36 research outputs found

    Subsistence hunting of Cuniculus pacain the middle of the SolimÔes River, Amazonas, Brazil

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    Ungulates, large primates and caviomorfs are cited by Amazonian hunters as preferred species. In this research, paca (Cuniculus paca) hunting was investigated in relation to water levels and the lunar cycle. In eight years of monitoring in the Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve, the killing of 625 pacas was registered in five monitored communities. Paca hunting took place mainly at night and the most commonly used method is “spotlighting”. A positive correlation between the number of pacas killed and water level (rs=0.890; p<0.0001) was found. At least 37% of the pacas were hunted when moon illumination level was less than 10%, before moonrise or after moonset. In the Boa Esperança community, capture of paca tended to decrease on nights with high moon illumination (rs= −0.663; p=0.067). At the same time, an expressive catch-per-unity-effort decrease was also observed in this community (r2= −0.881; p<0.001), allowing us to predict unsustainable hunting levels for the next decade. The stock of animals in these areas could be continuously replaced if surrounding areas consisted of continuous forests. However, continuous hunting and deforestation force local hunters to travel longer distances to kill prey such as pacas. The confirmation of the relation between paca habits and lunar illumination and water level, a pattern described by local hunters, demonstrates the potential value of participatory research and the possibility of integrating traditional knowledge into scientific knowledge

    Diel and seasonal patterns of tropical forest CO2 exchange

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    We used eddy covariance to measure the net exchange of CO2between theatmosphere and an old-growth tropical forest in Para ́, Brazil from 1 July 2000 to 1 July2001. The mean air temperature and daily temperature range varied little year-round; therainy season lasted from late December to around July. Daytime CO2uptake under highirradiance averaged 16–19mmol·m22·s21. Light was the main controller of CO2exchange,accounting for 48% of the half-hour-to-half-hour variance. The rate of canopy photosyn-thesis at a given irradiance was lower in the afternoon than the morning. This photosyntheticinhibition was probably caused by high evaporative demand, high temperature, an intrinsiccircadian rhythm, or a combination of the three. Wood increment increased from Januaryto May, suggesting greater rates of carbon sequestration during the wet season. However,the daily net CO2exchange measured by eddy covariance revealed the opposite trend, withgreater carbon accumulation during the dry season. A reduction in respiration during thedry season was an important cause of this seasonal pattern. The surface litter was desiccatedin the dry season, and the seasonal pattern of respiration appears to be a direct result ofreduced forest floor decomposition during drought. In contrast, canopy photosynthesis wasnot directly reduced by the dry season, probably because deep rooting allows the forest toavoid drought stres


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    Inst Dante Pazzanese Cardiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Med, Hosp Clin, Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilHosp Coracao Anis Rassi, Goiania, Go, BrazilInst Coracao Triangulo, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilEscola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Felicio Rocho, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilReal & Benemerita Soc Portuguesa Beneficencia, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Med, Inst Coracao, Hosp Clin, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFundacao Univ Cardiol, Inst Cardiol Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilHosp Santa Paula, Cardioctr, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, BrazilHosp Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilClin Sao Vicente, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc