360 research outputs found

    BIOADI: a machine learning approach to identifying abbreviations and definitions in biological literature

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    BACKGROUND: To automatically process large quantities of biological literature for knowledge discovery and information curation, text mining tools are becoming essential. Abbreviation recognition is related to NER and can be considered as a pair recognition task of a terminology and its corresponding abbreviation from free text. The successful identification of abbreviation and its corresponding definition is not only a prerequisite to index terms of text databases to produce articles of related interests, but also a building block to improve existing gene mention tagging and gene normalization tools. RESULTS: Our approach to abbreviation recognition (AR) is based on machine-learning, which exploits a novel set of rich features to learn rules from training data. Tested on the AB3P corpus, our system demonstrated a F-score of 89.90% with 95.86% precision at 84.64% recall, higher than the result achieved by the existing best AR performance system. We also annotated a new corpus of 1200 PubMed abstracts which was derived from BioCreative II gene normalization corpus. On our annotated corpus, our system achieved a F-score of 86.20% with 93.52% precision at 79.95% recall, which also outperforms all tested systems. CONCLUSION: By applying our system to extract all short form-long form pairs from all available PubMed abstracts, we have constructed BIOADI. Mining BIOADI reveals many interesting trends of bio-medical research. Besides, we also provide an off-line AR software in the download section on http://bioagent.iis.sinica.edu.tw/BIOADI/

    Soft tagging of overlapping high confidence gene mention variants for cross-species full-text gene normalization

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    Abstract Background Previously, gene normalization (GN) systems are mostly focused on disambiguation using contextual information. An effective gene mention tagger is deemed unnecessary because the subsequent steps will filter out false positives and high recall is sufficient. However, unlike similar tasks in the past BioCreative challenges, the BioCreative III GN task is particularly challenging because it is not species-specific. Required to process full-length articles, an ineffective gene mention tagger may produce a huge number of ambiguous false positives that overwhelm subsequent filtering steps while still missing many true positives. Results We present our GN system participated in the BioCreative III GN task. Our system applies a typical 2-stage approach to GN but features a soft tagging gene mention tagger that generates a set of overlapping gene mention variants with a nearly perfect recall. The overlapping gene mention variants increase the chance of precise match in the dictionary and alleviate the need of disambiguation. Our GN system achieved a precision of 0.9 (F-score 0.63) on the BioCreative III GN test corpus with the silver annotation of 507 articles. Its TAP-k scores are competitive to the best results among all participants. Conclusions We show that despite the lack of clever disambiguation in our gene normalization system, effective soft tagging of gene mention variants can indeed contribute to performance in cross-species and full-text gene normalization.</p

    Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles-coated Carbon Nanotubes

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    A simple and straightforward approach to prepare TiO2-coated carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is presented. Anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) with the average size ~8 nm were coated on CNTs from peroxo titanic acid (PTA) precursor even at low temperature of 100 Β°C. We demonstrate the effects of CNTs/TiO2 molar ratio on the adsorption capability and photocatalytic efficiency under UV–visible irradiation. The samples showed not only good optical absorption in visible range, but also great adsorption capacity for methyl orange (MO) dye molecules. These properties facilitated the great enhancement of photocatalytic activity of TiO2 NPs-coated CNTs photocatalysts. The TiO2 NPs-coated CNTs exhibited 2.45 times higher photocatalytic activity for MO degradation than that of pure TiO2

    International consensus on natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES) for colorectal cancer

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    In recent years, natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES) in the treatment of colorectal cancer has attracted widespread attention. The potential benefits of NOSES including reduction in postoperative pain and wound complications, less use of postoperative analgesic, faster recovery of bowel function, shorter length of hospital stay, better cosmetic and psychological effect have been described in colorectal surgery. Despite significant decrease in surgical trauma of NOSES have been observed, the potential pitfalls of this technique have been demonstrated. Particularly, several issues including bacteriological concerns, oncological outcomes and patient selection are raised with this new technique. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to reach a consensus as an industry guideline to standardize the implementation of NOSES in colorectal surgery. After three rounds of discussion by all members of the International Alliance of NOSES, the consensus is finally completed, which is also of great significance to the long-term progress of NOSES worldwide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quantitative Modeling of Currents from a Voltage Gated Ion Channel Undergoing Fast Inactivation

