19 research outputs found

    Clear cell carcinoid tumor of the distal common bile duct

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    BACKGROUND: Carcinoid tumors rarely arise in the extrahepatic bile duct and can be difficult to distinguish from carcinoma. There are no reports of clear cell carcinoid (CCC) tumors in the distal bile duct (DBD) to the best of our knowledge. Herein, we report a CCC tumor in the DBD and review the literature concerning extrahepatic bile duct carcinoid tumors. CASE PRESENTATION: A 73-old man presented with fever and occult obstructive jaundice. Ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography (MRCP) demonstrated a nodular tumor projection in the DBD without regional lymph node swelling. Under suspicion of carcinoma, we resected the head of the pancreas along with 2(nd )portion duodenectomy and a lymph node dissection. The surgical specimen showed a golden yellow polypoid tumor in the DBD (0.8 Ă— 0.6 Ă— 0.5 cm in size). The lesion was composed of clear polygonal cells arranged in nests and a trabecular pattern. The tumor invaded through the wall into the fibromuscular layer. Immunohistochemical stains showed that neoplastic cells were positive for neuron-specific enolase (NSE), chromogranin A, synaptophysin, and pancreatic polypeptide and negative for inhibin, keratin, CD56, serotonin, gastrin and somatostatin. The postoperative course was uneventful and he is living well without relapse 12 months after surgery. CONCLUSION: Given the preoperative difficulty in differentiating carcinoid from carcinoma, the pancreaticoduodenectomy is an appropriate treatment choice for carcinoid tumors located within the intra-pancreatic bile duct

    Lessons Learned in Pediatric Small Bowel and Liver Transplantation From Living-Related Donors

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    Background. Children are the primary candidates for intestinal transplant with more than 70% requiring a combined liver-bowel transplant. We report our single-center experience with living donor intestinal transplantation (LDITx) and combined living donor intestinal and liver transplant (CLDILTx) in pediatric patients. Patients and Methods. Between October 2002 and June 2006, 13 living donor intestinal grafts were transplanted in 10 recipients. In five cases CLDILTx was performed. The intestinal grafts consisted of a 150-cm segment of ileum, whereas the liver transplant was completed using standard left lateral grafts. Results. No complications occurred in any donors. In CLDILTx recipients, the patient survival at 1 and 2 years was 100%, the liver graft survival 100%, and the bowel graft survival 80%; the patient who lost the initial intestinal graft was successfully retransplanted. In LDITx recipients, the patient and graft survival at 1 and 3 years were 60% and 50%, respectively. Two isolated LDITx recipients, both 6 months of age and low body weight (mean, 6 vs. 9 kg) died within 4 months posttransplant. One LDITx recipient developed chronic rejection 3.5 years after the original transplant and died after retransplant. All patients who are alive with functioning grafts are currently on full enteral feeding without need for any intravenous supplementation, except for a recipient of CLDILTx, currently on total parenteral nutrition for late fistula. Conclusions. The early outcomes of intestinal transplantation from living donors are promising, particularly for candidates in need of CLDLITx. In this subgroup, the elimination of the high mortality on the cadaver waiting list (similar to 30%) represents a substantial advantage

    Causes and consequences of ischemic-type biliary lesions after liver transplantation

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    Biliary complications are a major source of morbidity, graft loss, and even mortality after liver transplantation. The most troublesome are the so-called ischemic-type biliary lesions (ITBL), with an incidence varying between 5% and 15%. ITBL is a radiological diagnosis, characterized by intrahepatic strictures and dilatations on a cholangiogram, in the absence of hepatic artery thrombosis. Several risk factors for ITBL have been identified, strongly suggesting a multifactorial origin. The main categories of risk factors for ITBL include ischemia-related injury; immunologically induced injury; and cytotoxic injury, induced by bile salts. However, in many cases no specific risk factor can be identified. Ischemia-related injury comprises prolonged ischemic times and disturbance in blood flow through the peribiliary vascular plexus. Immunological injury is assumed to be a risk factor based on the relationship of ITBL with ABO incompatibility, polymorphism in genes coding for chemokines, and pre-existing immunologically mediated diseases such as primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis. The clinical presentation of patients with ITBL is often not specific; symptoms may include fever, abdominal complaints, and increased cholestasis on liver function tests. Diagnosis is made by imaging studies of the bile ducts. Treatment starts with relieving the symptoms of cholestasis and dilatation by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage (PTCD), followed by stenting if possible. Eventually up to 50% of the patients with ITBL will require a retransplantation or may die. In selected patients, a retransplantation can be avoided or delayed by resection of the extra-hepatic bile ducts and construction of a hepaticojejunostomy. More research on the pathogenesis of ITBL is needed before more specific preventive or therapeutic strategies can be developed