70,023 research outputs found

    The figure of Ramon Llull (Raimundus Lullus) and the significance of the recent companion volume to his Latin works in the Corpus Christianorum series

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    The text offered here seeks to present the recent work, Fidora, A.-Rubio, J. E. (eds.), Raimundus Lullus: An Introduction to his Life, Works and Thought, CCCM 214, Turnhout: Brepols 2008, within the dual contexts of Lullian historiography and the history of Lullism, and by locating it therein aims to assess the volume's contribution to and revision of an ongoing enterprise while providing a detailed description of the work's contents.Este artículo presenta la obra de Fidora, A.-Rubio, J. E. (eds.), Raimundus Lullus: An Introduction to his Life, Works and Thought, CCCM 214, Turnhout: Brepols 2008, en el doble contexto de la historiografía luliana y de la historia del lulismo. Con eso, se pretende determinar la contribución del volumen al discurso luliano, así como a una posible revisión del mismo, mientras que se ofrece una descripción detallada de sus contenidos

    Potential availability of diesel waste heat at Echo Deep Space Station (DSS 12)

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    Energy consumption at the Goldstone Echo Deep Space Station (DSS 12) is predicted and quantified for a future station configuration which will involve implementation of proposed energy conservation modifications. Cogeneration by the utilization of diesel waste-heat to satisfy site heating and cooling requirements of the station is discussed. Scenarios involving expanded use of on-site diesel generators are presented

    Far-infrared investigation of the Taurus star-forming region using the IRAS database

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    The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) has given us the first completely unbiased sky-survey in the far-infrared with wavebands centered at 12, 25, 60 and 100 microns. The Taurus-Auriga complex was selected as the first molecular cloud to be investigated in this study. The Taurus clouds were defined as lying between 04h and 05h in R.A. and +16 to +31 degrees in Dec., then the IRAS point-source catalogue was searched for sources with good or moderate quality fluxes in all three of the shortest IRAS bands. The sources which were selected in this way were then classified into subgroups according to their IRAS colors. Taurus is generally believed to be an area of low-mass star formation, having no luminous O-B associations within or near to the cloud complex. Once field stars, galaxies and planetary nebulae had been removed from the sample only the molecular cloud cores, T Tauri stars and a few emission-line A and B stars remained. The great majority of these objects are pre-main sequence in nature and, as stated by Chester (1985), main sequence stars without excess far-infrared emission would only be seen in Taurus if their spectral types were earlier than about A5 and then not 25 microns. By choosing our sample in this way we are naturally selecting the hotter and thus more evolved sources. To counteract this, the molecular cloud core-criterion was applied to soruces with good or moderate quality flux at 25, 60 and 100 microns, increasing the core sample by about one third. The candidate protostar B335 is only detected by IRAS at 60 and 100 microns while Taurus is heavily contaminated by cirrus at 100 microns. This means that detection at 25 microns is also required with those at 60 and 100 microns to avoid confusing a ridge of cirrus with a genuine protostar. The far-infrared luminosity function of these sources is then calculated and converted to the visual band by a standard method to compare with the field star luminosity function of Miller and Scalo. The eventual aim of this work is to obtain far-infrared luminosity functions for a number of molecular clouds which are known to be forming low-mass stars and to investigate how the slope is affected by changes in the density and turbulence of material

    A Heavenly Example of Scale Free Networks and Self-Organized Criticality

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    The sun provides an explosive, heavenly example of self-organized criticality. Sudden bursts of intense radiation emanate from rapid rearrangements of the magnetic field network in the corona. Avalanches are triggered by loops of flux that reconnect or snap into lower energy configurations when they are overly stressed. Our recent analysis of observational data reveals that the loops (links) and footpoints (nodes), where they attach on the photosphere, embody a scale free network. The statistics of the avalanches and of the network structure are unified through a simple dynamical model where the avalanches and network co-generate each other into a complex, critical state. This particular example points toward a general dynamical mechanism for self-generation of complex networks.Comment: Submitted to proceedings for the Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena, Salvador, Brazil (2003

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the interactions of potential foulant molecules and a reverse osmosis membrane

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    Reverse osmosis (RO) is increasingly one of the most common technologies for desalination worldwide. However, fouling of the membranes used in the RO process remains one of the main challenges. In order to better understand the molecular basis of fouling the interactions of a fully atomistic model of a polyamide membrane with three different foulant molecules, oxygen gas, glucose and phenol, are investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. In addition to unbiased simulations, umbrella sampling methods have been used to calculate the free energy profiles of the membrane-foulant interactions. The results show that each of the three foulants interacts with the membrane in a different manner.It is found that a build up of the two organic foulants, glucose and phenol, occurs at the membrane-saline solution, due to the favourable nature of the interaction in this region, and that the presence of these foulants reduces the rate of flow of water molecules over the membrane-solution interface. However, analysis of the hydrogen bonding shows that the origin of attraction of the foulant for the membrane differs. In the case of oxygen gas the simulations show that a build up of gas within the membrane is likely, although, no deterioration in the membrane performance was observed