65 research outputs found

    Linear Electro-Hydraulic Drives of Lifted Platform Tables 2 x 12 m

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    Import 31/08/2009Ve své diplomové práci navrhuji lineární elektrohydraulický pohon zvedaných pódiových stolů o rozměru 2 x 12 metrů. V úvodu své práce seznamuji čtenáře se strojními zařízeními v divadelní technice. Dále se podrobně zabývám návrhem zdvihu čtyř divadelních pódiových stolů, kde každé pódium je zvedáno dvěma přímočarými hydromotory. Počítám základní statické a dynamické parametry systému a navrhuji funkční schéma obvodu pro řízení stolu. Dále navrhuji zdroj tlaku a energetické srovnání čerpadlového a kombinovaného pohonu čerpadla s akumulátory s jejich jednotlivými výhodami a nevýhodami. V závěru jsem návrh základní regulační obvod synchronizace hydraulických válců pro zadané parametry.In meiner Diplomarbeit schlage ich den linearen elektrohydraulischen Antrieb von Hebepodiumtischen der Abmessungen 2 x 12 Meter vor. In der Einleitung meiner Arbeit mache ich die Leser mit den Maschineneinrichtungen in der Theatertechnik bekannt. Ich beschäftige mich weiter bis ins Details mit dem Vorschlag vom Hub der vier Theaterpodiumtische, wo jedes Podium von zwei Geradheitshydromotoren aufgehebt wird. Ich berechne die grundstatisch dynamischen Parameter des Systems vor und schlage einen funktionellen Steuerkreis für die Steuerung des Tisches. Ferner schlage ich ein Pressgerät und energrtische Vergleichung von Pumpen und kombinierten Pumpenantrieb mit dem Akkumulatoren mit den einzelnen Vorteilen und Nachteilen vor. Zum Schluβ habe ich die Basisregelungssteuerkreise der Synchronisierung von hydraulischen Walzen für die eingeebenen Parameter vorgeschlagen.Prezenční338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívelmi dobř

    Implicit Markov kernels in probability theory

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    summary:Having Polish spaces X\Bbb X, Y\Bbb Y and Z\Bbb Z we shall discuss the existence of an X×Y\Bbb X \times \Bbb Y-valued random vector (ξ,η)(\xi,\eta ) such that its conditional distributions \operatorname{K}_{x} = \Cal L(\eta\mid \xi=x) satisfy e(x,Kx)=c(x)e(x, \operatorname{K}_{x}) = c(x) or e(x,Kx)C(x)e(x,\operatorname{K}_{x}) \in C(x) for some maps e:\Bbb X\times \Cal M_1(\Bbb Y) \to \Bbb Z, c:XZc:\Bbb X \to \Bbb Z or multifunction C:X2ZC:\Bbb X \to 2^{\Bbb Z} respectively. The problem is equivalent to the existence of universally measurable Markov kernel \operatorname{K}:\Bbb X \to \Cal M_1(\Bbb Y) defined implicitly by e(x,Kx)=c(x)e(x, \operatorname{K}_{x}) = c(x) or e(x,Kx)C(x)e(x,\operatorname{K}_{x}) \in C(x) respectively. In the paper we shall provide sufficient conditions for the existence of the desired Markov kernel. We shall discuss some special solutions of the (e,c)(e,c)- or (e,C)(e,C)-problem and illustrate the theory on the generalized moment problem

    A depth-based modification of the k-nearest neighbour method

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    summary:We propose a new nonparametric procedure to solve the problem of classifying objects represented by dd-dimensional vectors into K2K \geq 2 groups. The newly proposed classifier was inspired by the kk nearest neighbour (kNN) method. It is based on the idea of a depth-based distributional neighbourhood and is called kk nearest depth neighbours (kNDN) classifier. The kNDN classifier has several desirable properties: in contrast to the classical kNN, it can utilize global properties of the considered distributions (symmetry). In contrast to the maximal depth classifier and related classifiers, it does not have problems with classification when the considered distributions differ in dispersion or have unequal priors. The kNDN classifier is compared to several depth-based classifiers as well as the classical kNN method in a simulation study. According to the average misclassification rates, it is comparable to the best current depth-based classifiers

    Building evaluation in the form of building energy performance certificate

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením energetické náročnosti novostavby administrativní budovy v Brně. Teoretická část pojednává o biomase a jejím využití při vytápění objektů. Ve výpočtové části je hodnocena energetická náročnost daného objektu. Výsledkem je průkaz vložený do části C – projekt PENB.The bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of the energy performance of the office building in Brno. The theoretical part deals about biomass and its use in heating buildings. In the computational part, it is evaluated the energy performance of building. The result is building energy performance certificate inserted into part C – the PENB project.

    Evaluation of energy demands of buildings using NKN II and comparison with results of energy simulation

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá hodnocením energetické náročnosti dvou typů rodinných domů. Výpočet je proveden pomocí národního kalkulačního nástroje NKN II a simulačním programem TRNSYS. Výsledky obou výpočtů jsou navzájem porovnány a rozdíly zdůvodněny. Oba výpočetní nástroje jsou rovněž porovnány z uživatelského hlediska. Na závěr je hodnocena jejich využitelnost pro projektové pracovníky.The Master Thesis evaluates the energy demands of two types of family houses. The calculations are performed using the national calculation tool NKN II and the simulation software TRNSYS. The results of both methods are compared and their differences explained. Both calculation tools are compared from the user point view and finally their applicability for project designers is evaluated.

    Thermal properties of automotive light sources - Halogen sources

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    Cílem diplomové práce je seznámení s konstrukcí a materiály, které se používají u vybraného automobilového světelného zdroje – halogenové žárovky. Dále se práce zaměřuje na teorii a vhodný výběr metody tepelného měření na reálném vzorku. Následně je vytvořen model světelného zdroje a jeho následná simulace v programech ANSYS – Maxwell 3D a Mechanical. Na závěr jsou vyhodnoceny výsledky tepelné simulace a bezdotykového měření halogenové žárovky.The aim of master´s thesis is to get acquainted with the design and materials used in selected automotive light source – tungsten halogen lamp. Further, the thesis focused on the theory and appropriate selection of the thermal measurement method on a real sample. Subsequently, a model of the light source and its simulation in the ANSYS – Maxwell 3D and Mechanical programs are created. Finally, the results of the thermal simulation and the non-contact measurement of the tungsten halogen lamp are evaluated

    Home brewery

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou vaření piva v domácích podmínkách. První část práce je zaměřena na technologii výroby piva, jejíž pochopení je vstupním předpokladem pro správný návrh domácího pivovaru. V druhé části, jsou popsány možnosti konkrétního řešení a uspořádání jednotlivých komponentů zařízení pro výrobu piva v domácím prostředí. Závěrem je proveden návrh domácího pivovaru, který by byl vhodný pro výuku měření a regulace v magisterském studijním programu „Technika prostředí.“The Bachelor’s thesis deals with phenomenon of home-brewing. The first part focus on technology of brewing with understanding is entry requirement for correct draft of home brewery. Second part describes possibilities of specific solution and configuration of each component of equipment for beer production in home environment. At the end is project of home brewery suitable for training of measurement and regulation in Master's degree program „Environmental Engineering.“

    Different Sensitivity to Isoprenalin in Mice of Two Strains and Its Changes with Age

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    . Parameters of locomotor activity of mice of two strains (conventional male [CBA x C57BL] 10 Fi mice and Conventional random breed male ICR mice) are reported together with their per cent mortality after administration of isoprenaIin (ISO) at 400 mg • kg-i, 700 mg . kg-i and 750 mg/kg body mass in mice aged 3 months and at 400 mg . kg-i body mass in animals aged 5 months. Age-dependent changes in body mass and myocardial mass were assessed. It is concluded that mice of the two strains differed in their sensitivity to ISO. The o:served higher resistance of (CBA x C57BL/I0) Fl mice to ISO toxicity can be related to their higher locomotor activity and lower I::ody mass. Isoprenalin, mice, myocardium, staircase test The sensitivity to isoprenalin (ISO) is conditioned by a number of factors the quality of which varies from species to species (Venault et aI. 1986). Of particular importance is the cardiotoxic effect of ISO inducing myocardial lesions of coagulative myocytolysis (COAM) type with subsequent development of necroses In conventional male (CBA x C57BL/I0) Fi mice no significant biochemical or morphological myocardial changes have been found after administration of ISO in doses of 10 to 100 mg. kg-I body mass which are used routinely in rats (Fleckenstein et aI. 1977; Materials and Methods The experimental animals were 60 conventional male (CBA x C57BL/I0) Fl mice (breeding colony of Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bmo) aged 3 months and having 33.3 ± 1.8 g in body mass and 50 conventional random breed male ICR mice (breeding colony of VELAZ, Prague, Czechoslovakia) aged 3 months and having 37.4 ± 3.0 g in body mass. One week before the experiment the mice were transferred to the laboratory and kept ther

    Socio-economic status and health care utilization in rural Zimbabwe: findings from Project Accept (HPTN 043)

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    Zimbabwe’s HIV epidemic is amongst the worst in the world, and disproportionately effects poorer rural areas. Access to almost all health services in Zimbabwe includes some form of cost to the client. In recent years, the socio-economic and employment status of many Zimbabweans has suffered a serious decline, creating additional barriers to HIV treatment and care. We aimed to assess the impact of i) socio-economic status (SES) and ii) employment status on the utilization of health services in rural Zimbabwe. Data were collected from a random probability sample household survey conducted in the Mutoko district of north-western Zimbabwe in 2005. We selected variables that described the economic status of the respondent, including: being paid to work, employment status, and SES by assets. Respondents were also asked about where they most often utilized healthcare when they or their family was sick or hurt. Of 2,874 respondents, all forms of healthcare tended to be utilized by those of high or medium-high SES (65%), including private (65%), church-based (61%), traditional (67%), and other providers (66%) (P=0.009). Most respondents of low SES utilized government providers (74%) (P=0.009). Seventy-one percent of respondents utilizing health services were employed. Government (71%), private (72%), church (71%), community-based (78%) and other (64%) health services tended to be utilized by employed respondents (P=0.000). Only traditional health services were equally utilized by unemployed respondents (50%) (P=0.000). A wide range of health providers are utilized in rural Zimbabwe. Utilization is strongly associated with SES and employment status, particularly for services with user fees, which may act as a barrier to HIV treatment and care access. Efforts to improve access in low-SES, high HIVprevalence settings may benefit from the subsidization of the health care payment system, efforts to improve SES levels, political reform, and the involvement of traditional providers