19,994 research outputs found

    Diffusion and electron emission properties of duplex refractory metal thermionic emitters

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    Diffusion and electron emission properties of duplex refractory metal thermionic emitter

    The Economic Impact of the Cotton Crop on the Texas High Plains, 2008

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    Early season high winds and late season cool temperatures have worked together to limit the size of the High Plains cotton crop. Over the past 5 years, the High Plains2 has averaged 4.44 million bales produced each year. However, Plains Cotton Growers recently estimated the 2008 crop to be around 3.2 million bales (Wade). If these production numbers materialize, the 28% drop in production will have significant impacts on the regional economy. The purposes of this briefing paper are to: (1) estimate the impact of the cotton crop on the High Plains economy, and (2) estimate the impact of a smaller than average crop.Agribusiness,

    Laboratory experiments and models of diffusive emplacement of ground ice on Mars

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    Experiments demonstrate for the first time the deposition of subsurface ice directly from atmospheric water vapor under Mars surface conditions. Deposition occurs at pressures below the triple point of water and therefore in the absence of a bulk liquid phase. Significant quantities of ice are observed to deposit in porous medium interstices; the maximum filling fraction observed in our experiments is ~90%, but the evidence is consistent with ice density in pore spaces asymptotically approaching 100% filling. The micromorphology of the deposited ice reveals several noteworthy characteristics including preferential early deposition at grain contact points, complete pore filling between some grains, and captured atmospheric gas bubbles. The boundary between ice-bearing and ice-free soil, the “ice table,” is a sharp interface, consistent with theoretical investigations of subsurface ice dynamics. Changes of surface radiative properties are shown to affect ice table morphology through their modulation of the local temperature profile. Accumulation of ice is shown to reduce the diffusive flux and thus reduce the rate of further ice deposition. Numerical models of the experiments based on diffusion physics are able to reproduce experimental ice contents if the parameterization of growth rate reduction has expected contributions in addition to reduced porosity. Several phenomena related to the evolution of subsurface ice are discussed in light of these results, and interpretations are given for a range of potential observations being made by the Phoenix Scout Lander

    Fuel and fission product transport through chemically vapor-deposited fluoride tungsten

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    Fuel and fission product transport through chemically vapor-deposited fluoride tungste

    Development of chemically vapor deposited rhenium emitters of (0001) preferred crystal orientation

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    Rhenium thermionic emitters were prepared by the pyrolysis of rhenium chlorides formed by the chlorination of rhenium pellets. The impurity contents, microstructures, degrees of (0001) preferred crystal orientation, and vacuum electron work functions of these emitters were determined as a function of deposition parameters, such as substrate temperature, rhenium pellet temperature and chlorine flow rate. A correlation between vacuum electron work function and degree of (0001) preferred crystal orientation was established. Conditions for depositing porosity-free rhenium emitters of high vacuum electron work functions were defined. Finally, three cylindrical rhenium emitters were prepared under the optimum deposition conditions

    Activists and Corporate Behavior in Food Processing and Retailing: A Sequential Bargaining Game

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    This study examines the strategic interaction between food companies and activists using a game theoretic model of sequential bargaining in the absence of complete information. In a rather confined set of circumstances, findings indicate it is always in the best interest of the food company to comply with activists' demands. More frequently, however, there will be cases where compliance is not optimal, depending on the size of the expected effect of protest, cost of defending against protest, and the cost of protest to the activist.activists, corporate behavior, food industries, sequential bargaining game, Agribusiness,

    Molecular Identifications in Experiments with Astronomical Ice Analogues: New Data, Old Strategies, and the N2 + Acetone System

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    A recent publication on the radiation chemistry and IR spectroscopy of N2 plus acetone ices is used to illustrate some of the difficulties encountered in the study of astronomical ice analogues. Concerns and problems are identified and suggestions for their solution are presented, including new infrared (IR) spectra of amorphous ices. The hazards of using peak positions alone for assignments of the IR spectra of irradiated ices are illustrated, and the importance of considering the underlying reaction chemistry is shown. Several experiments are proposed as a way to investigate the behaviour of acetone in cold, extraterrestrial environments. Electronic versions of IR spectra are provided and several new refractive indices of ices are reported

    Subsynchronous instability of a geared centrifugal compressor of overhung design

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    The original design analysis and shop test data are presented for a three stage (poster) air compressor with impellers mounted on the extensions of a twin pinion gear, and driven by an 8000 hp synchronous motor. Also included are field test data, subsequent rotor dynamics analysis, modifications, and final rotor behavior. A subsynchronous instability existed on a geared, overhung rotor. State-of-the-art rotor dynamics analysis techniques provided a reasonable analytical model of the rotor. A bearing modification arrived at analytically eliminated the instability