50 research outputs found

    Students' Perception of Selected Teaching Methods within the Educational Program on the Topic of Owls

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    This study focuses on the perception of differences between frontal and inquiry-based learning (IBL) from the perspective of elementary school students. The theoretical part of the thesis provides information about owls and the theoretical foundation of teaching. It describes the Czech curriculum and its objectives of biology education. Furthermore, the thesis delves into a detailed description of the transmissive and constructivist approaches to teaching, along with their associated didactic tools. Special attention is given to teaching methods which are the subject of research in the practical part of the study, specifically IBL and frontal teaching. This section presents their basic rules, and implementation procedures. The practical part of the study compares IBL with frontal teaching, as perceived by seventh-grade students during biology classes at lower secondary school. A self-evaluative reflective questionnaire was used for the research. This part not only presents the research results but also addresses lessons preparation and implementation. The results demonstrate how students perceive the differences between IBL and frontal teaching. More precisely, which type of teaching they find more interesting useful, and during which type they believe they better develop their communication and...Tato práce se zaměřuje na percepce rozdílů mezi frontální a badatelsky orientovanou výukou z perspektivy žáků základní školy. Teoretická část práce poskytuje informace o řádu sovy a teoretickém základu výuky. Je zde popsáno české kurikulum a jeho cíle v oblasti přírodovědného vzdělání. Dále se práce zabývá podrobným popisem transmisivního a konstruktivistického přístupu k výuce a s tím souvisejícími didaktickými prostředky. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována metodám výuky, které jsou předmětem výzkumu v praktické části práce, konkrétně badatelsky orientovanému vyučování (BOV) a frontální výuce. Tato část představuje jejich podstatu, základní pravidla a postupy provedení. Praktická část práce porovnává badatelsky orientované vyučování s frontálním vyučováním z pohledu žáků sedmých tříd základní školy během hodin přírodopisu. Pro výzkum byl použit sebehodnotící reflektivní dotazník. Tato část se nezabývá pouze výsledky výzkumu, ale také samotnou přípravou na hodiny a jejich realizací. Výsledky ukazují, jak žáci vnímají rozdíly mezi badatelsky orientovanou a frontální výukou. Přesněji jaký druh výuky vnímají jako zajímavější, užitečnější a při kterém se domývají, že si lépe rozvíjejí své komunikativní a intelektové dovednosti, konkrétně dovednost spolupráce a zpracování informací.Katedra biologie a environmentálních studiíFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Surgical treatment of the knee osteoarthritis

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    Kod početnog osteoartritisa koljena kirurško liječenje se sastoji od palijativnog tretmana u smislu artroskopskih operacija, toalete zgloba. Na raspolaganju su artroskopska lavaža, toaleta zgloba (hondrektomija, meniscektomija, sinovektomija, toaleta meniska), abrazijska artroplastika, mikrofrakture, mozaikplastika i transplatacija autolognih hondrocita. Kod otklona osovine preporuča se korektivna osteotomija, najbolje u tzv. preosteoartritičnoj fazi. Ako degenerativni proces odmakne na raspolaganju su nam zamjena dijela zgloba parcijalnom endoprotezom, a ako se degenerativni proces proširi po čitavom zglobu, totalna zamjena zgloba koljena endoprotezom.Surgical treatment of initial osteoarthritis consists of palliative arthroscopic operation, joint toilet, arthroscopic lavage, chondrectomy, meniscectomy, sinovyectomy, meniscus toilet, abrasion arthroplasty, microfracture, mosaicplasty, transplantation of autologic chondrocytes. To cure deviation of axis it is proposed corrective osteotomy in pre-osteoarthritis phase. Partial or total arthroplasty is recommended in treatment of advanced knee degenerative process

    Patelofemoralna endoproteza koljena – zašto se rijetko koristi?

