117,479 research outputs found

    Stress-energy Tensor Correlators in N-dim Hot Flat Spaces via the Generalized Zeta-Function Method

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    We calculate the expectation values of the stress-energy bitensor defined at two different spacetime points x,x′x, x' of a massless, minimally coupled scalar field with respect to a quantum state at finite temperature TT in a flat NN-dimensional spacetime by means of the generalized zeta-function method. These correlators, also known as the noise kernels, give the fluctuations of energy and momentum density of a quantum field which are essential for the investigation of the physical effects of negative energy density in certain spacetimes or quantum states. They also act as the sources of the Einstein-Langevin equations in stochastic gravity which one can solve for the dynamics of metric fluctuations as in spacetime foams. In terms of constitutions these correlators are one rung above (in the sense of the correlation -- BBGKY or Schwinger-Dyson -- hierarchies) the mean (vacuum and thermal expectation) values of the stress-energy tensor which drive the semiclassical Einstein equation in semiclassical gravity. The low and the high temperature expansions of these correlators are also given here: At low temperatures, the leading order temperature dependence goes like TNT^{N} while at high temperatures they have a T2T^{2} dependence with the subleading terms exponentially suppressed by e−Te^{-T}. We also discuss the singular behaviors of the correlators in the x′→xx'\rightarrow x coincident limit as was done before for massless conformal quantum fields.Comment: 23 pages, no figures. Invited contribution to a Special Issue of Journal of Physics A in honor of Prof. J. S. Dowke

    Optimal Alphabetic Ternary Trees

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    We give a new algorithm to construct optimal alphabetic ternary trees, where every internal node has at most three children. This algorithm generalizes the classic Hu-Tucker algorithm, though the overall computational complexity has yet to be determined

    Model-independent constraints on reionization from large-scale CMB polarization

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    On large angular scales, the polarization of the CMB contains information about the evolution of the average ionization during the epoch of reionization. Interpretation of the polarization spectrum usually requires the assumption of a fixed functional form for the evolution, e.g. instantaneous reionization. We develop a model-independent method where a small set of principal components completely encapsulate the effects of reionization on the large-angle E-mode polarization for any reionization history within an adjustable range in redshift. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, we apply this approach to both the 3-year WMAP data and simulated future data. WMAP data constrain two principal components of the reionization history, approximately corresponding to the total optical depth and the difference between the contributions to the optical depth at high and low redshifts. The optical depth is consistent with the constraint found in previous analyses of WMAP data that assume instantaneous reionization, with only slightly larger uncertainty due to the expanded set of models. Using the principal component approach, WMAP data also place a 95% CL upper limit of 0.08 on the contribution to the optical depth from redshifts z>20. With improvements in polarization sensitivity and foreground modeling, approximately five of the principal components can ultimately be measured. Constraints on the principal components, which probe the entire reionization history, can test models of reionization, provide model-independent constraints on the optical depth, and detect signatures of high-redshift reionization.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; submitted to Ap

    Breaking of Larmor's theorem in quantum Hall states with spin-orbit coupling

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    We investigate the effect of spin-orbit (SO) interaction on the long-wavelength collective spin excitation in a two-dimensional electron gas in the fractional quantum Hall regime. The many-body correction to the single-particle electron spin resonance (ESR) energy is found to be nonzero, providing theoretical evidence of a breaking of Larmor's theorem. Such breaking is due to the loss of spin-rotational invariance introduced by the SO-induced structural inversion asymmetry in the system. This effect, whose magnitude is a significant percentage of the single-particle ESR, exhibits remarkable features in a wide range of experimentally relevant parameters and is found to be nearly material independent
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