189 research outputs found

    “Teaching First-Year Seminar: The hidden curriculum of culture, history, and heritage at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

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    Teaching First-Year Seminar: The hidden curriculum of culture, history, and heritage at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Abstract First Year Seminar (FYS) is a commonly used retention tool developed to support the progression and encourage the completion of college for students during their initial year of post-secondary education. Yet very little is known about the pedagogical approaches of FYS instructors, particularly at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This study specifically explores the experiences and pedagogical perceptions of HBCU FYS instructional professionals. The researchers interviewed six participants to understand ways in which these institutional agents, specifically instructors, leveraged tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy and aspects of fictive kinship to enact social justice, within teaching approaches. Based on the coding and interpretation of semi-structured qualitative interviews, the results uncovered attempts to culturally reach and teach students. Thus, the researchers argue, that HBCU FYS instructors practice a hidden curriculum of instruction informed by Black culture and the institution’s history as a form of explicating heritage as capital in teaching

    Understanding the high tech sector in the Cape Metropolitan Region: a contribution to the development of a regional strategy for high tech industry

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    The aim of this working paper is to contribute to a strategy for developing the high tech sector in the Cape Metropolitan Region (CMR) through a better understanding of the high tech firms that already exist

    Differential Modulation of Ethanol-Induced Sedation and Hypnosis by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Antagonists in C57BL/6J Mice

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    Emerging evidence implicates metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) function in the neurobiological effects of ethanol. The recent development of subtype specific mGluR antagonists has made it possible to examine the roles of specific mGluRs in biochemical and behavioral responses to ethanol. The purpose of the present study was to determine if mGluRs modulate the acute sedative-hypnotic properties of ethanol in mice

    A Screen-Peck Task for Investigating Cognitive Bias in Laying Hens

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    Affect-induced cognitive judgement biases occur in both humans and animals. Animals in a more negative affective state tend to interpret ambiguous cues more negatively than animals in a more positive state and vice versa. Investigating animals' responses to ambiguous cues can therefore be used as a proxy measure of affective state. We investigated laying hens' responses to ambiguous stimuli using a novel cognitive bias task. In the 'screen-peck' task, hens were trained to peck a high/low saturation orange circle presented on a computer screen (positive cue-P) to obtain a mealworm reward, and to not peck when the oppositely saturated orange circle was presented (negative cue-N) to avoid a one second air puff. Ambiguous cues were orange circles of intermediate saturation between the P and N cue (near-positive-NP; middle-M; near-negative-NN), and were unrewarded. Cue pecking showed a clear generalisation curve from P through NP, M, NN to N suggesting that hens were able to associate colour saturation with reward or punishment, and could discriminate between stimuli that were more or less similar to learnt cues. Across six test sessions, there was no evidence for extinction of pecking responses to ambiguous cues. We manipulated affective state by changing temperature during testing to either ~20°C or ~29°C in a repeated measures cross-over design. Hens have been shown to prefer temperatures in the higher range and hence we assumed that exposure to the higher temperature would induce a relatively positive affective state. Hens tested under warmer conditions were significantly more likely to peck the M probe than those tested at cooler temperatures suggesting that increased temperature in the ranges tested here may have some positive effect on hens, inducing a positive cognitive bias

    Challenges of Integrating an Evidence-based Intervention in Health Departments to Prevent Excessive Gestational Weight Gain among Low-income Women

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    To examine health departments’ (HD) capacity to adapt and implement an intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain

    Higher Diet Quality Does Not Predict Lower Medicare Costs but Does Predict Number of Claims in Mid-Aged Australian Women

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    Optimal dietary quality, indicated by higher diet quality index scores, reflects greater adherence to National dietary recommendations and is also associated with lower morbidity and mortality from chronic disease. Whether this is reflected in lower health care cost over time has rarely been examined. The aim of this study was to examine whether higher diet quality, as measured by the Australian Recommended Food Score (ARFS), was associated with lower health care costs within the mid-aged cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. We found that there was a statistically significant association between five year cumulative costs and ARFS, but in the opposite direction to that predicted, with those in the highest quintiles of ARFS having higher health care costs. However the number of Medicare claims over the six year period (2002–2007) was lower for those in the highest compared with the lowest quintile, p = 0.002. There is a need to monitor both costs and claims over time to examine health care usage in the longer term in order to determine whether savings are eventually obtained for those with the dietary patterns that adhere more closely to National recommendations

    Using peer review to support development of community resources for research data management

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication. The definitive version was published in Journal of eScience Librarianship 6 (2017): e1114, doi:10.7191/jeslib.2017.1114.To ensure that resources designed to teach skills and best practices for scientific research data sharing and management are useful, the maintainers of those materials need to evaluate and update them to ensure their accuracy, currency, and quality. This paper advances the use and process of outside peer review for community resources in addressing ongoing accuracy, quality, and currency issues. It further describes the next step of moving the updated materials to an online collaborative community platform for future iterative review in order to build upon mechanisms for open science, ongoing iteration, participation, and transparent community engagement.DataONE is supported by US National Science Foundation Awards 08- 30944 and 14-30508, William Michener, Principal Investigator; Matthew Jones, Patricia Cruse, David Vieglais, and Suzanne Allard, Co-Principal Investigators