117 research outputs found

    Expanding the Universal Medication Schedule: a patient-centred approach

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    Improved drug labelling for chronic pill-form medications has been shown to promote patient comprehension, adherence and safety. We extended health literacy principles and included patients' perspectives to improve instructions for: (1) non-pill form, (2) short term, (3) ‘as needed,’ (4) tapered and (5) escalating dose medications

    The added value of quantitative multi-voxel MR spectroscopy in breast magnetic resonance imaging

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    To determine whether quantitative multivoxel MRS improves the accuracy of MRI in the assessment of breast lesions. Twenty-five consecutive patients with 26 breast lesions a parts per thousand yen1 cm assessed as BI-RADS 3 or 4 with mammography underwent quantitative multivoxel MRS and contrast-enhanced MRI. The choline (Cho) concentration was calculated using the unsuppressed water signal as a concentration reference. ROC analysis established the diagnostic accuracy of MRI and MRS in the assessment of breast lesions. Respective Cho concentrations in 26 breast lesions re-classified by MRI as BI-RADS 2 (n = 5), 3 (n = 8), 4 (n = 5) and 5 (n = 8) were 1.16 +/- 0.43 (mean +/- SD), 1.43 +/- 0.47, 2.98 +/- 2.15 and 4.94 +/- 3.10 mM. Two BI-RADS 3 lesions and all BI-RADS 4 and 5 lesions were malignant on histopathology and had Cho concentrations between 1.7 and 11.8 mM (4.03 +/- 2.72 SD), which were significantly higher (P = 0.01) than that in the 11 benign lesions (0.4-1.5 mM; 1.19 +/- 0.33 SD). Furthermore, Cho concentrations in the benign and malignant breast lesions in BI-RADS 3 category differed (P = 0.01). The accuracy of combined multivoxel MRS/breast MRI BI-RADS re-classification (AUC = 1.00) exceeded that of MRI alone (AUC = 0.96 +/- 0.03). These preliminary data indicate that multivoxel MRS improves the accuracy of MRI when using a Cho concentration cut-off a parts per thousand currency sign1.5 mM for benign lesions. Key Points aEuro cent Quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy can improve the accuracy of contrast-enhanced breast MRI. aEuro cent Multivoxel-MRS can differentiate breast lesions by using the highest Cho-concentration. aEuro cent Multivoxel-MRS can exclude patients with benign breast lesions from further invasive diagnostic procedures

    Health Indicators of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders in the United States

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    This study aimed to describe health indicators and behaviors of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) adults and to compare findings to previous reports on US NHPI and the US population. A sample of N = 100 (56 M, 44 F) NHPI adults aged 40–59 years completed an anonymous questionnaire addressing education and household income, tobacco use, physical activity, fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption, cancer screening and health status. Objective measures of height and weight were taken to calculate body mass index (BMI). The study sample consisted of 49% current smokers and the majority was not meeting guidelines for physical activity (80%) or F&V consumption (99%). Cancer screening rates ranged from 0 to 57% and were higher among females. Mean BMI was 33.9 ± 7.5 kg/m2 and 95% were overweight or obese. While 36.7% were hypertensive, only 11.1% were taking prescribed medication. Compared to both the general US population and available data for US NHPI, study participants reported higher prevalence of obesity and chronic conditions (hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and angina/CHD) and lower levels of physical activity, F&V consumption and cancer screening rates. Study findings contribute to the limited knowledge regarding health behaviors of US NHPI. Comparisons to US data increase evidence of NHPI health disparities, while comparisons to previous NHPI studies emphasize the magnitude of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and subsequent adverse health conditions for this particular sample. Further improvements to community outreach and recruitment strategies could successfully encourage high-risk individuals to participate in health promotion and behavior intervention studies to improve NHPI health behaviors

