15,829 research outputs found

    The uniting of Europe and the foundation of EU studies: revisiting the neofunctionalism of Ernst B. Haas

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    This article suggests that the neofunctionalist theoretical legacy left by Ernst B. Haas is somewhat richer and more prescient than many contemporary discussants allow. The article develops an argument for routine and detailed re-reading of the corpus of neofunctionalist work (and that of Haas in particular), not only to disabuse contemporary students and scholars of the normally static and stylized reading that discussion of the theory provokes, but also to suggest that the conceptual repertoire of neofunctionalism is able to speak directly to current EU studies and comparative regionalism. Neofunctionalism is situated in its social scientific context before the theory's supposed erroneous reliance on the concept of 'spillover' is discussed critically. A case is then made for viewing Haas's neofunctionalism as a dynamic theory that not only corresponded to established social scientific norms, but did so in ways that were consistent with disciplinary openness and pluralism

    Chord Label Personalization through Deep Learning of Integrated Harmonic Interval-based Representations

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    The increasing accuracy of automatic chord estimation systems, the availability of vast amounts of heterogeneous reference annotations, and insights from annotator subjectivity research make chord label personalization increasingly important. Nevertheless, automatic chord estimation systems are historically exclusively trained and evaluated on a single reference annotation. We introduce a first approach to automatic chord label personalization by modeling subjectivity through deep learning of a harmonic interval-based chord label representation. After integrating these representations from multiple annotators, we can accurately personalize chord labels for individual annotators from a single model and the annotators' chord label vocabulary. Furthermore, we show that chord personalization using multiple reference annotations outperforms using a single reference annotation.Comment: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Deep Learning and Music, Anchorage, US, May, 2017 (arXiv:1706.08675v1 [cs.NE]

    Relativistic Klein-Gordon-Maxwell multistream model for quantum plasmas

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    A multistream model for spinless electrons in a relativistic quantum plasma is introduced by means of a suitable fluid-like version of the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell system. The one and two-stream cases are treated in detail. A new linear instability condition for two-stream quantum plasmas is obtained, generalizing the previously known non-relativistic results. In both the one and two-stream cases, steady-state solutions reduce the model to a set of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which can be numerically solved, yielding a manifold of nonlinear periodic and soliton structures. The validity conditions for the applicability of the model are addressed

    Mode-sum regularization of the scalar self-force: Formulation in terms of a tetrad decomposition of the singular field

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    We examine the motion in Schwarzschild spacetime of a point particle endowed with a scalar charge. The particle produces a retarded scalar field which interacts with the particle and influences its motion via the action of a self-force. We exploit the spherical symmetry of the Schwarzschild spacetime and decompose the scalar field in spherical-harmonic modes. Although each mode is bounded at the position of the particle, a mode-sum evaluation of the self-force requires regularization because the sum does not converge: the retarded field is infinite at the position of the particle. The regularization procedure involves the computation of regularization parameters, which are obtained from a mode decomposition of the Detweiler-Whiting singular field; these are subtracted from the modes of the retarded field, and the result is a mode-sum that converges to the actual self-force. We present such a computation in this paper. There are two main aspects of our work that are new. First, we define the regularization parameters as scalar quantities by referring them to a tetrad decomposition of the singular field. Second, we calculate four sets of regularization parameters (denoted schematically by A, B, C, and D) instead of the usual three (A, B, and C). As proof of principle that our methods are reliable, we calculate the self-force acting on a scalar charge in circular motion around a Schwarzschild black hole, and compare our answers with those recorded in the literature.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    Interplay of size and Landau quantizations in the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of metallic nanowires

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    We examine the interplay between size quantization and Landau quantization in the De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations of clean, metallic nanowires in a longitudinal magnetic field for `hard' boundary conditions, i.e. those of an infinite round well, as opposed to the `soft' parabolically confined boundary conditions previously treated in Alexandrov and Kabanov (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 076601 (2005) (AK)). We find that there exist {\em two} fundamental frequencies as opposed to the one found in bulk systems and the three frequencies found by AK with soft boundary counditions. In addition, we find that the additional `magic resonances' of AK may be also observed in the infinite well case, though they are now damped. We also compare the numerically generated energy spectrum of the infinite well potential with that of our analytic approximation, and compare calculations of the oscillatory portions of the thermodynamic quantities for both models.Comment: Title changed, paper streamlined on suggestion of referrees, typos corrected, numerical error in figs 2 and 3 corrected and final result simplified -- two not three frequencies (as in the previous version) are observed. Abstract altered accordingly. Submitted to Physical Review

    Density of bulk trap states in organic semiconductor crystals: discrete levels induced by oxygen in rubrene

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    The density of trap states in the bandgap of semiconducting organic single crystals has been measured quantitatively and with high energy resolution by means of the experimental method of temperature-dependent space-charge-limited-current spectroscopy (TD-SCLC). This spectroscopy has been applied to study bulk rubrene single crystals, which are shown by this technique to be of high chemical and structural quality. A density of deep trap states as low as ~ 10^{15} cm^{-3} is measured in the purest crystals, and the exponentially varying shallow trap density near the band edge could be identified (1 decade in the density of states per ~25 meV). Furthermore, we have induced and spectroscopically identified an oxygen related sharp hole bulk trap state at 0.27 eV above the valence band.Comment: published in Phys. Rev. B, high quality figures: http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/~krellner

    Magnon Mediated Electric Current Drag Across a Ferromagnetic Insulator Layer

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    In a semiconductor hererostructure, the Coulomb interaction is responsible for the electric current drag between two 2D electron gases across an electron impenetrable insulator. For two metallic layers separated by a ferromagnetic insulator (FI) layer, the electric current drag can be mediated by a nonequilibrium magnon current of the FI. We determine the drag current by using the semiclassical Boltzmann approach with proper boundary conditions of electrons and magnons at the metal-FI interface.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures: to appear in PR

    Phase diagram of hot magnetized two-flavor color superconducting quark matter

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    A two-flavor color superconducting (2SC) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is introduced at finite temperature T, chemical potential mu and in the presence of a constant magnetic field eB. The effect of (T,mu,eB) on the formation of chiral and color symmetry breaking condensates is studied. The complete phase portrait of the model in T-mu, mu-eB, and T-eB phase spaces for various fixed eB, T, and mu is explored. A threshold magnetic field eB_t~ 0.5 GeV^2 is found above which the dynamics of the system is solely dominated by the lowest Landau level (LLL) and the effects of T and mu are partly compensated by eB.Comment: V1: 29 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. V2: Discussions improved. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Lie symmetries for two-dimensional charged particle motion

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    We find the Lie point symmetries for non-relativistic two-dimensional charged particle motion. These symmetries comprise a quasi-invariance transformation, a time-dependent rotation, a time-dependent spatial translation and a dilation. The associated electromagnetic fields satisfy a system of first-order linear partial differential equations. This system is solved exactly, yielding four classes of electromagnetic fields compatible with Lie point symmetries
