22 research outputs found

    El Pentaquark i les tècniques d'unitarització quiral

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    Beta decay gets the ab initio treatment

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    One of the fundamental radioactive decay modes of nuclei is β decay. Now, nuclear theorists have used first-principles simulations to explain nuclear β decay properties across a range of light- to medium-mass isotopes, up to 100Sn

    Isovector properties of the Gogny interaction

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    We analyse the properties of the Gogny interaction in homogeneous matter, with special emphasis on the isovector sector. We provide analytical expressions for both the single-particle and the bulk properties of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter. We perform an extensive analysis of these properties using 11 parametrizations extracted from the literature. We find that most Gogny interactions have low values for the slope of the symmetry energy, outside the range of empirically extracted values. As a test of extreme isospin dependence, we also study the mass-radius relations implied by the different Gogny equations of state. Our results call for a more careful fitting procedure of the isovector properties of Gogny functionals

    Pairing and Short-Range Correlations in Nuclear Systems

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    The structure and density dependence of the pairing gap in infinite matter is relevant for astrophysical phenomena and provides a starting point for the discussion of pairing properties in nuclear structure. Short-range correlations can significantly deplete the available single-particle strength around the Fermi surface and thus provide a reduction mechanism of the pairing gap. Here, we study this effect in the singlet and triplet channels of both neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter. Our calculations use phase-shift equivalent interactions and chiral two-body and three-body interactions as a starting point. We find an unambiguous reduction of the gap in all channels with very small dependence on the NN force in the singlet neutron matter and the triplet nuclear matter channel. In the latter channel, SRC alone provide a 50% reduction of the pairing gap

    Comparison of nuclear hamiltonians using spectral function sum rules

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    Background: The energy weighted sum rules of the single-particle spectral functions provide a quantitative understanding of the fragmentation of nuclear states due to short-range and tensor correlations. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to compare on a quantitative basis the single-particle spectral function generated by different nuclear hamiltonians in symmetric nuclear matter using the first three energy-weighted moments. Method: The spectral functions are calculated in the framework of the self-consistent Green's function approach at finite temperature within a ladder resummation scheme. We analyze the first three moments of the spectral function and connect these to the correlations induced by the interactions between the nucleons in symmetric nuclear matter. In particular, the variance of the spectral function is directly linked to the dispersive contribution of the self-energy. The discussion is centered around two- and three-body chiral nuclear interactions, with and without renormalization, but we also provide results obtained with the traditional phase-shift-equivalent CD-Bonn and Av18 potentials. Results: The variance of the spectral function is particularly sensitive to the short-range structure of the force, with hard-core interactions providing large variances. Chiral forces yield variances which are an order of magnitude smaller and, when tamed using the similarity renormalization group, the variance reduces significantly and in proportion to the renormalization scale. The presence of three-body forces does not substantially affect the results. Conclusions: The first three moments of the spectral function are useful tools in analysing the importance of correlations in nuclear ground states. In particular, the second-order moment provides a direct insight into dispersive contributions to the self-energy and its value is indicative of the fragmentation of single-particle states

    Di-nucleon structures in homogeneous nuclear matter based on two- and three-nucleon interactions

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    We investigate homogeneous nuclear matter within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach in the limits of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) as well as pure neutron matter at zero temperature. The study is based on realistic representations of the internucleon interaction as given by Argonne v18, Paris, Nijmegen I and II potentials, in addition to chiral N3LO interactions, including three-nucleon forces up to N2LO. Particular attention is paid to the presence of di-nucleon bound states structures in 1S0 and 3SD1 channels, whose explicit account becomes crucial for the stability of self-consistent solutions at low densities. A characterization of these solutions and associated bound states is discussed. We confirm that coexisting BHF single-particle solutions in SNM, at Fermi momenta in the range 0.13 − 0.3 fm−1 , is a robust feature under the choice of realistic internucleon potentials

    Di–neutrons in neutron matter within Brueckner–Hartree–Fock approach

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    We investigate the appearance of di–neutron bound states in pure neutron matter within the Brueckner–Hartree–Fock approach at zero temperature. We consider the Argonne v18 and Paris bare interactions as well as chiral two– and three–nucleon forces. Self–consistent single–particle potentials are calculated by controlling explicitly singularities in the g matrix associated with bound states. Di–neutrons are loosely bound, with binding energies below 1 MeV, but are unambiguously present for Fermi momenta below 1 fm−1 for all interactions. Within the same framework we are able to calculate and characterize di–neutron bound states, obtaining mean radii as high as ∼110 fm. Implications of these findings are presented and discussed

    Di-nucleon structures in homogeneous nuclear matter based on two- and three-nucleon interactions

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    We investigate homogeneous nuclear matter within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach in the limits of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) as well as pure neutron matter at zero temperature. The study is based on realistic representations of the internucleon interaction as given by Argonne v18, Paris, Nijmegen I and II potentials, in addition to chiral N3LO interactions, including three-nucleon forces up to N2LO. Particular attention is paid to the presence of di-nucleon bound states structures in 1S0 and 3SD1 channels, whose explicit account becomes crucial for the stability of self-consistent solutions at low densities. A characterization of these solutions and associated bound states is discussed. We confirm that coexisting BHF single-particle solutions in SNM, at Fermi momenta in the range 0.13 − 0.3 fm−1 , is a robust feature under the choice of realistic internucleon potentials

    Sum rules and correlations in asymmetric nuclear matter

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    The neutron and proton single-particle spectral functions in asymmetric nuclear matter fulfill energy-weighted sum rules. The validity of these sum rules within the self-consistent Green's function approach is investigated. The various contributions to these sum rules and their convergence as a function of energy provide information about correlations induced by the realistic interaction between the nucleons. The study of the sum rules in asymmetric nuclear matter exhibits the isospin dependence of the nucleon-nucleon correlations