    Excess of serotonin affects neocortical pyramidal neuron migration

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    The serotonin transporter (SERT) is a key molecule involved in the homeostasis of extracellular levels of serotonin and is regulated developmentally. Genetic deletion of SERT in rodents increases extracellular levels of serotonin and affects cellular processes involved in neocortical circuit assembly such as barrel cortex wiring and cortical interneuron migration. Importantly, pharmacological blockade of SERT during brain development leads to phenotypes relevant to psychiatry in rodents and to an increased risk for autism spectrum disorders in humans. Furthermore, developmental adversity interacts with genetically-driven variations of serotonin function in humans and nonhuman primates to increase the risk for a variety of stress-related phenotypes. In this study, we investigate whether an excess of serotonin affects the migration of neocortical pyramidal neurons during development. Using in utero electroporation combined with time-lapse imaging to specifically monitor pyramidal neurons during late mouse embryogenesis, we show that an excess of serotonin reversibly affects the radial migration of pyramidal neurons. We further identify that the serotonin receptor 5-HT6 is expressed in pyramidal neuron progenitors and that 5-HT6 receptor activation replicates the effects of serotonin stimulation. Finally, we show that the positioning of superficial layer pyramidal neurons is altered in vivo in SERT knockout mice. Taken together, these results indicate that a developmental excess of serotonin decreases the migration speed of cortical pyramidal neurons, affecting a fundamental step in the assembly of neural circuits. These findings support the hypothesis that developmental dysregulation of serotonin homeostasis has detrimental effects on neocortical circuit formation and contributes to increased vulnerability to psychiatric disorders

    Long-Lasting Consequences of Neonatal Maternal Separation on Social Behaviors in Ovariectomized Female Mice

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    Maternal separation (MS) stress is known to induce long-lasting alterations in emotional and anxiety-related behaviors, but effects on social behaviors are not well defined. The present study examined MS effects on female social behaviors in the social investigation (SIT) and social preference (SPT) tests, in addition to non-social behaviors in the open-field (OFT) and light-dark transition (LDT) tests in C57BL/6J mice. All females were tested as ovariectomized to eliminate confounding effects of endogenous estrogen during behavioral testing. Daily MS (3 hr) from postnatal day 1 to 14 did not affect anxiety levels in LDT, but were elevated in OFT with modified behavioral responses to the novel environment. Furthermore, MS altered social investigative behaviors and preference patterns toward unfamiliar stimulus mice in SIT and short- and long-term SPT paradigms. In SIT, MS reduced social investigation duration and increased number of stretched approaches towards both female and male unfamiliar stimulus mice, suggesting increased social anxiety levels in MS females. Similarly, MS heightened levels of social anxiety during short-term SPT but no MS effect on social preference was found. On the other hand, MS females displayed a distinctive preference for female stimuli, unlike control females, when tested for long-term SPT over a prolonged period of 5 days. Evaluation of FosB expression in the paraventricular nucleus, medial and central amygdala following stimulus exposure demonstrated greater number of FosB immunopositive cells in all three brain regions in MS females compared to control females. These results suggest that MS females might differ in neuroendocrine responses toward unfamiliar female and male opponents, which may be associated with modifications in social behaviors found in the present study. Taken together, this study provides new evidence that early life stress modifies female social behaviors by highlighting alterations in behavioral responses to situations involving social as well as non-social novelty

    Disparities in mammographic screening for Asian women in California: a cross-sectional analysis to identify meaningful groups for targeted intervention

