255 research outputs found
Epitopes on the peplomer protein of infectious bronchitis virus strain M41 as defined by monoclonal antibodies.
Sixteen monoclonal antibodies (Mcabs) were prepared against infectious bronchitis virus strain M41, all of them reacting with the peplomer protein. One of them, Mcab 13, was able to neutralize the virus and to inhibit hemagglutination. Competition binding assays allowed the definition of five epitopes, designated as A, B, C, D, and E, of which epitopes A and B are overlapping. Furthermore, the binding of Mcab 13 (epitope E) could be enhanced by the addition of Mcabs from group B, C, and D. A dot immunoblot assay was used to analyze the effect of denaturation on antibody recognition
Проблема взаємозв’язку громадянського суспільства і державної бюрократії в Україні: деякі сучасні аспекти історіографії дослідження
Розглядається взаємодія громадянського суспільства і державної бюрократії. Зроблено висновок, що позиції українських дослідників відповідають напрацюванням західної наукової традиції стосовно теоретичних, а також практичних способів забезпечення взаємодії інститутів громадянського суспільства і державного апарату.In this article the interrelation between civil society and state bureaucracy is analysed. The conclusion is made that the views of the Ukrainian scientists correlate with the western traditional scientific opinion concerning theoretical and practical ways of ensuring interaction between the civil society institutions and state apparatus
ABCD : Update of the 2009 guidelines on prevention and management of feline infectious diseases
In this article, the ABCD guidelines published in the JFMS Special Issue of July 2009 (Volume 11, Issue 7, pages 527-620) are updated by including previously unavailable and novel information. For a better picture, the reader is advised to consult that issue before focusing on the novel features
Detecção molecular e análise filogenética do gene H de amostras do vírus da cinomose canina em circulação no município de Campinas, São Paulo
O vírus da cinomose canina (CDV), um Morbillivirus da família Paramyxoviridae, é o agente etiológico de doença neurológica e sistêmica em cães. O diagnóstico laboratorial da infecção requer o isolamento viral ou detecção do material genético do vírus em secreções ou tecidos de cães com suspeita clínica da doença. A diversidade genética entre os isolados de CDV pode ser aferida pelo sequenciamento efilogenia molecular do gene que codifica a hemaglutinina viral (gene H), havendo atualmente um especial interesse em comparar as amostras circulantes a campo com o genogrupo América-1, que abrange as cepas presentes nas vacinas disponíveis no mercado. No presente estudo, foi realizada a detecção molecular do gene H de CDV a partir de amostras biológicas colhidas ante- e post- -mortem de 15 cães com sinais clínicos sugestivos de cinomose na região metropolitana de Campinas, São Paulo. Dez dos 15 cães analisados tiveram ao menos um órgão positivo na detecção molecular e os amplicons obtidos foram submetidos ao sequenciamento nucleotídico seguido de análise filogenética molecular. De forma semelhante ao que já foi reportado para estudo analisando a diversidade do gene H em outros países, a reconstrução filogenética obtida para as amostras de casos de cinomose da região de Campinas demonstrou as mesmas foram agrupadas junto a amostras norte-americanas, europeias e japonesas recentes, em um grupo genético distinto do grupo de amostras clássicas de CDV, nomeado America-1, o qual engloba as estirpes vacinais Snyder Hill, Onderstepoort e Lederle
What do you think about these statements?
- Research is more important than teaching
- Veterinary clinical research is more important than basic research
- Academic freedom is an anachronism
Of course you do not agree, certainly not with all of them, and one or the other may even have irritated you. Bumper sticker one-liners like these do not only seduce the modest mind. In the Netherlands, a political murder was their indirect consequence, when an environmental/animal rights activist assassinated the populist Pim Fortuyn. This politician s tactics were to reduce complex political issues to commandments the man in the street would comprehend, by removing any modifier and nuance. Generalizations seem to have this effect inducing a mental patellar reflex, causing an instant agree/reject reaction before rational analysis kicks in. Only then and only in some does introspection begin. The pros and cons are weighed, pondered, judged. Emotions reign even where one would expect analysis, insight and wisdom. I start to wonder when I read that President George Bush is angry . I hope he is not; it could affect his reason
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