41 research outputs found

    Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans ja Porphyromonas gingivalis raskautta suunnittelevilla naisilla

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    Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko parodontiitin tunnettujen patogeenien Porphyromonas gingivaliksen ja Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitansin tai niiden immunoglobuliini A (IgA)- ja immunoglobuliini G (IgG)- luokan vasta-aineiden esiintymisellä raskautta suunnittelevien naisten syljessä ja seerumissa yhteyttä raskauden alkamiseen, keskenmenoihin tai ennenaikaisiin synnytyksiin. Tutkimusjoukko koostui 256 terveestä suomalaisnaisesta, joiden kuukautiset olivat säännölliset ja jotka eivät olleet raskaana mutta olivat lopettaneet ehkäisyn käytön ja halusivat tulla raskaaksi. Tutkimuksen alussa tutkittavien sairaushistoria selvitettiin, heille suoritettiin perusteellinen suututkimus ja heiltä kerättiin sylki- ja seeruminäytteet. Sylkinäytteistä eristettiin bakteriaalinen DNA, jonka jälkeen A. actinomycetemcomitans ja P. gingivalis detektoitiin näytteestä PCR-menetelmällä. Seerumin IgA- ja IgG-luokan vasta-aineet A. actinomycetemcomitansille ja P. gingivalikselle määritettiin seerumeista entsyymivälitteisellä immunosorbenttimäärityksellä (ELISA). Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että P. gingivalis ja sen IgA- ja IgG-luokan vasta-aineiden korkea taso raskautta suunnittelevien naisten syljessä on yhteydessä raskaaksi tulemisen epäonnistumiseen. Tutkimuksemme on näin ollen ensimmäinen, joka osoittaa sekä mikrobiologisin että serologisin menetelmin parodontiitin pääpatogeenin Porphyromas gingivaliksen estävän nuoria naisia tulemasta raskaaksi

    Tieteelliset perusteet varhaisvuosien fyysisen aktiivisuuden suosituksille

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    AbstractThe proposal to update the Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood education (Guides of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2005:17) was made in the context of the national Joy in Motion programme, where the focus is on early childhood education. The update was started by compiling the most recent scientific knowledge to be used as the basis for preparing the recommendations for physical activity in early childhood. The aim was to set out recommendations that could be applied as broadly as possible. The update and drafting of the recommendations was done as part of the work of the Physical exercise to promote health and wellbeing steering group (TEHYLI), appointed and coordinated jointly by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The steering group commented on and approved the multidisciplinary international group of experts specifically invited to carry out the task. The experts represented different fields of science and some of them were carrying out nationally funded research projects on physical activity and wellbeing among children under eight years of age. The group of experts started its work in January 2016 by compiling the most recent international and national research information on various themes relating to physical activity and exercise and comprehensive development and wellbeing in early childhood. This work produced two publications: Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood 2016 - Joy, play and doing together (Ministry of Education and Culture 2016:21) and Scientific justification for the recommendations for physical activity in early childhood. The recommendations for physical activity in early childhood inform about the amount and type of physical activity for the under eight-year-olds, roles of the physical, psychological and social environments, and planning and implementation of guided physical exercise and education on exercise as part of early childhood education. The scientific justification is intended for early childhood education, physical exercise and healthcare professionals, including teachers and researchers.TiivistelmäVarhaiskasvatukseen keskittyvän valtakunnallisen Ilo kasvaa liikkuen -ohjelman kehittelytyössätehtiin aloite Varhaiskasvatuksen liikunnan suositusten (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön oppaita2005:17) päivittämisestä. Päivittämisen lähtökohtana oli erityisesti uusimman tutkimusperustaisentieteellisen tiedon kokoaminen ja niiden pohjalta varhaisvuosien fyysisen aktiivisuudensuositusten laatiminen. Tavoitteena oli kirjata sellaiset suositukset, joita voitaisiin soveltaamahdollisimman laajalle kohdejoukolle. Suositusten päivittäminen ja valmistelu tapahtuivatosana opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön sekä sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön yhdessä asettamanja koordinoiman Terveyttä ja hyvinvointia edistävän liikunnan (TEHYLI) -ohjausryhmäntyötä. TEHYLI-ohjausryhmä kommentoi ja hyväksyi tehtävään erikseen kutsutun monitieteisenkansallisen asiantuntijaryhmän. Asiantuntijat edustivat eri tieteenaloja ja osalla heistä olikansallista tutkimusrahoitusta saaneita tutkimusprojekteja alle kahdeksan vuotiaiden lastenliikunnasta ja hyvinvoinnista. Asiantuntijaryhmä aloitti työnsä tammikuussa 2016 kokoamallaeri teema-alueilta uusinta kansainvälistä ja kansallista tutkimustietoa varhaiskasvatusikäistenlasten fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja liikuntaa sekä kokonaisvaltaista kehitystä ja hyvinvointia selvittäneistätutkimuksista. Työskentely johti kahteen julkaisuun, joissa toisessa annetaan fyysisenaktiivisuuden suosituksia varhaisvuosille (Varhaisvuosien fyysisen aktiivisuuden suositukset2016. Iloa, leikkiä ja yhdessä tekemistä. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö 2016:21) sekä tähänsuositusten tieteelliset perusteet sisältävään julkaisuun. Varhaisvuosien fyysisen aktiivisuudensuositukset antavat ohjeita alle kahdeksanvuotiaiden lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrästäja laadusta, fyysisen, psyykkisen ja sosiaalisen ympäristön rooleista sekä ohjatun liikunnanja liikuntakasvatuksen suunnittelusta ja toteuttamisesta osana varhaiskasvatusta. Suositustentieteelliset perusteet on tarkoitettu erityisesti varhaiskasvatus-, liikunta- ja terveydenhuollonammattilaisten, kuten opettajien ja tutkijoiden käyttöön.</p