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    Ion channels play a central role in setting gradients of ion concentration and electrostatic potentials, which in turn regulate sensory systems and other functions. Based on the structure of the open configuration of the Kv1.2 channel and the suggestion that the two ends of the N-terminal inactivating peptide form a bivalent complex that simultaneously blocks the channel pore and binds to the cytoplasmic T1 domain, we propose a six state kinetic model that for the first time reproduces the kinetics of recovery of the Drosophila Shaker over the full range of time scales and hyperpolarization potentials, including tail currents. The model is motivated by a normal mode analysis of the inactivated channel that suggests that a displacement consistent with models of the closed state propagates to the T1 domain via the S1-T1 linker. This motion stretches the bound (inactivating) peptide, hastening the unblocking of the pore. This pulling force is incorporated into the rates of the open to blocked states, capturing the fast recovery phase of the current for repolarization events shorter than 1 ms. If the membrane potential is hyperpolarized, essential dynamics further suggests that the T1 domain returns to a configuration where the peptide is unstretched and the S1-T1 linker is extended. Coupling this novel hyperpolarized substate to the closed, open and blocked pore states is enough to quantitatively estimate the number of open channels as a function of time and membrane potential. A straightforward prediction of the model is that a slow ramping of the potential leads to very small currents

    Targeted Delivery of Chemotherapy Agents Using a Liver Cancer-Specific Aptamer

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    Using antibody/aptamer-drug conjugates can be a promising method for decreasing toxicity, while increasing the efficiency of chemotherapy.In this study, the antitumor agent Doxorubicin (Dox) was incorporated into the modified DNA aptamer TLS11a-GC, which specifically targets LH86, a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. Cell viability tests demonstrated that the TLS11a-GC-Dox conjugates exhibited both potency and target specificity. Importantly, intercalating Dox into the modified aptamer inhibited nonspecific uptake of membrane-permeable Dox to the non-target cell line. Since the conjugates are selective for cells that express higher amounts of target proteins, both criteria noted above are met, making TLS11a-GC-Dox conjugates potential candidates for targeted delivery to liver cancer cells.Considering the large number of available aptamers that have specific targets for a wide variety of cancer cells, this novel aptamer-drug intercalation method will have promising implications for chemotherapeutics in general

    Cooperative Transition between Open and Closed Conformations in Potassium Channels

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    Potassium (K+) ion channels switch between open and closed conformations. The nature of this important transition was revealed by comparing the X-ray crystal structures of the MthK channel from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, obtained in its open conformation, and the KcsA channel from Streptomyces lividans, obtained in its closed conformation. We analyzed the dynamic characteristics and energetics of these homotetrameric structures in order to study the role of the intersubunit cooperativity in this transition. For this, elastic models and in silico alanine-scanning mutagenesis were used, respectively. Reassuringly, the calculations manifested motion from the open (closed) towards the closed (open) conformation. The calculations also revealed a network of dynamically and energetically coupled residues. Interestingly, the network suggests coupling between the selectivity filter and the gate, which are located at the two ends of the channel pore. Coupling between these two regions was not observed in calculations that were conducted with the monomer, which emphasizes the importance of the intersubunit interactions within the tetrameric structure for the cooperative gating behavior of the channel

    The complete sequence of the Acacia ligulata chloroplast genome reveals a highly divergent clpP1 gene

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    Legumes are a highly diverse angiosperm family that include many agriculturally important species. To date, 21 complete chloroplast genomes have been sequenced from legume crops confined to the Papilionoideae subfamily. Here we report the first chloroplast genome from the Mimosoideae, Acacia ligulata, and compare it to the previously sequenced legume genomes. The A. ligulata chloroplast genome is 158,724 bp in size, comprising inverted repeats of 25,925 bp and single-copy regions of 88,576 bp and 18,298 bp. Acacia ligulata lacks the inversion present in many of the Papilionoideae, but is not otherwise significantly different in terms of gene and repeat content. The key feature is its highly divergent clpP1 gene, normally considered essential in chloroplast genomes. In A. ligulata, although transcribed and spliced, it probably encodes a catalytically inactive protein. This study provides a significant resource for further genetic research into Acacia and the Mimosoideae. The divergent clpP1 gene suggests that Acacia will provide an interesting source of information on the evolution and functional diversity of the chloroplast Clp protease comple
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