cystoviridae family, we show that dsRNA viruses can adopt a dsDNA-like single-spooled genome organization. We find that in this group of viruses, RNA-dependent RNA polymerases do not direct genome ordering, and the dsRNA can adopt multiple conformations. We build a model that encompasses 90% of the genome, and use this to quantify variation in the packing density and to characterize the different liquid crystalline geometries that are exhibited by the tightly compacted nucleic acid. Our results demonstrate that the canonical model for the packing of dsDNA can be extended to dsRNA viruses.Peer reviewe

    CeRebrUm and CardIac Protection with ALlopurinol in Neonates with Critical Congenital Heart Disease Requiring Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CRUCIAL):study protocol of a phase III, randomized, quadruple-blinded, placebo-controlled, Dutch multicenter trial

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    BACKGROUND: Neonates with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are at risk of brain injury that may result in adverse neurodevelopment. To date, no therapy is available to improve long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of CCHD neonates. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, prevents the formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, thereby limiting cell damage during reperfusion and reoxygenation to the brain and heart. Animal and neonatal studies suggest that allopurinol reduces hypoxic-ischemic brain injury and is cardioprotective and safe. This trial aims to test the hypothesis that allopurinol administration in CCHD neonates will result in a 20% reduction in moderate to severe ischemic and hemorrhagic brain injury. METHODS: This is a phase III, randomized, quadruple-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. Neonates with a prenatal or postnatal CCHD diagnosis requiring cardiac surgery with CPB in the first 4 weeks after birth are eligible to participate. Allopurinol or mannitol-placebo will be administered intravenously in 2 doses early postnatally in neonates diagnosed antenatally and 3 doses perioperatively of 20 mg/kg each in all neonates. The primary outcome is a composite endpoint of moderate/severe ischemic or hemorrhagic brain injury on early postoperative MRI, being too unstable for postoperative MRI, or mortality within 1 month following CPB. A total of 236 patients (n = 188 with prenatal diagnosis) is required to demonstrate a reduction of the primary outcome incidence by 20% in the prenatal group and by 9% in the postnatal group (power 80%; overall type 1 error controlled at 5%, two-sided), including 1 interim analysis at n = 118 (n = 94 with prenatal diagnosis) with the option to stop early for efficacy. Secondary outcomes include preoperative and postoperative brain injury severity, white matter injury volume (MRI), and cardiac function (echocardiography); postnatal and postoperative seizure activity (aEEG) and regional cerebral oxygen saturation (NIRS); neurodevelopment at 3 months (general movements); motor, cognitive, and language development and quality of life at 24 months; and safety and cost-effectiveness of allopurinol. DISCUSSION: This trial will investigate whether allopurinol administered directly after birth and around cardiac surgery reduces moderate/severe ischemic and hemorrhagic brain injury and improves cardiac function and neurodevelopmental outcome in CCHD neonates. TRIAL REGISTRATION: EudraCT 2017-004596-31. Registered on November 14, 2017. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04217421. Registered on January 3, 2020 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13063-022-06098-y