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among the rapidly growing population of Asian Americans; it is also the most common cause of cancer mortality among Filipinas. Asian women continue to have lower rates of mammographic screening than women of most other racial/ethnic groups. While prior studies have described the effects of sociodemographic and other characteristics of women on non-adherence to screening guidelines, they have not identified the distinct segments of the population who remain at highest risk of not being screened.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To better describe characteristics of Asian women associated with not having a mammogram in the last two years, we applied recursive partitioning to population-based data (N = 1521) from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), for seven racial/ethnic groups of interest: Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, South Asian, Vietnamese, and all Asians combined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified two major subgroups of Asian women who reported not having a mammogram in the past two years and therefore, did not follow mammography screening recommendations: 1) women who have never had a pap exam to screen for cervical cancer (68% had no mammogram), and 2) women who have had a pap exam, but have no women's health issues (osteoporosis, using menopausal hormone therapies, and/or hysterectomy) nor a usual source of care (62% had no mammogram). Only 19% of Asian women who have had pap screening and have women's health issues did not have a mammogram in the past two years. In virtually all ethnic subgroups, having had pap or colorectal screening were the strongest delineators of mammography usage. Other characteristics of women least likely to have had a mammogram included: Chinese non-U.S. citizens or citizens without usual source of health care, Filipinas with no health insurance, Koreans without women's health issues and public or no health insurance, South Asians less than age 50 who were unemployed or non-citizens, and Vietnamese women who were never married.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We identified distinct subgroups of Asian women at highest risk of not adhering to mammography screening guidelines; these data can inform outreach efforts aimed at reducing the disparity in mammography screening among Asian women.</p

    Deletion of Glutamate Delta-1 Receptor in Mouse Leads to Aberrant Emotional and Social Behaviors

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    The delta family of ionotropic glutamate receptors consists of glutamate δ1 (GluD1) and glutamate δ2 (GluD2) receptors. While the role of GluD2 in the regulation of cerebellar physiology is well understood, the function of GluD1 in the central nervous system remains elusive. We demonstrate for the first time that deletion of GluD1 leads to abnormal emotional and social behaviors. We found that GluD1 knockout mice (GluD1 KO) were hyperactive, manifested lower anxiety-like behavior, depression-like behavior in a forced swim test and robust aggression in the resident-intruder test. Chronic lithium rescued the depression-like behavior in GluD1 KO. GluD1 KO mice also manifested deficits in social interaction. In the sociability test, GluD1 KO mice spent more time interacting with an inanimate object compared to a conspecific mouse. D-Cycloserine (DCS) administration was able to rescue social interaction deficits observed in GluD1 KO mice. At a molecular level synaptoneurosome preparations revealed lower GluA1 and GluA2 subunit expression in the prefrontal cortex and higher GluA1, GluK2 and PSD95 expression in the amygdala of GluD1 KO. Moreover, DCS normalized the lower GluA1 expression in prefrontal cortex of GluD1 KO. We propose that deletion of GluD1 leads to aberrant circuitry in prefrontal cortex and amygdala owing to its potential role in presynaptic differentiation and synapse formation. Furthermore, these findings are in agreement with the human genetic studies suggesting a strong association of GRID1 gene with several neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorders and major depressive disorder

    Both Stereoselective (R)- and (S)-1-Methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline Enantiomers Protect Striatal Terminals Against Rotenone-Induced Suppression of Dopamine Release

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    1-Methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (1MeTIQ) is present in the human and rodent brain as a mixture of stereospecific (R)- and (S)-1MeTIQ enantiomers. The racemate, (R,S)-1MeTIQ, exhibits neuroprotective activity as shown in the earlier study by the authors, and In addition, it was suggested to play a crucial physiological role in the mammalian brain as an endogenous regulator of dopaminergic activity. In this article, we investigated the influence of stereospecific enantiomers of 1MeTIQ, (R)- and (S)-1MeTIQ (50 mg/kg i.p.) on rotenone-induced (3 mg/kg s.c.) behavioral and neurochemical changes in the rat. In behavioral study, in order to record dynamic motor function of rats, we measured locomotor activity using automated locomotor activity boxes. In biochemical studies, we analyzed in rat striatum the concentration of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites: intraneuronal DOPAC, extraneuronal 3-MT, and final HVA using HPLC with electrochemical detection. Otherwise, DA release was estimated by in vivo microdialysis study. The behavioral study has demonstrated that both acute and repeated (3 times) rotenone administration unimportantly depressed a basic locomotor activity in rat. (R)- and (S)-1MeTIQ stereoisomers (50 mg/kg i.p.) produced a modest behavioral activation both in naïve and rotenone-treated rats. The data from ex vivo neurochemical experiments have shown stereospecificity of 1MeTIQ enantiomers in respect of their effects on DA catabolism. (R)-1MeTIQ significantly increased both the level of the final DA metabolite, HVA (by about 70%), and the rate of DA metabolism (by 50%). In contrast to that, (S)-1MeTIQ significantly depressed DOPAC, HVA levels (by 60 and 40%, respectively), and attenuated the rate of DA metabolism (by about 60%). On the other hand, both the enantiomers increased the concentrations of DA and its extraneuronal metabolite, 3-MT in rat striatum. In vivo microdialysis study has shown that repeated but not acute administration of rotenone produced a deep and significant functional impairment of striatal DA release. Both (R)- and (S)- stereospecific enantiomers of 1MeTIQ antagonized rotenone-induced suppression of DA release; however, the effect of (R)-1MeTIQ was more strongly expressed in microdialysis study. In conclusion, we suggest that both chiral isomers of 1MeTIQ offer neuroprotection against rotenone-induced disturbances in the function of dopaminergic neurons and (R,S)-1MeTIQ will be useful as a drug with marked neuroprotective activity in the brain

