802 research outputs found

    The Conception of Anthropological Complementarism. An Introduction

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    The aims of 'Anthropological Complementarism' in a nutshell(sect. 1). Against a watered-down conception of psychophysical complementarity (sect. 2). Linguistic and logical problems of identity and non-identity (sect. 3). A 'noematic' approach to consciousness (sect. 4). A plea for a pure noematics (sect. 5). My own consciousness as experienced by myself is not a part of nature (sect. 6). The major ontological tenets of mine (sect. 7). Complementarism proper (sect. 8). Suitable and unsuitable methods in philosophy (sect. 9). How to determine the methods suitable for philosophical inquiries (sect. 10). Linguistic and phenomenological methods (sect. 11). 'Linguistic phenomenology' (sect. 12). A note on philosophical truth (sect. 13)

    'Reflexive Monism' versus 'Complementarism': An analysis and criticism of the conceptual groundwork of Max Velmans's 'reflexive model' of consciousness

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    From 1990 on, the London psychologist Max Velmans developed a novel approach to (phenomenal) consciousness according to which an experience of an object is phenomenologically identical to an object as experienced. On the face of it I agree; but unlike Velmans I argue that the latter should be understood as comparable, not to a Kantian, but rather to a noematic ‘phenomenon’ in the Husserlian sense. Consequently, I replace Velmans’s reflexive model with a complementaristic approach in a strict sense which leaves no room for either monistic or dualistic views (including Velmans’s ontological monism and his dual-aspect interpretation of complementarity) and hence requires us to radically reinterpret the concept of psychophysical causation

    In Search of an Integrated Logic of Conviction and Intention

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    According to a two-level criterion for combination tests in the field of ordinary language (C-CT), moral 'ought'-sentences may be taken to imply 'I intend'-sentences partly semantically and partly pragmatically. If so, a trenchant linguistic analysis of the concept of moral obligation cannot do without a non-classical logic which allows to model these important kinds of ordinary-language implications by means of purely syntactical derivations. For this purpose, an integrated logic of conviction and intention has been tentatively devised by way of a doxastically, buletically, and pragmatically extended calculus of natural deduction. This system of buletic logic cannot even be launched without one or two derivation rules of deductive closedness. However, these very closedness rules appear to be responsible for buletic paradoxes which are analogous to paradoxes long since known from other, less exotic branches of logic but at first sight look much more virulent. After having scrutinized two potential strategies for coping with the paradoxes of buletic logic, finally we can convince ourselves that these paradoxes, as well as their familiar non-buletic counterparts, are but apparent paradoxes, provided we consistently lean on C-CT and do not let pragmatical considerations intrude into purely logical ones

    Predicting Topics of Scientific Papers from Co-Authorship Graphs: a Case Study

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    In this paper, we present a case study of predicting topics of scientific papers using a co-authorship graph. Co-authorship graphs constitute a specific view on bibliographic data, where scientific publications are modelled as a graph’s nodes, and two nodes are linked by an undirected edge whenever the two corresponding papers share at least one author. We apply a simple collective classification algorithm based on relaxation labelling to the ILPnet2 bibliographic database. The approach is based on the assumption that papers in the same neighbourhood of the co-authorship graph tend to be on the same topics, and that the predicted topic for one node in the graph depends on the actual or predicted topics of the nodes linked to it. We evaluate the performance of this method on the ILPnet2 data in terms of ROC analysis, and explain the results in terms of the co-authorship graph and the position and properties of papers on a certain topic in the graph.

    String unification is essentially infinitary

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    A unifier of two terms s and t is a substitution sigma such that ssigma=tsigma and for first-order terms there exists a most general unifier sigma in the sense that any other unifier delta can be composed from sigma with some substitution lambda, i.e. delta=sigmacirclambda. This notion can be generalised to E-unificationwhere E is an equational theory, =_{E} is equality under E andsigmaa is an E-unifier if ssigma =_{E}tsigma. Depending on the equational theory E, the set of most general unifiers is always a singleton (as above), or it may have more than one, either finitely or infinitely many unifiers and for some theories it may not even exist, in which case we call the theory of type nullary. String unification (or Löb\u27s problem, Markov\u27s problem, unification of word equations or Makanin\u27s problem as it is often called in the literature) is the E-unification problem, where E = {f(x,f(y,z))=f(f(x,y),z)}, i.e. unification under associativity or string unification once we drop the fs and the brackets. It is well known that this problem is infinitary and decidable. Essential unifiers, as introduced by Hoche and Szabo, generalise the notion of a most general unifier and have a dramatically pleasant effect on the set of most general unifiers: the set of essential unifiers is often much smaller than the set of most general unifiers. Essential unification may even reduce an infinitary theory to an essentially finitary theory. The most dramatic reduction known so far is obtained for idempotent semigroups or bands as they are called in computer science: bands are of type nullary, i.e. there exist two unifiable terms s and t, but the set of most general unifiers is not enumerable. This is in stark contrast to essential unification: the set of essential unifiers for bands always exists and is finite. We show in this paper that the early hope for a similar reduction of unification under associativity is not justified: string unification is essentially infinitary. But we give an enumeration algorithm for essential unifiers. And beyond, this algorithm terminates when the considered problem is finitary

    Sub-optimal breastfeeding and its associated factors in rural communities of Hula District, southern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Sub-optimal breast feeding contributed a significant number of infants’ death. Although breast feeding is universal in Ethiopia, the practice is not optimal. Hence, this study assessed the prevalence of sub-optimal breast feeding practice and its associated factors in rural communities of Hula District, Southern Ethiopia.Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted among 634 women with infants aged 6 to 12 months. Multistage sampling technique was employed to select study subjects. Interviewer administered structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were entered and analyzed by using SPSS version 20.0. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to identify predictors of delayed initiation of breastfeeding and non-exclusive breastfeeding.Results: The prevalence of suboptimal breast feeding of infants was found to be 56.9%. Nearly half (49.4%) of the mothers delayed initiation of breast feeding, and 13.4% of the infants were fed breast non-exclusively. Having formal education [AOR: 1.74; 95% CI (1.17, 2.59)], family size < 5 [AOR=1.59; 95% CI (1.03, 2.45)], having one under five child [AOR=1.88; 95% CI (1.29, 2.75)], lower number of antenatal care visits [AOR= 2.40; 95% CI (1.68, 3.43)] and lack of counseling on breastfeeding [AOR= 1.69; 95% CI (1.19, 2.41)] were negatively associated with delayed initiation of breast feeding. Similarly, not attending formal education, low birth order and lack of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding were also negatively associated with exclusive breastfeeding practice.Conclusion: In this study, sub-optimal breast feeding was found to be high. Delayed initiation and non-exclusive breastfeeding practices were major contributors to sub-optimal breast feeding.Keywords: Sub-optimal breast feeding, Hula Distric
