13 research outputs found

    Stichwort: Rasse. Anmerkungen zur Begriffsgeschichte

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    Der Soziologe beleuchtet chronologisch die historischen Wurzeln des Rasse-Begriffes. Dieser umfangreiche Beitrag liefert dabei die Basis, um eine Vielzahl von Fragestellungen, die sich mit der Ausbreitung und den Auswirkungen des „Rassedenkens“ beschäftigen, beantworten zu können. (DIPF/Orig.

    Racism and Sociology

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    This volume presents various perspectives regarding the intersection of racism and sociology. Contents include: Racism in White Sociology: From Adam Smith to Max Weber * Postracial Silences: The Othering of Race in Europe * From the Congo to Chicago: Robert E. Park's Romance with Racism * Telling about Racism: W.E.B. Du Bois, Stuart Hall, and Sociology's Reconstruction * Racism's Alterity: The After-Life of Black Sociology * Whitening Intersectionality: Evanescence of Race in Intersectionality Scholarship * The Politics of (Anti-)Racism: Academic Research and Policy Discourse in Europe. (Series: Racism Analysis - Series B: Yearbooks - Vol. 5) [Subject: Sociology, Racial Studies

    Editorial to Racism and Sociology

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    Against this backdrop, the following papers discuss particular aspects of the relations between racism and sociology. In the introductory section Wulf D. Hund (Universität Hamburg) analyses the connections of classist and racist considerations in the course of the development of sociological thought until the establishment of academic sociology and Alana Lentin (University of Western Sydney) investigates the elision, neglect or denial of race in the work of scholars of >migration, ethnicity and minoritiesevidence-basedintegrationinterculturality< in light of the European silence about race

    Zigeunerbilder Schnittmuster rassistischer Ideologie

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    Die Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen die Entstehung und das Vorkommen des Zigeunerstereotyps in seinen vielfaeltigen Auspraegungen. Insbesondere befassen sie sich mit dem romantischen Bild des Zigeuners und zeigen auf, wie sehr diese auf den ersten Blick harmlos erscheinende Stereotypisierung zu Diskriminierung und Rassismus beitraegt. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Wulf D. Hund: Romantischer Rassismus. Zur Funktion des Zigeunerstereotyps (9-30); Soeren Niemann: Eine nomadische Kultur der Freiheit. Vom Traum der Tsiganologie (31-50); Mona Annette Schieren: 'Die melancholische Faszination der fremden Rasse'. Otto Muellers Zigeunerbilder in der Rezeption (51-65); Mamo Baran: Vom Nomadenvolk zur ethnischen Minderheit. Das Zigeunerstereotyp in den Debatten des Landtages von Schleswig-Holstein (66-80); Ulrich Wolff: Die Roma-Frage. Presseberichterstattung und Zigeunerstereotyp (81-93); Kurosch Sadjadi-Nasab: Rassismus in Disneyland. Esmeralda und die Vermarktung des Zigeunerstereotyps (94-108); Andreas Speit: Der ewige Zigeuner. Esoterik zwischen Zigeunermagie und Zivilisationskritik (109-123); Dirk Gabler: Der Geschmack der Freiheit. Vom Igelbraten zum Zigeunerschnitzel (124-136). (ZPol, NOMOS)SIGLEAvailable from UuStB Koeln(38)-27A1057 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Ações afirmativas e o debate sobre racismo no Brasil Afirmative actions and the debate on racism in Brazil

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    O tema "ações afirmativas" tem dividido a opinião pública e esquentado o debate acadêmico. Enquanto alguns especialistas e militantes negros entendem a introdução de ações afirmativas como uma forma de combate ao racismo, uma vez que, segundo esta interpretação, a discriminação positiva ajudará os historicamente desprivilegiados a criar e fortalecer uma identidade positiva, outros vêem em tais medidas um ataque perigoso contra a "maneira tradicional brasileira" de se relacionar com as "diferenças humanas" e temem que políticas como essas possam instigar conflitos raciais abertos. Embora os defensores e opositores à introdução de projetos de ação afirmativa raramente explicitem o que entendem por racismo e como interpretam este fenômeno social, é possível detectar nesses discursos distintas linhas de argumentação que remetem a orientações teóricas diferentes no que diz respeito à análise de categorias como "raça" e "cor".<br>The "affirmative action" issue has split the public opinion and heated up the academic debate. While some experts and black activists see the affirmatives actions as a way to fight racism, since the positive discrimination could help the historically underprivileged to create and empower a positive identity, others see such measures as a dangerous attack against the "traditional brazilian way" of dealing with "human differences". The latter fear that such policies may unleash racial conflicts. Although both sides barely explain what they mean for racism and how they understand that social phenomenon, it is possible to discern in those discourses different lines of argument, which can be related to different theoretical orientations about the analysis of such concepts as "race" and "color"