9 research outputs found

    Smoothing and Matching of 3-D Space Curves

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    International audienceWe present a new approach to the problem of matching 3-D curves. The approach has a low algorithmic complexity in the number of models, and can operate in the presence of noise and partial occlusions. Our method builds upon the seminal work of Kishon et al. (1990), where curves are first smoothed using B-splines, with matching based on hashing using curvature and torsion measures. However, we introduce two enhancements: -- We make use of nonuniform B-spline approximations, which permits us to better retain information at highcurvature locations. The spline approximations are controlled (i.e., regularized) by making use of normal vectors to the surface in 3-D on which the curves lie, and by an explicit minimization of a bending energy. These measures allow a more accurate estimation of position, curvature, torsion, and Frtnet frames along the curve. -- The computational complexity of the recognition process is relatively independent of the number of models and is considerably decreased with explicit use of the Frtnet frame for hypotheses generation. As opposed to previous approaches, the method better copes with partial occlusion. Moreover, following a statistical study of the curvature and torsion covariances, we optimize the hash table discretization and discover improved invariants for recognition, different than the torsion measure. Finally, knowledge of invariant uncertainties is used to compute an optimal global transformation using an extended Kalman filter. We present experimental results using synthetic data and also using characteristic curves extracted from 3-D medical images. An earlier version of this article was presented at the 2nd European Conference on Computer Vision in Italy

    Avaliação do ganho compensatório em novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir: consumo e desempenho Evaluation of compensatory growth in crossbred Holstein-Gyr steers: intake and performance

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    Avaliou-se a influência da restrição alimentar durante um período de pastejo de 104 dias (fase 1) sobre o consumo e a conversão alimentar, o conteúdo de digesta no trato gastrintestinal e os ganhos de peso corporal, da carcaça e dos constituintes não-carcaça em bovinos durante o período de realimentação em confinamento (fase 2). Foram utilizados 39 novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir, com idade inicial de 19,3±5,1 meses e 202,0±49,1 kg de PV, distribuídos em três grupos segundo o regime alimentar proposto: controle - pastejo ad libitum na fase 1 e ração ad libitum na fase 2 (nove animais); ganho compensatório - pastejo restrito na fase 1 e ração ad libitum na fase 2 (15 animais); mantença - pastejo restrito na fase 1 e níveis de proteína e energia 15% acima da mantença na fase 2 (15 animais). Nos dias 1, 28, 56, 84 e 112 de confinamento, foram abatidos três animais do regime ganho compensatório e três do regime de mantença. Nos dias 1, 28 e 112, foram igualmente abatidos três animais do grupo controle. Em comparação aos animais do grupo controle, os novilhos do ganho compensatório ganharam mais peso corporal durante os primeiros 28 dias de confinamento (ganharam mais peso dos constituintes não-carcaça), porém, não diferiram quanto ao ganho de peso da carcaça. Após o início do confinamento, com a ingestão de alimentos concentrados, verificou-se redução contínua do conteúdo de digesta (em % PV) nos animais dos três regimes de alimentação, mas não foi observada diferença entre os regimes de alimentação. Nos grupos controle e ganho compensatório, os 28 dias iniciais de confinamento constituíram o período de melhor conversão alimentar, pois coincidiram com o período de maior consumo por unidade de tamanho metabólico e em porcentagem do peso vivo.<br>The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction during a grazing period of 104 days (phase I) on intake, feed conversion, and digesta load as well as body weight (BW) change and weights of carcass and non-carcass components during a feedlot period (phase II) in crossbred steers. Thirty nine crossbred Holstein-Gyr steers averaging 19.3±5.1 months of age and 202.0±49.1 kg of BW at the beginning of the study were used. Animals were assigned to one of the following three treatments: 1 - control - ad libitum grazing in phase I and ad libitum concentrate in phase II (nine animals); 2 - compensatory growth - restricted grazing in phase I and ad libitum concentrate in phase II (15 animals); or 3 - maintenance - restricted grazing in phase I and protein and energy supplementation 15% above maintenance in phase II (15 animals). At 1, 28, and 112 days of feedlot, three animals from treatments 1, 2 and 3 were slaughtered. In addition, three animals from treatments 2 and 3 were also slaughtered at 56 and 84 days of feedlot. Animals from the compensatory growth treatment gained more BW than those from the control during the first 28 days of feedlot because of the greater weight gain of non-carcass components. However, carcass weight gain did not differ between both treatments. Gut fill as percentage of BW decreased in all three treatments when animals were fed concentrate in phase 2 but no significant differences were observed across treatments. Animals on control and compensatory growth treatments had improved feed conversion during the first 28 days of feedlot, which was associated to greater intake either expressed per unit of metabolic size or as percentage of BW

    Características das partes não-integrantes da carcaça de novilhos 5/8Nelore 3/8Charolês abatidos em três estádios de desenvolvimento Characteristics of non integrant parts of the carcass of 5/8 Nellore 3/8 Charolais steers slaughtered at three maturity stages

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    Foram avaliadas as características das partes não-integrantes da carcaça de novilhos 5/8 Nelore 3/8 Charolês terminados em confinamento e abatidos com 425, 467 e 510 kg. Os períodos de alimentação foram 30, 65 e 94 dias, respectivamente. A idade e peso médio iniciais foram de 660 dias e 361 kg, respectivamente. A dieta alimentar, com relação volumoso:concentrado de 60:40 com base na matéria seca (MS), continha 10,25% de proteína bruta e 3,18 Mcal de energia digestível/kg MS. De acordo com estimativa da equação de regressão, os rendimentos de carcaças quente e fria elevaram com o aumento no peso de abate (P). No entanto, quando expressos por peso de corpo vazio (PCV), houve similaridade entre os diferentes tratamentos. Quando os componentes foram expressos em valores absolutos, couro, total de componentes externos (TCE), fígado, total de órgãos vitais (TOV), total de gorduras internas (TGORD) e total de trato gastrintestinal vazio (TGVZ) apresentaram incremento com o aumento no P. Quando expressos por 100 kg de P e PCV, os componentes couro, TCE, fígado e TGVZ apresentaram similaridade; coração e TOV, decréscimo; e TGORD, acréscimo, com o aumento no P. Houve correlação positiva entre peso de fígado com consumo de matéria seca (r = 0,91) e com energia líquida de mantença (ELm) (r = 0,91) e entre TGORD com ELm (r = 0,78).<br>The characteristics of the body parts non-integrant of the carcass of 5/8 Nellore 3/8 Charolais steers feedlot finished and slaughtered with 425, 467 and 510 kg, were evaluated. The feeding periods were 30, 65 and 94 days, respectively. The average initial age and weight were 660 days and 361 kg, respectively. The diet, with 60% roughage and 40% concentrate dry matter basis (DM), contained 10.25% of crude protein and 3.18 Mcal of digestible energy/kg DM. According to regression equation estimate, the hot and cold carcass dressing increased as slaughter weight (SW) increased. However, when expressed per empty body weight (EBW), similarity among the different treatments was verified. When the components were expressed in absolute values, rawhide, total external components (TEC), liver, total vital organs (TVO), total internal fats (TFAT) and total empty gastrintestinal tract (TEGT) showed increase with increase in SW. When expressed per 100 kg of body weight and EBW, the rawhide, TEC, liver and TEGT components showed similarity; heart and TVO showed decrease; and TFAT showed increase, with increase in SW. Positive correlations between liver weight with dry matter intake (r=.91) and with net energy maintenance (NEm) (r=.91), and between TFAT with NEm (r=.78) were observed