486 research outputs found

    In between : from transdisciplinary, transformative science to evidence-based policy making

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    When dealing with the Great Transformation towards a sustainable world (WBGU 2011), one defining factor is the stark contradiction in the availability of knowledge: While there is almost unlimited knowledge on many technical and economic aspects of the sustainability transformation, while in some way all the tools are available and we, in theory, know exactly how to use them, there is a lack of action at all levels. If we assume that in principle a majority of decision-makers has understood the necessity to act, this ultimately points to a lack of knowledge on how major transformations can be triggered. To use a common distinction, we have solid knowledge of the systems at play, we know the targets society should be heading for, and these targets have been globally and politically agreed to, but our knowledge on transformations, while growing, is obviously lacking. While this is true for all forms of knowledge to some extent, especially transformation knowledge requires more than just disciplinary or interdisciplinary research because it depends on transdisciplinary approaches that integrate the knowledge of practitioners from politics, administration, civil society and business

    Fluctuations and Ergodicity of the Form Factor of Quantum Propagators and Random Unitary Matrices

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    We consider the spectral form factor of random unitary matrices as well as of Floquet matrices of kicked tops. For a typical matrix the time dependence of the form factor looks erratic; only after a local time average over a suitably large time window does a systematic time dependence become manifest. For matrices drawn from the circular unitary ensemble we prove ergodicity: In the limits of large matrix dimension and large time window the local time average has vanishingly small ensemble fluctuations and may be identified with the ensemble average. By numerically diagonalizing Floquet matrices of kicked tops with a globally chaotic classical limit we find the same ergodicity. As a byproduct we find that the traces of random matrices from the circular ensembles behave very much like independent Gaussian random numbers. Again, Floquet matrices of chaotic tops share that universal behavior. It becomes clear that the form factor of chaotic dynamical systems can be fully faithful to random-matrix theory, not only in its locally time-averaged systematic time dependence but also in its fluctuations.Comment: 12 pages, RevTEX, 4 figures in eps forma

    Smart sustainable cities : case study Südwestfalen Germany

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    The transformation of society into sustainable structures is one of the most important tasks for the future. That cities have a decisive role to play in this transformation process has been known at least since Rio 1992. They have enormous pressure to act for change: They are at the same time problem and solution for sustainable development. Currently there is another significant development for cities - the need and external pressure to be "smart", often understood merely as applying the latest digital technologies to become more efficient. The Smart City and the Sustainable City can work hand in hand or hinder each other, depending on their interpretation. In this study we focus on five Smart Cities in Western Germany to get a closer look at how they shape their processes and whether the underlying motivation is to become a technologically Smart City, focus on sustainable development, or both. With the help of the innovation biography research method, we show how cities shape the dynamic process towards forming a Smart City, the role sustainable urban development plays in the process, who the actors involved are, and the important role improved knowledge management then plays for the diffusion of the Smart Sustainable City within the region. It becomes clear how important communication and narratives are both in the process within each City towards forming a Smart Sustainable City and for the first step of diffusion, the adaptation of other cities within the region. This study is intended to serve both as a basis for cross-regional consideration and dialogue for the transfer of successful processes

    Truncations of Random Orthogonal Matrices

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    Statistical properties of non--symmetric real random matrices of size MM, obtained as truncations of random orthogonal N×NN\times N matrices are investigated. We derive an exact formula for the density of eigenvalues which consists of two components: finite fraction of eigenvalues are real, while the remaining part of the spectrum is located inside the unit disk symmetrically with respect to the real axis. In the case of strong non--orthogonality, M/N=M/N=const, the behavior typical to real Ginibre ensemble is found. In the case M=NLM=N-L with fixed LL, a universal distribution of resonance widths is recovered.Comment: 4 pages, final revised version (one reference added, minor changes in Introduction

    Viele Fragen und wenige Lösungen

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    Die Enquete-Kommission Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität hat ihren Endbericht vorgelegt. Nach einer ersten vorläufigen Einschätzung der Ergebnisse der Enquete werden wesentliche Forschungsfragen für eine „Green Economy“ herausgearbeitet