    Porphyromonas gingivalis may interfere with conception in women

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    In this observational and prospective study, we investigated if microbiological and serological markers of periodontitis associated with conception in 256 non-pregnant women (Mage = 29.2 years; range 19-42 years). Clinical oral and gynecological examinations were performed, major periodontal pathogens in the saliva were detected, and serum and saliva antibodies against major periodontal pathogens were analyzed. The follow-up period for becoming pregnant was 12 months. Porphyromonas gingivalis was significantly (p = 0.032) more frequently detected in the saliva among those who did not become pregnant (8.3%) than among those who became pregnant (2.1%). The median levels of salivary P. gingivalis immunoglobulin A (IgA; p = 0.006) and IgG (p = 0.007) antibodies were higher among those who did not become pregnant compared to those who became pregnant. Hazard ratios (HR) for not becoming pregnant were HR = 3.75 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-13.9; p = 0.048) if the subject was polymerase chain reaction-positive for P. gingivalis with high salivary antibodies against it, and HR = 1.62 (95% CI 1.03-2.54; p = 0.035) if she had high levels of serum P. gingivalis IgA and signs of periodontal infection. P. gingivalis associated with no success in getting pregnant.Peer reviewe

    Recess physical activity and school-related social factors in Finnish primary and lower secondary schools : cross-sectional associations

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    Abstract Background Participation in physical activities provides students with opportunities for social interaction and social skills development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of students&#8217; recess physical activity with school-related social factors. Methods Data were collected in 19 schools countrywide in autumn 2010, and 1463 students from grades 4 and 5 (primary school) and from grades 7 and 8 (lower secondary school) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether self-reported physical activity at recess was associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school and school climate. Analyses were adjusted for self-reported overall physical activity and conducted for primary and lower secondary schools. Multi-group analysis was used to test sex differences among the associations. Results In primary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.17, p = 0.007 and girls: b = 0.21, p &lt;0.001), relatedness to school (boys: b = 0.18, p = 0.002 and girls: b = 0.24, p &lt;0.001) and school climate (girls: b = 0.17, p = 0.001), after adjusting for overall physical activity. In lower secondary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.09, p = 0.006 and girls: b = 0.12, p = 0.010) but not with other school-related social factors. No sex differences were observed in these associations. Conclusions Our results suggest that students&#8217; participation in physical activities during school recess is positively associated with students&#8217; school-related social factors. In the future, it would be worthwhile to study how physical activity at recess should be organised in order to support the development of school-related social factors.Background: Participation in physical activities provides students with opportunities for social interaction and social skills development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of students’ recess physical activity with school-related social factors. Methods: Data were collected in 19 schools countrywide in autumn 2010, and 1463 students from grades 4 and 5 (primary school) and from grades 7 and 8 (lower secondary school) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether self-reported physical activity at recess was associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school and school climate. Analyses were adjusted for self-reported overall physical activity and conducted for primary and lower secondary schools. Multi-group analysis was used to test sex differences among the associations. Results: In primary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.17, p = 0.007 and girls: b = 0.21, p <0.001), relatedness to school (boys: b = 0.18, p = 0.002 and girls: b = 0.24, p <0.001) and school climate (girls: b = 0.17, p = 0.001), after adjusting for overall physical activity. In lower secondary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.09, p = 0.006 and girls: b = 0.12, p = 0.010) but not with other school-related social factors. No sex differences were observed in these associations. Conclusions: Our results suggest that students’ participation in physical activities during school recess is positively associated with students’ school-related social factors. In the future, it would be worthwhile to study how physical activity at recess should be organised in order to support the development of school-related social factors.peerReviewe

