3,271 research outputs found

    Envelope-kinetic analysis of the electron kinetic effects on Raman backscatter and Raman backward laser amplification

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    The electron kinetic effects on Raman backscattering and Raman backward laser amplification were analyzed. The analysis is based on the envelope-kinetic equations of a plasma wave, which are composed of the conventional envelope equation of a fluid plasma and the kinetic term. One major goal of this paper is to close the envelope-kinetic model by analyzing the kinetic term, which was not fully covered in the previous work [M. S. Hur et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 115003 (2005)]. It was found that the closed envelope-kinetic equation in the nontrapping regime takes the same form as the envelope equation of the fluid plasma used in the three-wave model. For the closure in the trapping-dominant regime, the test particle technique is employed to calculate the kinetic term. Results from the full kinetic and test particle simulations agree well with each other, while the latter has a great advantage in computation speed. The frequency shift and resonance breaking by the trapped particles are discussed with the help of a new diagnostic inserted in the full kinetic averaged particle-in-cell code.open5

    Quasi-particle scattering and protected nature of topological states in a parent topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3

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    We report on angle resolved photoemission spectroscopic studies on a parent topological insulator (TI), Bi2_2Se3_3. The line width of the spectral function (inverse of the quasi-particle lifetime) of the topological metallic (TM) states shows an anomalous behavior. This behavior can be reasonably accounted for by assuming decay of the quasi-particles predominantly into bulk electronic states through electron-electron interaction and defect scattering. Studies on aged surfaces reveal that topological metallic states are very much unaffected by the potentials created by adsorbed atoms or molecules on the surface, indicating that topological states could be indeed protected against weak perturbations.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B(R

    Effects of the frequency detuning in Raman backscattering of infinitely long laser pulses in plasmas

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    Raman backscattering (RBS) in an infinite homogeneous laser-plasma system was investigated with the three-wave fluid model and averaged particle-in-cell (aPIC) simulations in the nonrelativistic and low temperature regime. It was found that the periodic boundary condition for the electrostatic potential, which is commonly used in an infinite homogeneous plasma, induces a numerical frequency shift of the plasma wave. The initial frequency detuning between the three waves is modified by the frequency shift, leading to a significantly wrong result in the RBS system. An alternative boundary condition based on the Maxwell equation is presented. The aPIC simulations with the modified boundary condition show that the pump depletion level depends sensitively on the frequency mismatch between the three waves. This sensitivity is closely related with the erroneous RBS: the numerical frequency shift is very minor (a few percent of the plasma frequency or less than that) but RBS can be greatly affected even by such a small frequency change. Analytic formulas for the pump depletion time and level is derived and compared to the aPIC simulations with the modified boundary condition, showing an excellent agreement.open2

    Giant Magnetoelectric Effect in a Multiferroic Material with a High Ferroelectric Transition Temperature

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    We present a unique example of giant magnetoelectric effect in a conventional multiferroic HoMnO3, where polarization is very large (~56 mC/m2) and the ferroelectric transition temperature is higher than the magnetic ordering temperature by an order. We attribute the uniqueness of the giant magnetoelectric effect to the ferroelectricity induced entirely by the off-center displacement of rare earth ions with large magnetic moments. This finding suggests a new avenue to design multiferroics with large polarization and higher ferroelectric transition temperature as well as large magnetoelectric effects

    Plasma density measurements using chirped pulse broad-band Raman amplification

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    Stimulated Raman backscattering is used as a non-destructive method to determine the density of plasma media at localized positions in space and time. By colliding two counter-propagating, ultra-short laser pulses with a spectral bandwidth larger than twice the plasma frequency, amplification occurs at the Stokes wavelengths, which results in regions of gain and loss separated by twice the plasma frequency, from which the plasma density can be deduced. By varying the relative delay between the laser pulses, and therefore the position and timing of the interaction, the spatio-temporal distribution of the plasma density can be mapped out

    Magnetic exchange interaction between rare-earth and Mn ions in multiferroic hexagonal manganites

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    We report a study of magnetic dynamics in multiferroic hexagonal manganite HoMnO3 by far-infrared spectroscopy. Low-temperature magnetic excitation spectrum of HoMnO3 consists of magnetic-dipole transitions of Ho ions within the crystal-field split J=8 manifold and of the triangular antiferromagnetic resonance of Mn ions. We determine the effective spin Hamiltonian for the Ho ion ground state. The magnetic-field splitting of the Mn antiferromagnetic resonance allows us to measure the magnetic exchange coupling between the rare-earth and Mn ions.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The Hyperfine Molecular Hubbard Hamiltonian

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    An ultracold gas of heteronuclear alkali dimer molecules with hyperfine structure loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice is investigated. The \emph{Hyperfine Molecular Hubbard Hamiltonian} (HMHH), an effective low-energy lattice Hamiltonian, is derived from first principles. The large permanent electric dipole moment of these molecules gives rise to long range dipole-dipole forces in a DC electric field and allows for transitions between rotational states in an AC microwave field. Additionally, a strong magnetic field can be used to control the hyperfine degrees of freedom independently of the rotational degrees of freedom. By tuning the angle between the DC electric and magnetic fields and the strength of the AC field it is possible to control the number of internal states involved in the dynamics as well as the degree of correlation between the spatial and internal degrees of freedom. The HMHH's unique features have direct experimental consequences such as quantum dephasing, tunable complexity, and the dependence of the phase diagram on the molecular state

    Metastasizing placental site trophoblastic tumor: Immunohistochemical and DNA analysis 2 case reports and a review of the literature

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    Placental-site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) is a rare form of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. The clinical behaviour of PSTT is usually benign, but sometimes it can be highly malignant with late recurrence and metastasis. We describe two cases of PSTT with pulmonary metastasis in patients aged 35 and 29 years respectively. The mitotic rate was elevated to 9 and 13 mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields respectively. Immunohistochemical staining showed a predominance of human placental lactogen (hPL) positive cells when compared with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) reactive cells in one case, and a reverse pattern in the other one. DNA measurement in one case showed an aneuploid tumor with a tetraploid DNA peak. The clinical behaviour of PSTT remains unpredictable, and there are no reliable means of predicting clinical outcom