14 research outputs found

    Todellinen kriisiviestinnän harjoitus – suunnitelmat uusiksi?

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    Kriisiviestintä. Jo pelkkä sana tuntuu kuormittavalta, raskaalta. Vastuu painaa, pitäisi osata viestiä nopeasti, selkeästi, oikein, oikeissa kanavissa, useammalla kielellä, tavoittaa kaikki, löytää vastaukset kysymyksiin, jopa ennakoida tulevia kysymyksiä

    The Road to Success or Failure: Attributions among Finnish 8th Graders and Upper Secondary School Students Learning English as a Foreign Language

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    Attribution is originally a concept from psychology, but the interest in it has expanded the research field. Attributions in SLA context have been studied since 1990s, but the research has mainly focused on gender differences and differences in proficiency level. Foreign language attributions for success and failure have not been studied as extensively from the perspective of learners’ age. Therefore, more research is needed. This thesis examines the attributions of the Finnish learners of English. The aim is to find out which attributions explain success and failure among the Finnish learners. In addition, the study aims to discover differences among two age groups by comparing the attributions of 8th grade students and 2nd year upper secondary school students. The study examined ninety-seven participants, fifty-six 8th graders and forty-one 2nd year upper secondary school students. The data was gathered via online questionnaire which was designed for the purpose of this study based on previous studies and theoretical knowledge (Weiner 1972; Wu 2011; Curtis and Trice 2013; Lei and Qin 2009). The data was analyzed quantitatively using several statistical methods. The quantitative analysis was also supported by qualitative content analysis. The results of the present study showed that the participants made internal and external attributions for success and external attributions for failure. More specifically the internal attributions for success were ability and effort, and the external attribution was task difficulty. The external attribution explaining failure was luck. Moreover, both groups attributed success to ability, and the 2nd year upper secondary school students attributed success also to effort and task difficulty. Failure, on the other hand, was attributed to luck by the 2nd year upper secondary school students, but the data does not give any explanations for the 8th graders’ failure. Based on the results, it can be stated that the older students attributed their success more widely than the younger students. These differences can be the result of more advanced cognitive development. However, several other reasons might explain these results and therefore further studies are needed. The results of the present study can be useful for everyone involved in the educational system. They can provide important information that will help both students and teachers in the foreign language learning context

    Kuusi työkalua ajankäytön kehittämiseen

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    Miten käytämme työaikaamme, ja miten se meihin vaikuttaa? Mihin olisi syytä käyttää aikaa enemmän, mihin vähemmän? Kaikkien yritysten saataville on yhteistyöhankkeena luotu kuusi työkalua, joilla työajan käyttöä voi tutkailla ja tehostaa

    ”Mä olisin ihan nääntynyt, jos ei niitä olisi ollut": Asiakkaiden saama tuki naisille suunnatusta etsivästä ja ennaltaehkäisevästä työstä Tampereella

