493 research outputs found

    Topological Lifshitz phase transition in effective model of QCD with chiral symmetry non-restoration

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    The topological Lifshitz phase transition is studied systematically within an effective model of QCD, in which the chiral symmetry, broken at zero temperature, is not restored at high temperature and/or baryon chemical potential. It is found that during phase transition the quark system undergoes a first-order transition from low density fully-gapped state to high density state with Fermi sphere which is protected by momentum-space topology. The Lifshitz phase diagram in the plane of temperature and baryon chemical potential is established. The critical behaviors of various equations of state are determined.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Improving microinsurance services quality in Vietnam women's union, the case study at Vietnamese microinsurance fund

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    Microinsurance fund (MIF) that belongs to Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) is one of the youngest micro insurers in Vietnam that officially entered microinsurance service market in the upward trend of competition since 2007. This fund only took up a very small part in the total insurance market share. To get effective competition, the prerequisite for Microinsurance fund is to give clients new microinsurance products with higher quality. In addition, the fund must continuously research, explore and improve existing product in order to create different product package compared to other insurers. This is the only way for them to gain competitive advantage, maintain customer loyalty and increase the fund’s market share in the microinsurance market. To do that, Microinsurance Fund needs to find the right strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) will be the best choice for MIF in coming time. The aim of applying the theory on BOS is not to create the competition in the existing insurance industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the pursuit of differentiation and low cost. This thesis focuses on analyzing and finding how Microinsurance Fund applies BOS for developing microinsurance products with following objectives. Firstly, it is to analyze current value of credit life microinsurance product in Vietnam insurance market. Secondly, it is to apply concept of BOS to recommend solutions for developing new microinsurance products in Microinsurance Fund. As for methods, the questionnaire’s survey and direct interviews were used for traditional clients, beneficiaries, TYM staffs and commune authorities. The earlier research and results of this thesis show that there are some key value aspects related to microinsurance products. These value aspects include product features, premiums, claim investigation work, quality of staff, product distribution channels, quality of customer service, advertising and promotion policies and insurer’s brand and reputation. I applied the four actions framework model of BOS theory for developing new microinsurance products. Finally, the author has tried to recommend solutions for Microinsurance Fund with “cost leadership” for developing new microinsurance products, including life and non –life insurance products. This cost is strategy used by almost companies in order to create a low cost of operation and to achieve in advance over rivals by cutting down other costs that of others in the insurance industry

    The Potential of Beauveria against Root Mealybugs Formiccoccus sp. (Homoptera: Pseudococidae) Black Pepper in Dak Lak Province of Vietnam

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    Root mealybugs Formicoccus sp.(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) currently emerge as an economically important soil-borne insect pest in the production of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Dak Lak province of Vietnam. Entomopathogenic fungi can be used in agricultural production as feasible safe biocontrol agents and plant growth promoters. This study aimed to isolate, select and identify the local Beauveria sp. strains from the black pepper fields, as well as evaluate the effects of the selected strains on the growth of black pepper. The results showed that the frequency of positive Beauveria sp. soil samples collected from organic black pepper fields was significantly higher than that from conventional black pepper fields. Twenty-one Beauveria sp. strains in black pepper organic fields and four Beauveria sp. strains in black pepper conventional fields were successfully isolated, among them, the Beauveria bassiana BB1 was examined and evaluated for its biocontrol potential against Formicoccus sp. and its ability to promote the growth of black pepper seedlings. In the laboratory experiments, the mortality of both adults and first instar nymph root mealybugs Formicoccus sp. caused by B. bassiana BB1 culminated 100% at 21 days after treatments. In the nethouse, at 6 months after treatment, the efficacy of B. bassiana BB1 against black pepper root mealybugs reached 99.18%. The levels of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of the black pepper seedlings increased about 2 times compared to the control. Moreover, B. bassiana BB1 strain also remarkably promoted the growth of the black pepper seedlings under the nethouse conditions


