1,155 research outputs found

    Vorgestalten und Selbstkorrumpierung auf dem Weg zum Affektdelikt

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag erörtert, aufbauend auf frĂŒheren Überlegungen, die Begriffe Vorgestalt und Selbstkorrumpierung im Kontext der psychiatrischen Begutachtung affektiv akzentuierter Delikte. In beiden FĂ€llen handelt es sich um komplexe psychopathologische PhĂ€nomene, die auf den Beurteilungsebenen des Querschnitts (Befund zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt) und LĂ€ngsschnitts (Entwicklung ĂŒber die Zeit bis hin zur Tathandlung) erfasst werden mĂŒssen. Vorgestalten meint hier kognitiv mehr oder weniger strukturierte, imaginierte Vorwegnahmen wesentlicher Elemente eines spĂ€ter real eingetretenen, stark affektiv geprĂ€gten Tatzusammenhangs. Sie können im Einzelfall fĂŒr oder gegen die Annahme einer erheblich eingeschrĂ€nkten SteuerungsfĂ€higkeit sprechen. Welche Indikatorfunktion sie haben, hĂ€ngt vom psychopathologischen Kontext ab. Der nicht wertfreie Begriff Selbstkorrumpierung bezeichnet eine komplexe, nicht leicht erkennbare Alteration des individuellen WertgefĂŒges im (möglicherweise jahrelangen) Vorfeld der Tat. Auch dieses PhĂ€nomen kann fĂŒr die forensische Beurteilung einer affektiv akzentuierten Straftat hilfreich sein, sofern es kritisch reflektiert verwendet wird. Der psychopathologischen Perspektive kommt in dieser Debatte eine kardinale Bedeutung zu. Dies gilt freilich nur dann, wenn die Psychopathologie sich in ihrem SelbstverstĂ€ndnis klar jenseits der bloßen Symptomerhebung bewegt und dabei die wissenschaftstheoretische und wissenschaftshistorische Perspektive aktiv einbezieh

    Kraepelin and degeneration theory

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    Emil Kraepelin's contribution to the clinical and scientific field of psychiatry is recognized world-wide. In recent years, however, there have been a number of critical remarks on his acceptance of degeneration theory in particular and on his political opinion in general, which was said to have carried "overtones of proto-fascism” by Michael Shepherd [28]. The present paper discusses the theoretical cornerstones of Kraepelinian psychiatry with regard to their relevance for Kraepelin's attitude towards degeneration theory. This theory had gained wide influence not only in scientific, but also in philosophical and political circles in the last decades of the nineteenth century. There is no doubt that Kraepelin, on the one hand, accepted and implemented degeneration theory into the debate on etiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders. On the other hand, it is not appropriate to draw a simple and direct line from early versions of degeneration theory to the crimes of psychiatrists and politicians during the rule of national socialism. What we need, is a differentiated view, since this will be the only scientific one. Much research needs to be done here in the future, and such research will surely have a significant impact not only on the historical field, but also on the continuous debate about psychiatry, neuroscience and neurophilosoph

    Psychopathological knowledge and methodically sound diagnostics are core elements of forensic psychiatry

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    Methodically sound psychiatric diagnoses are necessary quality-assuring elements in forensic psychiatry, but on their own they are not sufficient to answer the questions posed for an expert assessment. This position will be developed here in the context of a historical outline of key ideas in forensic psychiatry, a reflection on nosology and diagnosis in psychiatry, and the argument that psychopathology needs to be accorded greater influence. Regarding psychiatric assessments, the reference back to the experiential history of clinical psychiatry in dealing with all forms and degrees of mental disorder (the “psychopathological reference system”) does not represent a backward-looking traditionalism, nor is it adversarial to current neuroscientific or socioscientific research. On the contrary, such an historical anchoring, which specifically and methodically incorporates the internationally established diagnostic manuals ICD-10, DSM-5 and (from 2022) ICD-11, will enhance the quality of diagnosis, therapy and research. Especially, but not only in forensic psychiatric work, the following applies: The hasty replacement of operationally defined diagnoses by possibly plausible but “isolated” individual findings that are not sufficiently embedded in an overall scientific context can lead to an overvaluation of these findings and to the loss of substantial psychopathological knowledge. These risks must be avoided, because psychiatry will continue to depend on psychopathology in each of its fields of activity

    Emil Kraepelin and Walter Benjamin: distant contemporaries, diverse working methods, any resonance?

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    The work methods of eminent psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) and of literary and cultural critic Walter Benjamin (1892–1940) are described based on the literature describing their ways of working. Kraepelin’s approach of cross-sectional observation of symptoms and the longitudinal study of illness course in distinguishing ‘disease entities’ as well as his research strategy of investigating causes and correlates using methods of experimental psychology, pathology and neurobiology are described. Critical statements (on Kraepelin’s work) highlighting preconceived concepts, ideological positions and a lack of critical reflection are reported. Walter Benjamin’s use of citation and ‘collage’ in literary and cultural criticism, his use of the concepts of allegory, ‘figures of thought’ and ‘dialectical images’ is described. His theory of the past impacting on our understanding of present and immediate future is discussed. Benjamin’s thinking is centered around the concept of ‘experience’. The relevance of both scientists to current challenges is discussed referring to current psychiatric research and peer support, a key concept in discussions on mental health care. The paper argues that Kraepelin and Benjamin could be considered complementary in their approaches to mental health matters taking into account wider cultural contexts

    Electrodynamics of Media

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    Contains reports on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E)U. S. Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Contract F19628-70-C-006

    Electrodynamics of Media

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    Contains reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E)M.I.T. Sloan Fund for Basic Researc

    Team Joseph: Adaptive Aquatic Device

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    The scope of this project included designing and fabricating an adaptive aquatic device for Joseph, a 20 year old student in the Special Education Program at San Luis Obispo High School with a subset of cerebral palsy known as spastic quadriplegia. The project was presented at the beginning of the Fall 2013 quarter to the mechanical engineering students at Cal Poly with the aspiration that a team of engineers would construct a device that would allow Joseph, his friends and family to compete in their first triathlon on July 27, 2014. The project was humbly accepted by mechanical engineering students Lilly Hoff and Paul Sands, as well as kinesiology student Andrea Voigt. The team designed a device for Joseph that emphasizes the least restrictive environment by orienting him in a prone position that immerses the majority of his body in the water, yet provides the necessary features to satisfy all safety concerns. A PVC frame is incorporated to provide stability in the water, attached to which are floats that provide buoyancy as well as a mesh material body support for him to lay on. Buoyancy and hydrodynamics are factored into the design by attaching a fiberglassed bow that extends forward from the front of the frame. Joseph will be pulled through the water by a swimmer wearing a swimming belt attached to the device. In conclusion, all of the customer requirements were satisfied by the design, and all testing performed validated the performance of the device. This report details the project specifications, design decisions, background research on both Joseph’s disability as well as similar existing products, the manufacturing process used to construct it, a full detailed description of the final design, and the testing procedures performed to ensure that the device is fully functional and safe