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    The aim of this research is to present the initial results of patellofemoral (PF) knee joint prosthesis implantation, as well as a review of recent literature. In the ten-year time period from 2012 to 2021, we implanted 8 PF prostheses, which account for 0.7% of all implanted knee prostheses. Out of the eight patients, two were male and six were female. The average age of the patients was 55.3 (47–70) years, with the average BMI being 26.4 (22.9– 31.9) kg/m2. Four patients had the procedure done on their right leg, and the other four on their left leg. The indication for surgery was secondary osteoarthritis following dysplasia or patellar instability in 5 patients, post-traumatic osteoarthritis in one patient, grade II chondromalacia with chronic anterior knee pain in one patient, and patella baja following surgical treatment in one patient FU was 5.87 (1–10) years. The patients underwent functional testing, Womac, KSS, Tegner and VAS. We analysed 7 patients, one of whom underwent conversion to TEP after 5.5 years. Range of motion was 0/128 (120–135) deg. Through clinical and radiological follow-ups, we found that the prostheses were stable throughout the follow-up period, with a normal patellar tracking. Preoperative WOMAC score was 38.4 , postoperative score was 95.5 points (p < 0.0001); preoperative KKS 1 (pain) score was 34.25, postoperative score was 94 (p < 0.0057); KKS 2 (function) score was 53.75, postoperative score was 95 (p < 0.0485), preoperative Tegner activity level was 1.86, postoperative level was 3 (p < 0.0002); preoperative VAS score was 7.14, postoperative score was 1.86 (p < -0.0001). PF arthroplasty has proven to be a successful option for treating isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis, In recent years, the design of the prosthesis have been improving, which leaves open the possibility of this method of treatment being used more frequently and the indications being expanded.Cilj je prikazati početne rezultate ugradnje patelofemoralne (PF) proteze koljenskog zgloba, ali i pregled novije literature. U desetogodišnjem vremenskom razdoblju 2012 do 2021. godine ugradili smo 8 PF proteza, što iznosi 0.7% svih ugrađenih proteza koljena, 2M i 6 Ž, životne dobi 55.3 (47-70) god., 4 L i 4 D. BMI 26.4 (22.9 - 31.9). Indikacija za operaciju bila je sekundarna artroza nakon displazije ili instabiliteta patele kod 5 bolesnika, posttraumatski osteartritis kod jednog, kod jednog hondromalacija II st. sa kroničnom prednjom koljenskom boli, i kod jedne bolesnice patella baja nakon kirurškog liječenja. FU iznosio je 5.87 (1-10) godina. Bolesnici su testirani funkcionalnim testovima, Womac, KSS. Tegner i VAS. Analizirali smo 7 bolesnika, kod jednog je učinjena konverzija u TEP nakon 5.5. god. Opseg pokreta je 0/128 (120-135) st. Kliničkim i radiološkim kontrolama utvrdili smo stabilne proteze čitavo vrijeme praćenja, uz uredan klizni put patele. WOMAC score prijeoperacijski iznosio je 38.4, poslijeoperacijski 95.5 (p< 0,0002), VAS prijeoperacijski 7.14, poslijeoperacijski 1.86 (p<-0,0001). PF artroplastika pokazala se kao uspješna mogućnost liječenja izolirane patelofemoralne artroze, Zadnjih godina usavršio se dizajn proteze, što ostavlja mogućnost da se ova metoda liječenja koristi češće i indikacijsko područje proširi

    Synthesis and characterization of ABA triblock copolymers modified with glucose via thiol - ene click reaction

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje způsobu postpolymerizační modifikace dvou vzorků amfifilního blokového kopolymeru poly(ethylen oxid-b-1,2-butadien-b-ethylen oxid) s vysokým zastoupením jednotek 1,2-izomeru vnitřního bloku polybutadienu metodou thiol-ene click. Jako modifikační činidlo byla použita 1-Thio-β-D-glukóza tetraacetát. Práce se dále zaměřuje na metody charakterizace vzorků kopolymeru před i po provedení modifikační reakce. Struktura a stupeň funkcionalizace vinylických jednotek bloku polybutadienu po provedení modifikace byly stanoveny metodou spektroskopie nukleární magnetické rezonance. Rozměry připravených polymerních částic v roztoku byly studovány metodami statického a dynamického rozptylu světla. Klíčová slova: ABA blokové kopolymery, samoskladba polymerů, click reakce, NMR spektroskopie, rozptyl světlaThe bachelor thesis is focused on method of postpolymerisation modification of two poly(ethylene oxid-b-1,2-butadiene-b-ethylene oxide) amphiphilic block copolymer samples with high content of 1,2-isomer units in inner polybutadiene block by thiolene click. The implemented modification agent was 1-thio-β-D-glucose tetraacetate. The thesis is further focused on methods of copolymer sample characterization before and after modification reaction. Structure and degree of functionalization of vinylic units in polybutadiene block after modification was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The dimensions of prepared polymeric particles were studied by static and dynamic light scattering methods. Keywords: ABA triblock copolymers, self-assembly, click reaction, NMR spectroscopy, light scatteringDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryKatedra fyzikální a makromol. chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Prvih 100 godina nastave ortopedije na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