    The effects of a 2-year physical activity and dietary intervention on plasma lipid concentrations in children: the PANIC Study

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    Funder: Opetus- ja Kulttuuriministeriö; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003126Funder: Sosiaali- ja Terveysministeriö; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100008487Abstract: Purpose: We studied the effects of a physical activity and dietary intervention on plasma lipids in a general population of children. We also investigated how lifestyle changes contributed to the intervention effects. Methods: We carried out a 2-year controlled, non-randomized lifestyle intervention study among 504 mainly prepubertal children aged 6–9 years at baseline. We assigned 306 children to the intervention group and 198 children to the control group. We assessed plasma concentrations of total, LDL, HDL, and VLDL cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL triglycerides, and VLDL triglycerides. We evaluated the consumption of foods using 4-day food records and physical activity using a movement and heart rate sensor. We analyzed data using linear mixed-effect models adjusted for age at baseline, sex, and pubertal stage at both time points. Furthermore, specific lifestyle variables were entered in these models. Results: Plasma LDL cholesterol decreased in the intervention group but did not change in the control group ( − 0.05 vs. 0.00 mmol/L, regression coefficient (β) = − 0.0385, p = 0.040 for group*time interaction). This effect was mainly explained by the changes in the consumption of high-fat vegetable oil-based spreads (β = − 0.0203, + 47% change in β) and butter-based spreads (β = − 0.0294, + 30% change in β), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (β = − 0.0268, + 30% change in β), light physical activity (β = − 0.0274, + 29% change in β) and sedentary time (β = − 0.0270, + 30% change in β). The intervention had no effect on other plasma lipids. Conclusion: Lifestyle intervention resulted a small decrease in plasma LDL cholesterol concentration in children. The effect was explained by changes in quality and quantity of dietary fat and physical activity. Clinical Trial Registry Number: NCT01803776, ClinicalTrials.go

    Russia of Challenges

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    In 2007 the Ministry of Defence conducted the research project Stable Russia – an evaluation of the security situation in Finland’s neighbourhood. The goal of the project was to paint an all-round picture of the factors affecting stability in Russia as well as possible destabilizing developments which could alter the security situation close to the Finnish borders. The project comprehensively tapped into Finnish Russia-expertise. This publication is based on the reports written for that project

    Students' physical activity and school-related social factors

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    The school-based promotion of physical activity (PA) is a great opportunity to reach the majority of school-aged children. Aside from many physical health benefits, participation in physical activities can foster social well-being and interaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in PA and school-related social factors, as well as their associations in school-aged children in schools which participated in the Finnish Schools on the Move programme and its pilot phase in 2010–2012. Furthermore, school-based actions for PA promotion and staff experiences in the pilot schools were investigated. The data were collected as part of the follow-up of the national Finnish Schools on the Move programme, which aims to create more physically active and pleasant school days through PA. Survey data were collected in 2010–2012 at four measurement points over two academic years from a total of 1463 students in grades 4–9. In addition, a fifth follow-up measurement was conducted with 385 eighth-graders in 2013. Questionnaires included measures of habitual PA, recess PA and school-related social factors. Furthermore, PA was measured objectively with ActiGraph accelerometers in a subsample of 319 students in grades 1–9. PA promotion processes at schools were investigated by means of diaries, interviews and online surveys with the local contact persons, principals and school staff. Objectively measured school day moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA increased and sedentary time decreased more in the programme primary schools compared to the reference school, although changes in total PA did not occur. In lower secondary schools, student participation in self-reported physical activities during recess increased in physically active play and ball games, mostly among male students. Self-reported PA during recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school in primary school and school climate in primary-school females. However, school-related social factors in eighth-graders did not differ between the years 2011 and 2013. Organised recess activities, gender-specific physical activities and facilities, student recess activators, and equipment provision and sports facilities development were considered to have affected students’ PA positively in lower secondary schools. The project was highly visible in schools, but there was great variation in school staff participation in its promotion. The results of this study showed positive changes in school day PA and participation in physical activities during recess. The promotion of PA and social well-being perspectives at school require further attention to the effective implementation of promotion actions, school staff involvement as well as female and lower secondary school students