45 research outputs found

    Multi-step connective tissue stabilization method and stabilized tissue formed thereby

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    A multi-step stabilization method for connective tissue is described. Stabilized tissues can exhibit increased resistance to degradation due to enzyme activity, fatigue and storage. The multi-step method includes a first step during which the tissue can be incubated with a glycosaminoglycanase inhibitor such as a sulfated oligosaccharide, one example of which being neomycin, a second step during which the tissue can be incubated with a crosslink activator such as a carbodiimide crosslink activator and/or a crosslinking agent such as a heterobifunctional crosslinking agent and/or a phenolic compound such as a tannin, examples of which include tannic acid and pentagalloylglucose, and a third step during which the tissue can be incubated with a second crosslink activator that can be the same or different as the first crosslink activator

    Simulation software for transition-edge sensor performance prediction

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    Transition-edge sensors (TES) are outstanding calorimeters based on the steep superconductive transition of ametallic film. Among other photon detectors, they are renowned for the fine energy resolution, the photon-number resolving(PNR) capability and an extremely low dark count rate. Due to the broad detection spectrum, from gamma-ray to visible and submillimetre wavelengths, TESs are highly sought-after in a great variety of fields, such as X-ray detection and quantum technologies. Each of these fields demands a step forward in TESs performance with regards to the recovery time and energy resolution. Here we present a program, primarily capable of predicting the performance of TESs. Using established theoretical and empirical methods we developed a software that allows the users to choose active area, thickness, and material composition of a TES and to calculate its performance. Furthermore, the software can simulate TES properties at different working points.The aim of the software is to minimize the production cost and speed up the overall process for the creation of new devices with improved performance

    Fortalecimiento del acceso a la justicia de las mujeres víctimas de violencia basada en género de la comuna ocho del distrito de Santa Marta — Magdalena

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    LLa violencia contra la mujer o violencia basada en género, es una grave violación a los derechos humanos, que conlleva a la negación de las mujeres como sujetas y titulares de derechos y promueve relaciones desiguales de poder entre hombres y mujeres. Históricamente la violencia hacia la mujer, ha sido una conducta arraigada y legitimada por las sociedades producto de un modelo patriarcal, con graves consecuencias para el desarrollo de la humanidad, convirtiéndose en un problema no solo social sino en un asunto de salud pública, razón por la cual desde hace décadas es una preocupación de la mayoría de los estados la erradicación de todas las formas de violencia hacia la mujer, considerada una grave violación a los derechos humanos. La violencia contra la mujer, se refiere a todas las formas de violencia, física, psicológica, sexual, económica siendo a menudo consecuencia de la discriminación que sufre tanto en el ámbito social como en el ámbito jurídico, situación que se agrava por la falta de mecanismos efectivos y el desconocimiento por parte de las mujeres sobre los derechos que legalmente se les han reconocido. La comunidad internacional a través de diversos instrumentos jurídicos ha ratificado su voluntad y compromiso con la erradicación de la violencia contra la mujer en el mundo, incorporando como uno de los objetivos del milenio "Promover la igualdad entre los sexos y el empoderamiento de la mujer" Así mismo, nuestro ordenamiento jurídico fundado en la Carta Política de 1991 y teniendo como eje fundamental los principios de respeto a la dignidad humana, libertad e igualdad, reconoce que la mujer y el hombre tienen iguales derechos y oportunidades, proscribe la discriminación hacia la mujer y consagra una protección especial para ellas2, dicha protección se amplía con la expedición de la Ley 1257 de 2008. Pese a todos estos avances normativos. en Colombia las mujeres continúan teniendo un déficit en el goce de sus derechos, las altas cifras de violencia doméstica y la impunidad frente a estos casos, dan cuenta de la situación de subordinación, exclusión y discriminación de la que sigue siend

    Vibronic interactions in conjugated systems

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    A. It is first shown how the ordinary Born-Oppenheimer approximation for separating nuclear and electron motions in a molecule can be adapted to degenerate electronic states. Semi-empirical molecular orbital theory is then used to examine Jahn-Teller distortions in the ground states of conjugated hydrocarbon radicals. Numerical predictions are made for cyclic polyenes radicals and the mononegative ions of coronene and triphenylene. It is concluded that, except in the cyclic polyenes C_(4x) H_(4x), x = 0, 1, 2..., the barriers between "stable" distorted molecular configurations are negligible and that a dynamical coupling of nuclear and electronic motions exists in these radicals. B. It has been suggested in the literature that certain anomalies in the electronic spectra of coronene and triphenylene mononegative ions are due to Jahn- Teller distortions. The methods of the thesis are adapted to the Pariser and Parr molecular orbital scheme and benzene negative ion is treated in detail as a model for these systems. It is concluded that the Jahn-Teller effect cannot be responsible for the observed anomalies. The intensity of the ^1A_(1g) → ^1B_(1u) transition in benzene is calculated mainly as a test of the theory which is found to be adequate. C. A theoretical treatment of the pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect is presented and shows that several types of behavior arise. The ^1B_(1u) state of benzene undergoes a pseudo-Jahn-Teller interaction and a detailed calculation shows the state suffers a significant decrease in its e_(2g) CC stretching force constant, but is not permanently distorted. The ^1E_(1u) level of benzene does not experience a simple Jahn-Teller effect, but in addition to the pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect has a Jahn-Teller effect due to two electron perturbations. These perturbations result in changes in both bond lengths and valence angles, the changes being small and leading to a dynamical coupling

    A Better Way to Make Heart Valves

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    Hobey Tam, a PhD student in bioengineering at Clemson University, describes his research as part of the 3-Minute Thesis competition at Clemson. The title of his presentation is A Better Way to Make Heart Valves

    Novel Chemical Crosslinking to Stabilize Extracellular Matrix for Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Materials to Resist Calcification and Structural Degradation

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    Over 350,000 artificial heart valves are implanted each year domestically in the US due to valvular stenosis, regurgitation, or congenital defects. However, worldwide, there is precipitous demand of artificial heart valves in emerging economies and this demand is in younger populations because the need for artificial valves in these regions are driven by disease states such as rheumatic fever. With the increasing demand on this life sustaining device, a more robust and durable biomaterial with higher implant life is necessary for increased patient patency and quality of life. Current heart valve replacements only last 10-15 years before implant failure occurs. These replacements fail primarily due to structural degradation through wear and tear (leading to regurgitation) and/or calcification (leading to stenosis). Therefore, we have developed a novel fabrication method that produces a more durable material that is structurally more stable and resists calcification. Furthermore, through the use of this novel fabrication method, we have been able to study mechanistically the underlying factors in failure modes of current biomaterials used in bioprosthetic heart valve fabrication that lead to structural degradation and calcificaiton. Through the analyses of investigating potential failure modes, we are able to better strategically approach improving the next iteration of bioprosthetic heart valve materials that can significantly improve current patient segment quality of life as well as give healthcare options to those currently underserved in the bioprosthetic heart valve market

    Un d'en bas. Illustrations de R. Denjean / Louis Hobey

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