9,973 research outputs found

    Effect of Particle-Hole Asymmetry on the Mott-Hubbard Metal-Insulator Transition

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    The Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition is one of the most important problems in correlated electron systems. In the past decade, much progress has been made on examining a particle-hole symmetric form of the transition in the Hubbard model with dynamical mean field theory where it was found that the electronic self energy develops a pole at the transition. We examine the particle-hole asymmetric metal-insulator transition in the Falicov-Kimball model, and find that a number of features change when the noninteracting density of states has a finite bandwidth. Since, generically particle-hole symmetry is broken in real materials, our results have an impact on understanding the metal-insulator transition in real materials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Exact Solution of a Electron System Combining Two Different t-J Models

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    A new strongly correlated electron model is presented. This is formed by two types of sites: one where double occupancy is forbidden, as in the t-J model, and the other where double occupancy is allowed but vacancy is not allowed, as an inverse t-J model. The Hamiltonian shows nearest and next-to-nearest neighbour interactions and it is solved by means of a modified algebraic nested Bethe Ansatz. The number of sites where vacancy is not allowed, may be treated as a new parameter if the model is looked at as a t-J model with impurities. The ground and excited states are described in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: Some corrections and references added. To be published in J. Phys.

    Semiparametric Estimation in Models of First-Price, Sealed-Bid Auctions with Affiliation

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    Within the affiliated private-values paradigm, we develop a tractable empirical model of equilibrium behaviour at first-price, sealed-bid auctions. The model is non-parametrically identified, but the rate of convergence in estimation is slow when the number of bidders is even moderately large, so we develop a semiparametric estimation strategy, focusing on the Archimedean family of copulae and implementing this framework using particular members--the Clayton, Frank, and Gumbel copulae. We apply our framework to data from low-price, sealed-bid auctions used by the Michigan Department of Transportation to procure road-resurfacing services, rejecting the hypothesis of independence and finding significant (and high) affiliation in cost signals.first-price, sealed-bid auctions, copulae, affiliation

    Gutzwiller variational theory for the Hubbard model with attractive interaction

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    We investigate the electronic and superconducting properties of a negative-U Hubbard model. For this purpose we evaluate a recently introduced variational theory based on Gutzwiller-correlated BCS wave functions. We find significant differences between our approach and standard BCS theory, especially for the superconducting gap. For small values of U|U|, we derive analytical expressions for the order parameter and the superconducting gap which we compare to exact results from perturbation theory.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Alerting or Somnogenic Light: Pick Your Color.

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    In mammals, light exerts pervasive effects on physiology and behavior in two ways: indirectly through clock synchronization and the phase adjustment of circadian rhythms, and directly through the promotion of alertness and sleep, respectively, in diurnal and nocturnal species. A recent report by Pilorz and colleagues describes an even more complex role for the acute effects of light. In mice, blue light acutely causes behavioral arousal, whereas green wavelengths promote sleep. These opposing effects are mediated by melanopsin-based phototransduction through different neural pathways. These findings reconcile nocturnal and diurnal species through a common alerting response to blue light. One can hypothesize that the opposite responses to natural polychromatic light in night- or day-active animals may reflect higher sensitivity of nocturnal species to green, and diurnals to blue wavelengths, resulting in hypnogenic and alerting effects, respectively. Additional questions remain to be clarified. How do different light wavelengths affect other behaviors such as mood and cognition? How do those results apply to humans? How does light pose either a risk or benefit, depending on whether one needs to be asleep or alert? Indeed, in addition to timing, luminance levels, and light exposure duration, these findings stress the need to understand how best to adapt the color spectrum of light to our needs and to take this into account for the design of daily lighting concepts-a key challenge for today's society, especially with the emergence of LED light technology

    Cumulant expansion of the periodic Anderson model in infinite dimension

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    The diagrammatic cumulant expansion for the periodic Anderson model with infinite Coulomb repulsion (U=U=\infty ) is considered here for an hypercubic lattice of infinite dimension (d=d=\infty ). The same type of simplifications obtained by Metzner for the cumulant expansion of the Hubbard model in the limit of d=d=\infty , are shown to be also valid for the periodic Anderson model.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures.ps. To be published in J. Phys. A: Mathematical and General (1997

    Many-body approach to the nonlinear interaction of charged particles with an interacting free electron gas

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    We report various many-body theoretical approaches to the nonlinear decay rate and energy loss of charged particles moving in an interacting free electron gas. These include perturbative formulations of the scattering matrix, the self-energy, and the induced electron density. Explicit expressions for these quantities are obtained, with inclusion of exchange and correlation effects.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Journal of Physics

    Ab-initio Gutzwiller method: first application to Plutonium

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    Except for small molecules, it is impossible to solve many electrons systems without imposing severe approximations. If the configuration interaction approaches (CI) or Coupled Clusters techniques \cite{FuldeBook} are applicable for molecules, their generalization for solids is difficult. For materials with a kinetic energy greater than the Coulomb interaction, calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT), associated with the local density approximation (LDA) \cite{Hohenberg64, Kohn65} give satisfying qualitative and quantitative results to describe ground state properties. These solids have weakly correlated electrons presenting extended states, like spsp materials or covalent solids. The application of this approximation to systems where the wave functions are more localized (dd or ff-states) as transition metals oxides, heavy fermions, rare earths or actinides is more questionable and can even lead to unphysical results : for example, insulating FeO and CoO are predicted to be metalic by the DFT-LDA..