60 research outputs found

    Voedingsmiddelenanalyses van de Afdeling Humane Voeding: Deel 15. Vetzuursamenstelling van bakkerijmargarines in Nederland 2008

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    In 2008 werd de vetzuursamenstelling van bakkerijmargarines onderzocht met als doel de voortgang in verbetering van de vetzuursamenstelling in deze producten in beeld te brengen ten opzichte van eerdere bemonsteringen in 1996 en 2004. De vetzuursamenstelling van 14 A-merken bakkerijmargarines afkomstig van drie fabrikanten werd onderzocht. De margarines waren van het type “korst”, “crème”, “wals” of “cake”. De vetzuursamenstelling verschilde nauwelijks tussen de verschillende typen margarine, noch tussen producten van verschillende fabrikanten. Het gehalte verzadigde vetzuren bedroeg gemiddeld 41 g / 100 g product (range: 38–48 g); het gehalte trans-vetzuren was gemiddeld 1 g / 100 g product (range

    Predicting urinary creatinine excretion and its usefulness to identify incomplete 24h urine collections

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    Studies using 24 h urine collections need to incorporate ways to validate the completeness of the urine samples. Models to predict urinary creatinine excretion (UCE) have been developed for this purpose; however, information on their usefulness to identify incomplete urine collections is limited. We aimed to develop a model for predicting UCE and to assess the performance of a creatinine index using para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) as a reference. Data were taken from the European Food Consumption Validation study comprising two non-consecutive 24 h urine collections from 600 subjects in five European countries. Data from one collection were used to build a multiple linear regression model to predict UCE, and data from the other collection were used for performance testing of a creatinine index-based strategy to identify incomplete collections. Multiple linear regression (n 458) of UCE showed a significant positive association for body weight (ß = 0·07), the interaction term sex × weight (ß = 0·09, reference women) and protein intake (ß = 0·02). A significant negative association was found for age (ß = - 0·09) and sex (ß = - 3·14, reference women). An index of observed-to-predicted creatinine resulted in a sensitivity to identify incomplete collections of 0·06 (95 % CI 0·01, 0·20) and 0·11 (95 % CI 0·03, 0·22) in men and women, respectively. Specificity was 0·97 (95 % CI 0·97, 0·98) in men and 0·98 (95 % CI 0·98, 0·99) in women. The present study shows that UCE can be predicted from weight, age and sex. However, the results revealed that a creatinine index based on these predictions is not sufficiently sensitive to exclude incomplete 24 h urine collections

    Genetic variability for carotenoid content of grains in a composite maize population

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    Local maize (Zea mays L.) varieties are cultivated by small-scale farmers in western Santa Catarina (SC) State, in southern Brazil. These small areas frequently present many problems related to biotic and non-biotic stresses, which have limited the economic output and income of the farmers. Production from local varieties for human consumption would be an alternative way of improving income and stimulating on farm conservation. The genetic variability of the total carotenoid content (TCC) of kernels in a local maize population was evaluated for their economic exploitation potential as biofortified food. Two independent samples of 96 half-sib families (HSF) plus four checks were evaluated in two groups of experiments in western SC and each one was carried out in two environments. They were set out in a 10 × 10 partially balanced lattice with three replications per location; plots consisted of one row, 5.0 m long with 1.0 m between rows. TCC ranged from 11 to 23 µg g-1, averaging ≈16 µg g-1 in the pooled analysis over the two sets. The local composite population exhibited genetic variability in order to increase the TCC of grains in the second cycle of selection by the convergent-divergent scheme

    Het meten van lichaamssamenstelling in de eerstelijnszorg : bio-impedantie steeds populairder, maar op individueel niveau niet betrouwbaar

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    Lichaamssamenstelling is een maat voor de voedingstoestand. Een groot scala aan methoden staat ter beschikking om lichaamssamenstelling te meten. Sommige van deze methoden zijn geschikt voor toepassing in de eerste lijn, zoals antropometrie en bio-impedantie. Andere, meer kostbare en geavanceerde technieken - zoals MRI, CT, DEXA en isotopen-verdunningsmethoden - zijn geschikter voor toepassing in een onderzoeksomgeving. Met name bio-impedantie wordt steeds populairde

    Vitamine D in zuivel.

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