
The Conception of Anthropological Complementarism. An Introduction


The aims of 'Anthropological Complementarism' in a nutshell(sect. 1). Against a watered-down conception of psychophysical complementarity (sect. 2). Linguistic and logical problems of identity and non-identity (sect. 3). A 'noematic' approach to consciousness (sect. 4). A plea for a pure noematics (sect. 5). My own consciousness as experienced by myself is not a part of nature (sect. 6). The major ontological tenets of mine (sect. 7). Complementarism proper (sect. 8). Suitable and unsuitable methods in philosophy (sect. 9). How to determine the methods suitable for philosophical inquiries (sect. 10). Linguistic and phenomenological methods (sect. 11). 'Linguistic phenomenology' (sect. 12). A note on philosophical truth (sect. 13)

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