    Distribution of G-concurrence of random pure states

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    Average entanglement of random pure states of an N x N composite system is analyzed. We compute the average value of the determinant D of the reduced state, which forms an entanglement monotone. Calculating higher moments of the determinant we characterize the probability distribution P(D). Similar results are obtained for the rescaled N-th root of the determinant, called G-concurrence. We show that in the limit NN\to\infty this quantity becomes concentrated at a single point G=1/e. The position of the concentration point changes if one consider an arbitrary N x K bipartite system, in the joint limit N,KN,K\to\infty, K/N fixed.Comment: RevTeX4, 11 pages, 4 Encapsuled PostScript figures - Introduced new results, Section II and V have been significantly improved - To appear on PR

    Glücklich in Wuppertal - ein urbanes Wohlbefindens-Panel

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    Das FGW-geförderte Projekt 'Glücklich in Wuppertal' hat die erste Phase in der Einrichtung des weltweit ersten appbasierten urbanen Wohlbefindens-Panels ermöglicht. Mit einer Smartphone-App wird hier sowohl Glücksforschung systematisch auf die urbane Ebene gebracht als auch ein neues Instrument für Partizipation in der Stadt geschaffen. Basierend auf der Infrastruktur und Vorarbeiten der Happiness Research Organisation (HRO) und eingebettet in Arbeiten des Wuppertal Instituts zu neuen Wohlstandsmodellen erfasst die App in mehreren sich ergänzenden Modulen das subjektive und kommunale Wohlbefinden der Wuppertaler Bevölkerung. Über die Projektlaufzeit von 12 Monaten wurde der zentrale Fragebogen 1799-mal voll verwertbar von unterschiedlichen Personen ausgefüllt. Über eine sehr starke Medienpräsenz und sonstige Kommunikationsmaßnahmen konnte gemeinsam mit lokalen Partner_innen ein hoher Bekanntheitsgrad der App erreicht werden. Erste Einbindungen der Ergebnisse in städtische Entwicklungsprozesse laufen und werden aktuell erweitert.The Project 'Happy in Wuppertal' included the first phase of establishing the world’s first urban app-based well-being panel. With an app for smartphones research on well-being and happiness is being brought to the city level. Beyond research, the app will become a new tool for participation in the City of Wuppertal. The project uses existing work and infrastructure of the Happiness Research Organization (HRO) that has been implemented in various international projects. It is also based on work at the Wuppertal Institute on new forms of wealth and well-being. The app consists of several complementing modules that look into the personal and communal well-being of the citizens of Wuppertal. Within 12 months the central questionnaire has been answered 1799 times in full by different individuals. The app is very well known within the city due to partnerships with local enterprises and media. Some first steps towards using the app in decision making have been taken and will be extended

    Eine neue Form der Bürgerbeteiligung: das Beispiel der App 'Glücklich in Wuppertal'

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    Smartphone-Apps ermöglichen eine niedrigschwellige und regelmäßige Kommunikation zwischen Bürgern und kommunaler Verwaltung. Sie können damit die Mängel 'analoger' Formen der Bürgerbeteiligung ausgleichen und fördern eine partizipative Stadtentwicklung. Die App kann in städtische Entwicklungsprozesse eingebunden werden, um mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit zur Partizipation zu geben. In Wuppertal geschieht dies bereits. Zentrale Erfolgsfaktoren sind ein intuitives Interface, ein deutlicher Mehrwert für die Nutzer_innen, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, lokale Partner_innen und ein zeitnahes Feedback aus Politik und Verwaltung. Breit angelegte Erhebungen können zeigen, wie Luftqualität, Arbeitsplätze und städtische Infrastrukturen von Bürger_innen wahrgenommen werden und welche Faktoren dazu führen, dass Stadtteile 'glücklich machen'

    Näher, öffentlicher, agiler : Bausteine einer resilienten Post-Corona-Stadt

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    Die Corona-Pandemie führt uns vor Augen, wie wichtig das unmittelbare Wohnumfeld ist. Den kommunalen Zusammenhalt und lokale Infrastrukturen zu stärken, macht unsere Städte krisenfester und nachhaltiger - auch für notwendige Transformationen im Zuge des Klimawandels