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    In Croatia, hospitals where patients with diseases of the locomotor system were cared for date from more than 100 years ago. However, we consider the beginning of orthopaedics in Croatia to be the year 1908 when Božidar Špišić (1879 - 1957) founded the first Orthopaedic Institute in Zagreb. In 1917, the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb was founded, and when the first students were in their fifth year of studies, the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was established on December 15, 1922, and Božidar Špišić became an Assistant Professor. From that date until today, Orthopaedics has been an independent department within the School of Medicine. The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was primarily established for the education of medical students. Another important activity of the Department was the training of orthopaedic surgeons and specialists in overlapping fields with orthopaedics. In 1973, the department made a program of postgraduate studies in orthopaedics. The department also participated in postgraduate studies of other professions overlapping with orthopaedics and held numerous post-graduate courses and continuous medical education for doctors. Also, the department organised both domestic and international meetings, symposia, and congresses. Within the scientific post-graduate and doctoral studies, the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery members are lecturers in many courses. This article presents the work and development of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in the first 100 years of orthopaedics education at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and clinical work as a part of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. It is a presentation of time periods under nine heads of the department, starting from Professor Božidar Špišić all to the current head Professor Domagoj Delimar.Premda su i ranije u Hrvatskoj postojale bolnice u kojima su se zbrinjavali bolesnici s bolestima i ozljedama lokomotornog sustava, organiziranim početkom rada ortopedije u Hrvatskoj smatra se 1908. godina kada je Božidar Špišić (1879. - 1957.) u Zagrebu osnovao prvi Ortopedski zavod na slavenskom jugu. 1917. godine utemeljen je Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, i kada prvi studenti dolaze na petu godinu studija medicine, utemeljuje se i Katedra za ortopediju, a dr. Božidar Špišić postaje docent 15. 12. 1922. godine. Od tog datuma pa sve do danas ortopedija je samostalan predmet i Katedra u okviru Medicinskog fakulteta. Katedra za ortopediju prvenstveno je osnovana za edukaciju studenata medicine, dok je slijedeća značajna djelatnost Katedre za ortopediju bila i ostala izobrazba specijalista ortopeda i specijalista struka koje se preklapaju s ortopedijom. 1973. godine Katedra za ortopediju započela je provoditi plan i program postdiplomskog studija iz ortopedije, a održava i mnogobrojne postdiplomske tečajeve te tečajeve trajnog usavršavanja liječnika. Također, Katedra organizira domaće i međunarodne sastanke, simpozije i kongrese. Na znanstvenom postdiplomskom i doktorskom studiju članovi Katedre za ortopediju voditelji su mnogih kolegija. Prikaz rada i razvoja Katredre za ortopediju u proteklih 100 godina djelovanja u okviru Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Klinike za ortopediju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb podijeljen je na više vremenskih odsječaka, počevši od prvog pročelnika profesora Božidara Špišića sve do današnjeg, devetog pročelnika Katedre za ortopediju i predstojnika Klinike za ortopediju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb profesora Domagoja Delimara

    Endoskopsko liječenje sindroma škljocavog kuka vanjskog tipa: kirurška tehnika i prikaz dvaju slučajeva

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    Snapping hip or coxa saltans is a condition characterized by an audible and/or palpable snapping during hip movement and can be associated with pain around the hip. There are various causes of this condition and can be divided into two types: extra-articular and intra-articular. The most common type is the external extra-articular, where the snapping is due to thickened posterior part of the iliotibial band or anterior part of the gluteus maximus muscle sliding over the greater trochanter during hip movement. Two patients with external snapping hip are presented, who were treated with our original endoscopic iliotibial band release and greater trochanteric bursectomy. There were no surgical complications and the patients did not experience snapping or pain in the hip during 24-month follow-up period. Results of various open techniques and one endoscopic technique in the treatment of external snapping hip are also reported.Škljocavi kuk ili coxa saltans je stanje u kojem dolazi do čujnog i/ili palpabilnog škljocanja prilikom pokreta u kuku, tijekom čega se mogu javljati i bolovi. Prema uzrocima škljocavi kuk se dijeli na ekstra-artikularni i intra-artikularni. Najčešći tip je vanjski ekstra-artikularni, gdje do škljocanja dolazi zbog preskakanja zadebljanog stražnjeg dijela traktusa iliotibijalisa ili prednjeg dijela mišića gluteusa maksimusa preko velikog trohantera tijekom pokreta u kuku. U ovom radu prikazujemo dvoje bolesnika s vanjskim tipom škljocavog kuka koji su podvrgnuti endoskopskom opuštanju traktusa iliotibijalisa i uklanjanju burze nad velikim trohanterom našom vlastitom metodom. Oba zahvata su prošla bez komplikacija te bolesnici nisu imali bolove ili škljocanje u kuku u vremenu praćenja od dvije godine. Ujedno prikazujemo rezultate mnogobrojnih otvorenih tehnika i jedne endoskopske tehnike u liječenju škljocavog kuka