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    Belonging to the Indo - Pacific tropical marine biodiversity Central, marine living communities at the coastal waters of Islands of Truong Sa Archipelago plays the important roles in conservation and cover distribution the breeds of marine living resources (including larva forms of shrimp, fish anf others) not only in this areas but also in the neughbour waters. However, due to far from mainlands, the studies on them is limited to now. Samples was collected at the 3 - 7 transects with long 100m to 30 - 50m deepth, where is around some island such as Nam Yet, Da Nam, big Truong Sa, Song Tu Tay ... There are two stations was located on every transect for sampling the species composition and individual numbers of larva. Samples was catched by net with 200µ diameter in the vertical drawing following the water colum. This primary results that were identified including 46 taxons of fish, shrimp and others larva. Most of them are belonging to the coral fish anh shrimp and the widely distribution ecological groups having high econimic value such as: Labridae, Scaridae, Nemipteridae, Nephridae, Palinuridae ... The spatial taxon of larva diversity distribution is not very regular every island. The taxon diversity at the big Truong Sa, Nam Yet, Da Nam ones is higher than the others with 18 - 31 taxons/island. The others is have only about 10 taxons/islands. The medium individual number of larva is rather higher than that in the other sites which is in nearshore water with about 300 inds/100m3. The highest concentration of inds number of fish and shrimp larva is at the stations having good coral reefs.Nằm trong vùng biển nhiệt đới là một trong những trung tâm đa dạng sinh học và phát sinh các loài thuộc vùng địa động vật Ấn Độ - Thái Bình Dương, nên quần xã sinh vật vùng biển và ven  các đảo Trường Sa có vai trò rất quan trọng trong việc duy trì và phát tán nguồn giống các loài sinh vật thuỷ sinh  cho  các vùng biển lân cận. Tuy nhiên do điều kiện địa lý xa cách, nên những nghiên cứu về sinh vật phù du nói chung và  nguồn giống các loại động vật thuỷ sản như tôm, cua, cá và thân mềm nói riêng ở vùng nước quanh các đảo vùng biển Trường Sa còn rất hạn chế. Kết quả trong bài báo thống kê từ kết quả khi thu mẫu các loại ấu trùng tôm, cá trên 3 - 7 mặt cắt (mỗi mặt cắt 2 trạm) thuộc 9 đảo tại quần đảo Trường Sa trong năm 2007 - 2008 do đề tài nghiên cứu cơ sở khoa học xây dựng các khu bảo tồn biển quần đảo Trường Sa tổ chức. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy thành phần nguồn giống gồm 46 taxon là ấu trùng các giai đoạn của tôm, cua, cá và thân mềm. Trong đó có 26 taxon là ấu trùng cá, 16 taxon là ấu trùng tôm, 5 taxon ấu trùng cua và thân mềm. Hầu hết đều là các loại cá, tôm có giá trị kinh tế và chỉ thị tốt cho rạn san hô (RSH) như: Labridae, Scaridae, Nemipteridae, Nephridae, Palinuridae. Kết quả cũng xác định khu vực quanh đảo Trường Sa lớn, Nam Yết và Đá Nam thành phần nguồn giống đa dạng nhất với 18 - 31 đơn vị taxon. Mật độ trung bình của  ấu trùng tôm, cá khá cao tới hơn 300 con/100m3, cao hơn một số khu vực ven các đảo gần bờ và có sự tập trung mật độ cao nhất tại các nơi có RSH phát triển tốt nhất


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    Purple nonsulfur bacteria are a group that has so much biotechnological applications, particularly in producing of functional food rich with unsaturated fatty acids. A purple nonsulfur bacterium (named HPB.6) was chosen based on its strong growth, high lipid and synthesis of unsaturated fatty acid (omega 6,7,9). Studying on basic biological characteristics showed that the cells of HPB.6 were observed as ovoid-rod shape, none motility, Gram negative staining. The diameter of single bacterium was about 0.8-1.0 µm. The cells divide by binary fission and had bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a). This bacterium grew well on medium with carbon and nitrogen sources such as acetate, succinate, pyruvate, butyrate, glutamate, arginine, leucine, tyrosine, alanine, methionine, threonine, glutamine, yeast extract and NH4Cl. This selected strain grew well on medium with salt concentrations from 1.5 - 6.0% (optimum 3%), pH from 5.0 to 8.0 (optimum at pH 6.5) and could withstand Na2S at 4.0 - 5.2 mM. Based on morphological, physiological properties and 16S rRNA analysis received demonstrated that HPB.6 strain belongs to the species Rhodovulum sulfidophilum