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia asiakkaiden saamaa tukea naisille suunnatusta etsivästä ja ennaltaehkäisevästä työstä eli Etna-työstä asiakkaiden ja yhteistyökumppaneiden kokemuksiin perustuen. Etna-työ on etsivää ja ennalta-ehkäisevää tamperelaisille naisille kohdennettua työtä. Etna-työ alkoi projektis-ta, joka toimi vuosina 2003–2005. Nykyään Etna-työ on Tampereen Naisten Suojakodin avotyöpalvelua. Etna-työn tavoitteena on tarjota apua syrjäytyneille ja syrjäytymisvaarassa oleville naisille. Etna-työ on matalan kynnyksen palvelu, asiakkaan ei tarvitse täyttää hakemuksia saadakseen apua ja työ on maksutonta asiakkaalle. Opinnäytetyö on laadullinen. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla teemahaastattelun avulla neljää Etna-työn asiakasta ja lähettämällä kyselylomake kahdelletoista Etna-työn yhteistyökumppanille jotka työskentelevät Tampereen kaupungin sosiaalitoimessa, seurakunnissa tai päihdepalveluissa. Kahdestatoista kyselylomakkeesta saimme takaisin kymmenen kappaletta. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysilla. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä opinnäytetyössä ovat sosiaalinen tuki ja Etna-työn tavoitteet. Tulokset osoittavat, että sekä asiakkaiden että yhteistyökumppaneiden kokemukset Etna-työstä olivat positiivisia. Etna-työtä pidettiin tarpeellisena ja hyödyl-lisenä palveluna. Etna-työn vahvuuksia ovat sen epäbyrokraattisuus, mahdolli-suus nopeaan reagointiin asiakkaan tarpeista lähtien ja työntekijät. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että Etna-työ auttaa asiakkaitaan sosiaalisen tuen ja sen kol-men eri muodon; emotionaalisen, tiedollisen ja toiminnallisen tuen avulla. Etna-työn kehittämisideoiksi yhteistyökumppanit mainitsivat naisille tarkoitetun kriisi-pisteen perustamisen ja Etna-työstä tiedottamisen lisäämisen ja sitä kautta mahdollisten uusien asiakkaiden tavoittamisen. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusaineisto oli melko pieni, joten tutkimustuloksia ei voi yleistää koskemaan kaikkia Etna-työn asiakkaita ja yhteistyökumppaneita. Kuitenkin tuloksia voidaan pitää luotettavina, koska aineisto koostui asiakkaiden ja yhteistyökumppaneiden henkilökohtaisista kokemuksista. Kyseisten kokemus-ten kyseenalaistaminen olisi eettisesti väärin.The objective of this study was to find out experiences of the clients and partners in outreach and preventative work with women in Tampere. This socalled Etna-work started out as a project during 2003-2005. At present Etna-work is one of the services that the shelter for women in Tampere provides. The aim of Etna-work is to prevent women getting more marginalized. The idea of Etna-work is that it is easily accessible, one does not have to fill out applications in order to get the service of Etna-work, and it is free of charge for clients. The study was qualitative. The data was gathered by interviewing four clients in theme interviews and sending out questionnaires to twelve partners who work in the city of Tampere at social services, congregations or welfares for intoxicant abusers. Of the twelve questionnaires ten were completed. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. The theory basis consists of theories on social support. Also, the objective of Etna-work is discussed. The results show that both clients’ and partners’ experiences of Etna-work were positive. Etna-work was considered a necessary and useful service. The strengths of Etna-work are that it is not bureaucratic, it has the possibility to react quickly to clients’ and employees’ needs. The results also show that Etna-work helps its clients with social support and its three forms: emotional, informa-tional and functional support. On how to develop Etna-work partners in coopera-tion suggested a crisis point for women to be founded, and to increase the pub-licity of Etna-work and thus reach more potential clients. The data in this thesis was quite small, so the results cannot be generalized to the whole group of clients and partners in cooperation of Etna-work. However, the results can be considered trustworthy because the data consisted of personal experiences of the interviewed clients and partners in cooperation. It would be ethically wrong to question the reliability of those experiences

    Meillä on koronatartunta – viisi vinkkiä viestintään

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    Koronatartunta voi aiheuttaa yritykselle tilanteen, jossa vaaditaan kriisiviestintää. Viestintä on olennainen osa kriisin hoitoa ja ratkaisemista

    Intelligent methods for root cause analysis behind the center line deviation of the steel strip

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    This article presents a statistical prediction model-based intelligent decision support tool for center line deviation monitoring. Data mining methods enable the data driven manufacturing. They also help to understand the manufacturing process and to test different hypotheses. In this study, the original assumption was that the shape of the strip during the hot rolling has a strong effect on the behaviour of the steel strip in Rolling, Annealing and Pickling line (RAP). Our goal is to provide information that enables to react well in advance to strips with challenging shape. In this article, we show that the most critical shape errors arising in hot rolling process will be transferred to critical errors in RAP-line process as well. In addition, our results reveal that the most critical feature characterizes the deviation better than the currently used criterion for rework. The developed model enables the user to understand better the quality of the products, how the process works, and how the quality model predicts and performs