    Liječenje venske tromboembolije argatrobanom u bolesnice s heparinskom trombocitopenijom tipa ii ( HIT II ) - prikaz slučaja

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    Representing this patient our intention was to stress the importance of monitoring platelet number in patient on heparin therapy. We have, for the first time, in our hospital used reversibile thrombine inhibitor, that showed efficacy in treatening HIT II complications. HIT II immunologicaly caused side-effect of heparin therapy, characterized by decrease in thrombocyte number for more than 50 %, with increased inclination to thromboembolic incidents. The disease most commonly appears 5-10 days after initiation of mainly unfractionated heparin therapy. Application of ’4 T score’ in clinical judgement for HIT probability, and laboratory investigation for presence of anti-heparin antibodies markedly contribute to in time detection and treatment of this illness. If anti-heparin antibodies are detected, heparin application must be stopped immidiately, and must be replaced by some anti-heparin anticoagulant preparation ( Fxa inhibitor, heparinoide, or direct inhibitor of thrombine). In time application of substitutional preparation for heparin markedly diminishes the occurence of thromboembolic complications. We presented the case of patient hospitalized in our institution by reason of complete thrombosis of left illiac vein, joint femoral vein, deep veins of femoral region, popliteal vein and initial part of great saphenous vein. Treatment started by non-fractionated heparin and continued by warfarin, but the patient developed clinical feature of HIT II, so, current anticoagulant therapy was stopped , and fondaparinux was introduced. Although thrombocyte number increased, D-dimers were in additional rise, and patient developed pulmonary embolism. Reversible thrombin inhibitor argatroban was introduced in therapy in daily dose of 2 μg/kg/min in continual infusion lasting 15 days, followed by continual APTT monitoring,in therapeutic range 1.5-2 times of basic value. Rise in platelet number was monitored, decrease of D-dimer, and local clinical improvement. Marginal recanalization of veins in left femoral region and complete passage of popliteal vein were documented by color doppler. Further, clinical estimation of HIT II probability using „4T“ graduating system, and laboratory investigation to antiheparin antibodies, had significant role in diagnosis confirmation, and in selecting suitable substitutional preparation for heparin.Prikazom smo željeli naglasiti važnost praćenja broja trombocita kod liječenja heparinom. Uporabili smo po prvi puta reverzibilni inhibitor trombina; koji je pokazao učinkovitost u liječenju komplikacija HIT-a II. HIT II je imunološka nuspojava heparinske terapije praćena trombocitopenijom > 50% i povećanom sklonošću tromboemboliji. Najčešće se javlja 5. do 10. dana terapije nefrakcioniranim heparinom. Otkrivanju i liječenju ove nuspojave značajno pridonosi primjena „ 4T zbira“ i otkirvanje prisutnosti protutijela na heparin. Ukoliko se protutijela dokažu; heparin se isključuje i nastavlja se ne-heparinskim antikoagulansom (inhibitorom FX a; heparinoidom ili direktnim inhibitorom trombina); čime se smanjuje rizik tromboembolije. Prikazali smo slučaj bolesnice s kompletnom trombozom lijeve ilijačne vene; zajedničke femoralne vene; dubokih vena natkoljenice; poplitealne vene i početnog dijela velike vene safene. Liječenje je započelo nefrakcioniranim heparinom i nastavljeno varfarinom. Bolesnica je razvila kliničku sliku HIT-a II. Prekinuta se dosadašnja antikoagulantna terapija i uvoden je fondaparinux. Broj trombocita je počeo rasti; D-dimeri tako|er. Razvila se plućna embolija. Liječenje je nastavljeno reverzibilnim inhibitorom trombina argatrobanom u dnevnoj dozi od 2 μg/kg/min kontinuiranom infuzijom u trajanju od 15 dana. Pratili smo APTV; čije su vrijednosti bile 1.5-2 puta duže od bazične vrijednosti. Broj trombocita je rastao; koncentracija D-dimera se snizila; nastupilo je lokalno kliničko poboljšanje. Obojeni doppler je pokazao rubnu rekanalizaciju vena lijeve natkoljenice i potpunu prohodnost poplitealne vene. Klinička procjena vjerojatnosti HIT II s „4T“ bodovnim sustava otkrivanja heparinskih protutijela imala je značajnu ulogu u potvrdi dijagnoze i odluci o odabiru odgovarajućeg zamjenskog lijeka za heparin