    The Impact of FDI, International Trade, and National Economy on People’s Standard of Living in ASEAN Countries

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    This research paper analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), international trade, and national economy on the standard of living of people in ASEAN member countries, using data from 2012-2021. The study uses data from this period to examine the effects of these variables on the standard of living in ASEAN member countries. The results indicate that international trade and national economy have a significant influence on people's standard of living in the region. However, the effect of FDI varies depending on the level of development of the country. While FDI doesn't have much effect on developing countries, it has a negative impact on developed countries. The study also provides insights for policymakers on how to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for people in the ASEAN. Keywords: FDI, international trade, national economy, the standard of living, ASEAN DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-6-10 Publication date:March 31st 2023

    Factors affecting career turnover intention after graduation among nursing students: A cross-sectional study in Central Vietnam

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    Background & Aim: Turnover intention can predict the actual turnover behavior of nurses. Previous studies identified a variety of factors influencing nurses' turnover intention. However, few studies investigate nursing students' career turnover intention. This study aimed to examine turnover intention and associated factors among nursing students in Central Vietnam. Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional study was implemented among 425 nursing students recruited through a multistage sampling technique from April to May 2022. Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic characteristics, fear of COVID-19, perceived academic stress, and turnover intention. Descriptive statistics were used to describe demographic characteristics and study variables. Independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson's correlation coefficients were computed to examine the association between variables. Results: Approximately one-third (32.5%) of the respondents will look for jobs without patient contact, 32.2% would not study nursing if given a choice, and 31.1% often think of not staying in the nursing profession. The sum scores of turnover intention ranged from 3 to 15 with a mean of 9.19 (SD= 2.49). The turnover intention was associated with the year of study, the reason to study nursing, and preparation for nursing school (p<.05). Perceived academic stress had a moderate correlation with turnover intention (r= -.325, p<.05). In contrast, the association between fear of COVID-19 and turnover intention was not significant. Conclusion: A considerable number of nursing students had turnover intention upon graduation. Factors affecting turnover intention should be considered to retain students in educational programs and avoid a future nursing shortage


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    Abstract The research aims to assess the quantitative impact of the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on Vietnam's export growth to the EU market. The study employs quantitative analysis using the SMART model with data on export turnover and scenarios of tariff reduction to 0% when EVFTA takes effect. Based on the export turnover data and necessary parameters, the analysis results show an increase in Vietnam's exports to the EU market when EVFTA becomes effective. As a result, the research proposes some implications to promote Vietnam's export activities to the EU in the future

    Topology Optimization in Hybrid Tree/Mesh-based Peer-to-Peer Streaming System

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) video streaming is the fastest growing application of the Internet. One of the main challenge is to provide a high quality of service through the dynamic behavior of the network because a peer may join or leave anytime. Currently, P2P streaming network exist two types of users: streaming users - who use mobile devices with 3G/4G connection expect to watch the live video immediately and storage users - who use PC with wired Internet will download and then watch the video later. We realized that the streaming users may stop watching live video after a while if they find the video is out of their interest. Users leaving causes dynamic and affect the data delivery. On the other hand, the storage users that are downloading the video do not have the concern of interest and playback quality, until they start to watch the video. Hence, the storage users are relatively more stable than streaming users. This paper, we investigate the strategies on the topology construction and maintenance of P2P streaming systems with storage users are closer to the broadcaster than streaming users. And also we apply our idea on hybrid push-pull protocol that combines the benefits of pull and push mechanisms for live video delivery to provide better video streaming qualit