41 research outputs found

    Parallel Homologous Search With Hirschberg Algorithm: A Hybrid MPI-Pthreads Solution.

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    In this paper, we apply two different parallel programming model, the message passing model using Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the multithreaded model using Pthreads, to-protein sequence homologous search. The protein sequence homologous search uses Hirschberg algorithm for the pair-wise sequence alignment

    A Preliminary Assessment of Physical Properties of Sediment at Sembrong Reservoir

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    Reservoir is one of the main sources of water supply and provides functions to hydroelectric power, domestic use, agriculture, flood protection and recreation. Due to the rapid farming, agricultural activities and oil palm trees plantation development that contribute to the increment of sediment, the Sembrong reservoir is slowly endangered due to the shrinkage of reservoir storage. Therefore, this research is initiated to characterize the sediment which could be used as control in future research in the treatment of contaminated sediment. The objective of this study was to determine distribution of physical properties of sediment based on Sembrong Reservoir sediment. In this study, sediment samples were collected using gravity corer at different points in the reservoir area. The physical properties of sediment was investigated by conducted experiments include particle size distribution, bulk density test, moisture content, loss of ignition and scanning electron microscope (SEM). From the data obtained, the bulk density at horizontal distribution was almost the same and the average values obtained was between 10-17 kN/m3. Moisture content of sediment at horizontal distribution at location 3 was the highest with 185.04%. From the particle size distribution, it can be concluded that location 2 had the highest percentage of finer sand where the value was 81% while 19% were silt and clay. For horizontal distribution of organic content, location 5 had the highest result with the percentage of 12.768%. For particle shape of sediment, it was in bulky and flaky categories while the void ratio was getting smaller by the depth

    Microcrystallite dimension and total active surface area of carbon electrode from mixtures of pre-carbonized oil palm empty fruit bunches and green petroleum cokes

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    Carbon pellets (CP) were prepared from the green pellets (GP) containing mixtures of pre-carbonized oil palm empty fruit bunches (SACG) and Green Petroleum Cokes (GPC), with the weight percentages (x) of SACG in the samples at 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90%. Carbonization process to produce the CP was conducted up to 900oC using a multi steps heating profile. The interlayer spacing (d200 and d100), stack height (Lc), stack width (La,) and effective dimension L of the turbostratic crystallites (microsrystallite) in the CPs were estimated from X-ray diffraction data; d200, d100, La, L increased and Lc decreased with increasing weight percentage of SACG. The total surface area of active material of the CP (Atot) with thickness, t, estimated from Lc was found to follow the equation, Atot = [4.8086 – 0.0083x]1010 t, indicating a significant influence of the SACG content in the mixture of the green body

    Development Of A River Water Quality Management Information System.

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    Rivers provide water for domestic consumption, agriculture, industry and recreation. Thus, to ensrue consistent high quality, river water quality should be monitored on a regular and systematic basis

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Smartphone Addiction Among Adolescents-A Nationwide Study in Malaysia

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    Smartphone ownership among adolescents is getting common in this decade especially in Malaysia; Adolescent are strongly devoted to their smartphone and this may lead to smartphone addiction. Studies have reported that smartphone addiction has become an emerging social and health problem especially among the youth in many countries however there is lack of study among adolescents in Malaysia. This study aimed to examine the prevalence and factors associated with smartphone addiction among adolescents in Malaysia. This was a cross-sectional study involving adolescents from 15 primary care clinics throughout the country. Respondents were assessed on their smartphone activities using the Malaysian short version of the Smartphone addiction scale (SAS-M-SV). Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of smartphone addiction among adolescents. The study was conducted among 921 adolescents with 49.6% male (n = 457). The mean age of adolescents was 16.4 ± 2.4 years. The ethnicity distribution were 74.6% Malay, 7.3% Chinese, 4.7% Indian and 13.4% other ethnicities. The prevalence of smartphone addiction was 37.1% (342/921); 37.4% in male and 36.9% in female. Based on multiple logistic regression analysis, longer duration of smartphone use per week was associated with higher odds of smartphone addiction among adolescent (odd ratio = 1.005%, 95% confidence interval = 1.000–1.009, p-value = 0.039). Smartphone addiction is present in nearly four in ten adolescents in Malaysia. Adolescents who spend longer duration in smartphone usage per week were associated with higher odds of having smartphone addiction. Parents should be more alert and vigilant about this finding. Hence, parents should limit their children from spending too much of time with smartphone in order to prevent their children from getting smartphone addiction

    Factors affecting commencement and cessation of smoking behaviour in Malaysian adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tobacco consumption peak in developed countries has passed, however, it is on the increase in many developing countries. Apart from cigarettes, consumption of local hand-rolled cigarettes such as <it>bidi </it>and <it>rokok daun </it>are prevalent in specific communities. Although factors associated with smoking initiation and cessation has been investigated elsewhere, the only available data for Malaysia is on prevalence. This study aims to investigate factors associated with smoking initiation and cessation which is imperative in designing intervention programs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected from 11,697 adults by trained recording clerks on sociodemographic characteristics, practice of other risk habit and details of smoking such as type, duration and frequency. Smoking commencement and cessation were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier estimates and log-rank tests. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to calculate the hazard rate ratios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Males had a much higher prevalence of the habit (61.7%) as compared to females (5.8%). Cessation was found to be most common among the Chinese and those regularly consuming alcoholic beverages. Kaplan-Meier plot shows that although males are more likely to start smoking, females are found to be less likely to stop. History of betel quid chewing and alcohol consumption significantly increase the likelihood of commencement (p < 0.0001), while cessation was least likely among Indians, current quid chewers and kretek users (p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Gender, ethnicity, history of quid chewing and alcohol consumption have been found to be important factors in smoking commencement; while ethnicity, betel quid chewing and type of tobacco smoked influences cessation.</p

    The powers and functions of the Pardons Board in Malaysia - a review / Norchaya Hj. Talib

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    Once a person is sentenced to death by the Supreme Court or a death sentence is affirmed by the Supreme Court, he will definitely be statement reflects the views of many hanged'people. This is because all legal channels of appeal have been exhausted. This is in fact untrue. The prisoner has yet another avenue of appeal - to the Pardons Board

    Komponen bahan inorganik dalam zarahan termendap semasa kejadian jerebu 1997

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    Kajian zarahan termendap dan komponennya telah dijalankan sebelum,semasa dan selepas fenomena jerebu yang melanda Malaysia pada tahun 1997 di dua kawasan perindustrian iaitu Kawasan Perindustrian Air Keruh, Melaka dan Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalung, Kemaman, Terengganu. Antara parameter-parameter yang diukur dalam kajian ini adalah jumlah zarahan termendap, zarahan tidak larut, zarahan terlarut,abu,pH air hujan,anion (NO3-, SO42- ,Cl- ) kation ( NH4+ , Ca2+ , Mg 2+, K+ ) serta kandungan logam berat (Pb, Cd, Fe, Zn, Mn, dan Cr) dalam air hujan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa jumlah zarahan termendap meningkat dengan ketara (p< 0.05) semasa jerebu berlaku berbanding keadaan biasa. Antara komponen lain yang menunjukkan peningkatan yang ketara adalah NO3-, SO42, NH4+ dan Ca2