    Säteilevä Kampus

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    Säteilevä Kampus -julkaisu on tarkoitettu niille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet luovuudesta työssä, taiteilijan työskentelystä osana työyhteisöä sekä taiteilijan työnkuvan laajentumisesta ja kosketuspintojen löytymisestä eri alojen kanssa. Julkaisu vastaa kysymykseen, miksi luovuuden pohtiminen työssä on tärkeää. Luovuus edellyttää tilaa ja vapautta ympärilleen toteutuakseen, ja se on olemassa niin yksilöissä kuin yhteisössä. Luovuus auttaa ihmistä näkemään vaihtoehtojen horisontin, mahdollistaa valinnat ja oman toimijuuden vahvistumisen. Ihminen näkee itsensä sekä tulee näkyväksi ja nähdyksi myös muille. Julkaisussa kuvataan työyhteisötaiteilijan ja työyhteisön käymää vuoropuhelua. Se sisältää muun muassa työyhteisötaiteilijan muistiinpanoja luovuuslaboratoriosta sekä loppupäätelmiä työntekijöiden esittämistä ajatuksista luovuudesta

    Intelligent methods for root cause analysis behind the center line deviation of the steel strip

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    Abstract This article presents a statistical prediction model-based intelligent decision support tool for center line deviation monitoring. Data mining methods enable the data driven manufacturing. They also help to understand the manufacturing process and to test different hypotheses. In this study, the original assumption was that the shape of the strip during the hot rolling has a strong effect on the behaviour of the steel strip in Rolling, Annealing and Pickling line (RAP). Our goal is to provide information that enables to react well in advance to strips with challenging shape. In this article, we show that the most critical shape errors arising in hot rolling process will be transferred to critical errors in RAP-line process as well. In addition, our results reveal that the most critical feature characterizes the deviation better than the currently used criterion for rework. The developed model enables the user to understand better the quality of the products, how the process works, and how the quality model predicts and performs

    Associations of Sex Hormones and Hormonal Status With Arterial Stiffness in a Female Sample From Reproductive Years to Menopause

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    Objective: Loss of sex hormones has been suggested to underlie menopause-associated increment in cardiovascular risk. We investigated associations of sex hormones with arterial stiffness in 19–58-years-old women. We also studied associations of specific hormonal stages, including natural menstrual cycle, cycle with combined oral contraceptives (COC) and menopausal status with or without hormone therapy (HT), with arterial stiffness. Methods: This study includes repeated measurements of 65 healthy women representing reproductive (n=16 natural, n=10 COC-users) and menopause (n=5 perimenopausal, n=26 postmenopausal, n=8 HT-users) stages. Arterial stiffness outcomes were aortic pulse wave velocity (PWVao) and augmentation index (AIx%) assessed using Arteriograph-device. Generalized estimating equation models were constructed to investigate associations of each hormone (wide age-range models) or hormonal stage (age-group focused models) with arterial stiffness. PWVao models with cross-sectional approach, were adjusted for age, relative fitness, fat mass and mean arterial pressure, while models with longitudinal approach were adjusted for mean arterial pressure. AIx% models used the same approach for adjustments and were also adjusted for heart rate. Results: Negative and positive associations with arterial stiffness variables were observed for estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone, respectively, until adjustment for confounding effect of age. In naturally menstruating women, AIx% was higher at ovulation (B=3.63, p<0.001) compared to the early follicular phase. In COC-users, PWVao was lower during active (B=-0.33 - -0.57, p<0.05) than inactive pills. In menopausal women, HT-users had higher PWVao (B=1.43, p=0.03) than postmenopausal non-HT-users. Conclusions: When using wide age-range assessments covering reproductive to menopausal lifespan it is difficult to differentiate age- and hormone-mediated associations, because age-mediated influence on arterial stiffness seemed to overrule potential hormone-mediated influences. However, hormonal status associated differentially with arterial stiffness in age-group focused analyses. Thus, the role of sex hormones cannot be excluded. Further research is warranted to resolve potential hormone-mediated mechanisms affecting arterial elasticity.peerReviewe