    Liječenje venske tromboembolije argatrobanom u bolesnice s heparinskom trombocitopenijom tipa ii ( HIT II ) - prikaz slučaja

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    Representing this patient our intention was to stress the importance of monitoring platelet number in patient on heparin therapy. We have, for the first time, in our hospital used reversibile thrombine inhibitor, that showed efficacy in treatening HIT II complications. HIT II immunologicaly caused side-effect of heparin therapy, characterized by decrease in thrombocyte number for more than 50 %, with increased inclination to thromboembolic incidents. The disease most commonly appears 5-10 days after initiation of mainly unfractionated heparin therapy. Application of ’4 T score’ in clinical judgement for HIT probability, and laboratory investigation for presence of anti-heparin antibodies markedly contribute to in time detection and treatment of this illness. If anti-heparin antibodies are detected, heparin application must be stopped immidiately, and must be replaced by some anti-heparin anticoagulant preparation ( Fxa inhibitor, heparinoide, or direct inhibitor of thrombine). In time application of substitutional preparation for heparin markedly diminishes the occurence of thromboembolic complications. We presented the case of patient hospitalized in our institution by reason of complete thrombosis of left illiac vein, joint femoral vein, deep veins of femoral region, popliteal vein and initial part of great saphenous vein. Treatment started by non-fractionated heparin and continued by warfarin, but the patient developed clinical feature of HIT II, so, current anticoagulant therapy was stopped , and fondaparinux was introduced. Although thrombocyte number increased, D-dimers were in additional rise, and patient developed pulmonary embolism. Reversible thrombin inhibitor argatroban was introduced in therapy in daily dose of 2 μg/kg/min in continual infusion lasting 15 days, followed by continual APTT monitoring,in therapeutic range 1.5-2 times of basic value. Rise in platelet number was monitored, decrease of D-dimer, and local clinical improvement. Marginal recanalization of veins in left femoral region and complete passage of popliteal vein were documented by color doppler. Further, clinical estimation of HIT II probability using „4T“ graduating system, and laboratory investigation to antiheparin antibodies, had significant role in diagnosis confirmation, and in selecting suitable substitutional preparation for heparin.Prikazom smo željeli naglasiti važnost praćenja broja trombocita kod liječenja heparinom. Uporabili smo po prvi puta reverzibilni inhibitor trombina; koji je pokazao učinkovitost u liječenju komplikacija HIT-a II. HIT II je imunološka nuspojava heparinske terapije praćena trombocitopenijom > 50% i povećanom sklonošću tromboemboliji. Najčešće se javlja 5. do 10. dana terapije nefrakcioniranim heparinom. Otkrivanju i liječenju ove nuspojave značajno pridonosi primjena „ 4T zbira“ i otkirvanje prisutnosti protutijela na heparin. Ukoliko se protutijela dokažu; heparin se isključuje i nastavlja se ne-heparinskim antikoagulansom (inhibitorom FX a; heparinoidom ili direktnim inhibitorom trombina); čime se smanjuje rizik tromboembolije. Prikazali smo slučaj bolesnice s kompletnom trombozom lijeve ilijačne vene; zajedničke femoralne vene; dubokih vena natkoljenice; poplitealne vene i početnog dijela velike vene safene. Liječenje je započelo nefrakcioniranim heparinom i nastavljeno varfarinom. Bolesnica je razvila kliničku sliku HIT-a II. Prekinuta se dosadašnja antikoagulantna terapija i uvoden je fondaparinux. Broj trombocita je počeo rasti; D-dimeri tako|er. Razvila se plućna embolija. Liječenje je nastavljeno reverzibilnim inhibitorom trombina argatrobanom u dnevnoj dozi od 2 μg/kg/min kontinuiranom infuzijom u trajanju od 15 dana. Pratili smo APTV; čije su vrijednosti bile 1.5-2 puta duže od bazične vrijednosti. Broj trombocita je rastao; koncentracija D-dimera se snizila; nastupilo je lokalno kliničko poboljšanje. Obojeni doppler je pokazao rubnu rekanalizaciju vena lijeve natkoljenice i potpunu prohodnost poplitealne vene. Klinička procjena vjerojatnosti HIT II s „4T“ bodovnim sustava otkrivanja heparinskih protutijela imala je značajnu ulogu u potvrdi dijagnoze i odluci o odabiru odgovarajućeg zamjenskog lijeka za heparin

