7,516 research outputs found

    Weighted Approximations of Tail Copula Processes with Application to Testing the Multivariate Extreme Value Condition

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    Consider n i.i.d. random vectors on R2, with unknown, common distribution function F.Under a sharpening of the extreme value condition on F, we derive a weighted approximation of the corresponding tail copula process.Then we construct a test to check whether the extreme value condition holds by comparing two estimators of the limiting extreme value distribution, one obtained from the tail copula process and the other obtained by first estimating the spectral measure which is then used as a building block for the limiting extreme value distribution.We derive the limiting distribution of the test statistic from the aforementioned weighted approximation.This limiting distribution contains unknown functional parameters.Therefore we show that a version with estimated parameters converges weakly to the true limiting distribution.Based on this result, the finite sample properties of our testing procedure are investigated through a simulation study.A real data application is also presented.approximations;multivariate analysis

    Symbiotic approaches to work and technology

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    Production Planning;production

    The effect of electric pulse stimulation to juvenile cod and cod of commercial landing size

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    The first pilot study on the effects of electric pulse stimulation on larger cod carried out in 2008 was based on a single nominal setting of the Verburg-Holland UK153 pulse system with the intention to determine the range of pulse characteristics with which injuries to the fish occurred. This study was designed to obtain a more detailed view on the effects of the pulse characteristics and to investigate if a specific pulse parameter has a key role in the effects. Lower pulse amplitudes with longer pulse width and higher frequency could induce different effects than pulses with higher amplitudes, shorter pulse width and lower frequency. In this way the effects can be related to a specific pulse parameter and its threshold value. Another aim of major importance is that this research also carried out on the electrically exposed fish that would normally escape through the cod-end meshes with unknown longer term effects. This was already recommended after the first experiment in 2008

    The effect of pulse stimulation on marine biota - Research in relation to ICES advice - Progress report on the effects on benthic invertebrates

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    In response to ecosystem related concerns about bottom trawling and particularly beam trawling that were raised by various scientists in the last decades of the previous century. Many studies were done in the 1970s and 1980s, but in spite of promising results commercial uptake was lacking. The development of pulse trawling was again taken up in the 1990s by a private company (Verburg:Holland Ltd.) in The Netherlands. Meanwhile questions about ecosystem effects of introducing pulse beam trawling in the Dutch flatfish fishery were raised by the European Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) and the Inter: national Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and discussed at the meeting of the ICES Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) in 2006. These questions led to field strength measurements in situ onboard the commercial beam trawler, and research on the effects of pulse stimulation on cod (Gadus morhua L.), and elasmobranch fish

    Freeing the Will from Neurophilosophy: Voluntary Action in Thomas Aquinas and Libet-Style Experiments

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    This essay presents a substantive Thomist response to neurophilosophy’s main experimental challenge to free will: the Libet-style experiments on the neural antecedents of conscious voluntary actions. My response to this challenge will disclose that Thomists are rationally justified in rejecting both the conclusions of neurophilosophy skeptics of free will, and more fundamentally, the rival philosophical conceptions of voluntary action and free will that were chosen to be operationalized in these neuroscientific experiments. I show how the Thomists’ alternative conception of human action justifies a significantly different interpretation of Libet-style experiments, one which reveals the psychological phenomenon targeted by these experiments is miscategorized as a voluntary action

    The effects of pulse stimulation on biota - Research in relation to ICES advice - Effects on dogfish

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    Onderzoek naar het welzijn van hondshaaien bij de vangst. Er is onderzocht of de methode van het gebruik van stroom wel diervriendelijk is. De conclusie is dat dit geen beletsel voor de diervriendelijkheid oplever

    Optimal Systems of Storm Water Detention Basins in Urban Areas

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    Flood retention basins are commonly used in urban areas to reduce the impact of urbanization on downstream flooding. When more than a few acres are developed, systems of retention basins are often required. A procedure has been developed whereby the optimum (least cost) system of basins can be determined to meet a given downstream flow requirement. The method considers several design options including basins on all subwatersheds, basins on only some of the subwatersheds, basins of various sizes and basins with various stage-discharge characteristics. The procedure has been developed in the form of a computer program to aid the designer in selecting the optimum system of stormwater retention basins. This report develops the methodology, presents the computer program and illustrates the use of the program