    Sex Differences in Social Interaction Behavior Following Social Defeat Stress in the Monogamous California Mouse (Peromyscus californicus)

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    Stressful life experiences are known to be a precipitating factor for many mental disorders. The social defeat model induces behavioral responses in rodents (e.g. reduced social interaction) that are similar to behavioral patterns associated with mood disorders. The model has contributed to the discovery of novel mechanisms regulating behavioral responses to stress, but its utility has been largely limited to males. This is disadvantageous because most mood disorders have a higher incidence in women versus men. Male and female California mice (Peromyscus californicus) aggressively defend territories, which allowed us to observe the effects of social defeat in both sexes. In two experiments, mice were exposed to three social defeat or control episodes. Mice were then behaviorally phenotyped, and indirect markers of brain activity and corticosterone responses to a novel social stimulus were assessed. Sex differences in behavioral responses to social stress were long lasting (4 wks). Social defeat reduced social interaction responses in females but not males. In females, social defeat induced an increase in the number of phosphorylated CREB positive cells in the nucleus accumbens shell after exposure to a novel social stimulus. This effect of defeat was not observed in males. The effects of defeat in females were limited to social contexts, as there were no differences in exploratory behavior in the open field or light-dark box test. These data suggest that California mice could be a useful model for studying sex differences in behavioral responses to stress, particularly in neurobiological mechanisms that are involved with the regulation of social behavior

    Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Deficits in Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor-β Gene Knockout Mice

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    Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a potent mitogen. Extensive in vivo studies of PDGF and its receptor (PDGFR) genes have reported that PDGF plays an important role in embryogenesis and development of the central nervous system (CNS). Furthermore, PDGF and the β subunit of the PDGF receptor (PDGFR-β) have been reported to be associated with schizophrenia and autism. However, no study has reported on the effects of PDGF deletion on mice behavior. Here we generated novel mutant mice (PDGFR-β KO) in which PDGFR-β was conditionally deleted in CNS neurons using the Cre/loxP system. Mice without the Cre transgene but with floxed PDGFR-β were used as controls. Both groups of mice reached adulthood without any apparent anatomical defects. These mice were further examined by conducting several behavioral tests for spatial memory, social interaction, conditioning, prepulse inhibition, and forced swimming. The test results indicated that the PDGFR-β KO mice show deficits in all of these areas. Furthermore, an immunohistochemical study of the PDGFR-β KO mice brain indicated that the number of parvalbumin (calcium-binding protein)-positive (i.e., putatively γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic) neurons was low in the amygdala, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex. Neurophysiological studies indicated that sensory-evoked gamma oscillation was low in the PDGFR-β KO mice, consistent with the observed reduction in the number of parvalbumin-positive neurons. These results suggest that PDGFR-β plays an important role in cognitive and socioemotional functions, and that deficits in this receptor may partly underlie the cognitive and socioemotional deficits observed in schizophrenic and autistic patients