    Sadašnji pristup šivanju meniska

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    Objective: To present surgical treatment options, meniscal suturing techniques and surgery results. Materials and methods: Over a period from September 2008 till August 2014, we performed 203 meniscal suturing procedures in our hospital. We used outside-in, inside-out and all-inside repair techniques (Rapid Loc and FasT-Fix). In the research conducted in our hospital, we prospectively monitored 175 patients who were 27 (14-53) years old, 120 male (69 %) and 55 female (31 %). Of these 175 patients, 88 (50.3 %) participated in recreational sports and 42 (24 %) were actively engaged in sports. Almost 50 percent (87 patients) also had anterior cruciate ligament tear. We monitored the patients for 36 (7-66) months through regular medical examinations, and with Lysholm and Tegner functional tests before and after surgeries. Results: Before surgery, the Lysholm score showed the average result of 59, which increased to 92 after surgery. The Tegner questionnaire value was 6.3 before surgery, and 5.4 after it on average. Out of 135 patients who were active in sports before their surgeries, 68 (50 %) returned to the same activity level. Subsequent arthroscopies were performed on 27 patients (15.4 %), and 15 of those patients (56 %) had new knee injuries after meniscal repair. Meniscectomy had to be done on 24 patients and meniscus was to be fixed by one Omni span system on two patients. There were 84.6 % of patients with no complications. Conclusions: Meniscal repair is a procedure that allows healing of some torn menisci and thus prevents the occurrence of early osteoarthritis. Meniscal repair shows very good results, especially if the suturing is performed along with the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.Cilj: Prikazati mogućnosti kirurškog liječenja, operacijske tehnike šivanja meniska i rezultate operacijskog liječenja. Materijali i metode: U našoj bolnici u razdoblju od rujna 2008. do kolovoza 2014. godine u 203 pacijenta učinjeno je šivanje meniska. Koristili smo se tehnikama šivanja out-in, in-out te all-in (RapidLoc i FasT-Fix). U istraživanju koje je provedeno u našoj bolnici prospektivno smo pratili 175 pacijenata prosječne životne dobi 27 godina (u rasponu od 14 do 52 godine), od toga 120 muškaraca (69 %) i 55 žena (31 %). Sportom se rekreativno bavilo 88 pacijenata (50,3 %), a aktivno 42 pacijenta (24 %). Ruptura prednje ukrižene sveze bila je prisutna kod 87 pacijenata (50 %). Pacijente smo pratili 36 mjeseci (7 – 66), praćeni su prospektivno redovitim ambulantnim kontrolama, a funkcionalno testiranje pomoću Lysholm i Tegner upitnika izvršili smo prije i nakon operacijskog zahvata. Rezultati: Lysholm upitnik je prije operacije iznosio u prosjeku 59, a nakon operacije 92. Tegner upitnik je prije operacije u prosjeku iznosio 6,3, a nakon operacije u prosjeku 5,4. Od 135 pacijenata koji su se prijeoperacijski bavili sportom, njih 68 (50 %) vratilo se potpuno istoj razini aktivnosti u sportu. Kod 27 pacijenata (15,4 %) učinjena je naknadna artroskopija. Od tih 27 pacijenata, njih 15 (56 %) imalo je novu povredu koljena nakon šivanja meniska. U 24 pacijenta učinjena je meniscektomija, a u dva pacijenta učinjena je ponovna fiksacija meniska sa jednom Omni span kopčom. Postotak pacijenata bez komplikacija iznosio je 84,6 %. Zaključci: Šivanje meniska je postupak koji omogućuje izlječenje kod određenih ruptura meniska koljenskog zgloba i na taj način sprječava nastanak ranog osteoartritisa. Šivanje meniska pokazuje izrazito dobre rezultate, osobito ukoliko se učini zajedno s rekonstrukcijom prednje ukrižene sveze