220 research outputs found

    Do thin filaments of smooth muscle contain calponin? A new method for the preparation

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    AbstractA new method for the preparation of smooth muscle thin filaments which include calponin was established. We found that calponin readily separated from thin filaments in the presence of 10 mM ATP. By preventing thin filament extract from exposing to ATP, we obtained thin filaments which contained actin, tropomyosin, caldesmon and calponin in molar ratios of 7:0.9:0.6:0.7. We studied myosin Mg-ATPase activity by using the thin filaments in comparison with classical thin filaments prepared by the method of Marston and Smith, which contained the same amounts of caldesmon and tropomyosin as our thin filaments but lost almost all calponin. The presence of calponin reduced the Vmax value for thin filament-activated myosin Mg-ATPase activity by 33% without a significant change in Km value. These findings suggest that calponin inhibits myosin Mg-ATPase activity by modulation of a kinetic step as an integral component of smooth muscle thin filaments

    Suppression of HIV-1 replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by fasudil

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    Fasudil is a potent inhibitor for various protein kinases such as myosin light chain kinase and protein kinase C. It has been used as a drug for improvement of intracranial vasospasm and following ischaemic diseases. In this report, we demonstrate that fasudil suppressed the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in mitogen-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Our finding shows that fasudil may be useful as a new and distinct chemotherapeutic agent against HIV-1 infection

    Studies on the making and the development of proglottids of Taenia pisiformis and Dipylidium caninum

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    For all various studies, the making and the development of proglottids has not been known as Braun's words "die näheren Vorgänge bei der Bildung der Proglottiden sind uns bisher noch ganz unbekannt." On cestode, we have nothing for the fundamental knowledge to the making and development of all gewebe and organe, namely, cuticle, muscle, nerve, excretoryorgane and genitalorgan. So I have observed the making and the development of proglottids of typical cestodes, Taenia pisiformis and Ditpylidium caninum since march 1941 under the kindly direction of prof. Dr. M. Suzuki. My main points of the results of the observation are as follows. 1. The fundamental mechanisms of the making and development of proglottids between Taenia pisiformis and Dipylidium caninum are completely same. 2. The making and development of proglottids of Taenia pisiformis and Dipylidium caninum is held out mainly at scorexbase and more at cervixand at first external proglottids were made, then proper proglottids developed from divisions mechanisms in those external proglottids. 3. Cuticle were made from circular cells in subcuticle celllayers, muscle were made from circular cells insiside subcuticle, fibrous tissue from cells in Parenchym. 4. Only genitalorgane wer made and developed newly in proglottids from circular cells in parenchym and subcuticle cells, but these Begining were looked erly in external proglottids and there were any difference between cells which make up cuticle and muscle of genitalorgane and cells which transform into keimcells at those form and dyeing. 5) And again I could not find any difference at form and dyeing between cells which made up cuticle, muscle, nerve fibres and cells which tranoformed into Hoden and keimstock. 6) In younger proglottids there were many those circulas cells in all tissues, but in older proglottids I could not observed these cells a few. 7) The nucleus of these cells are 2, 800-7, 600μ at Taenia pisiformis, 2, 600-4, 500μ at Dipylidium caninum in length at diameter, and coloured up violet with Hämatoxylin


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    Allyl chloride, which is a cross-linking agent for synthetic resins and a synthetic intermediate that is used as an alkylating agent for pharmaceuticals, is often utilized and synthesized at production sites related organochlorides. In the synthesis process of allyl chloride, however, 2-chloropropene (2-PEN) is produced as the by-product and that is a problem because it essentially has no practical use. In this study, it was investigated about the hydrogenation of 2-PEN to 2-chloropropane (2-PAN) and propylene, which are precursors for various chemical products. The commercially available palladium catalysts such as OleMax 201, OleMax 301, OleMax 600, and HyFlex 500 were used for 2-PEN hydrogenation. The maximum yield of 2-PAN (10.6 %) was detected at 348 K, P(H2) = 13.5 kPa and P(2-PEN) = 8.8 kPa, on OleMax 600 (0.5 g), while the maximum yield of propylene (26.0 %) was realized under the same reaction conditions, with the exception of using at P(H2) = 7.9 kPa on HyFlex 500 (0.5 g). The selective formation of propylene such as 8.9, 100, and 8.9 % for the conversion of 2-PEN, the selectivity of propylene, and the yield of propylene, respectively, was realized on OleMax 201. The selective formation of 2-PAN, however, was not observed on all catalysts. Palladium loading strongly influenced the catalytic activity, but had none on either the specific surface area, or basic and acidic properties.アリルクロライドは,医薬品のアルキル化剤や合成樹脂の架橋剤の原料として使用されるため,有機塩素化合物に関連する生産現場ではよく使用され,製造されている。しかし,このアクリルクロライドの製造過程で,用途の少ない2-クロロプロペン(2-PEN)が副生し,問題となっている。本研究では,2-PEN の有効利用を目的として,2-PENの接触水素化により,汎用性の高い化成品前駆体である2-クロロプロパン(2-PAN)とプロピレンの合成を検討した。また,触媒にはOleMax 201,OleMax 301,OleMax 600,HyFlex 500 などの市販のパラジウム触媒を用いた。反応温度348 KにてP(H2)=13.5 kPaおよびP(2-PEN)=8.8 kPaの反応条件下で, OleMax 600(0.5 g)触媒を用いたときに2-PANの収率(10.6 %)が最大となった。一方,P(H2)=7.9 kPaとし,それ以外は同じ反応条件において,HyFlex 500(0.5 g)触媒を用いたときにプロピレンの収率(26.0 %)は最大となった。OleMax 201触媒を用いた場合,2-PENの転化率,プロピレンの選択性,およびプロピレンの収率が,それぞれ8.9,100,8.9であった。このことからOleMax 201触媒を用いることで,プロピレンが選択的に合成できることが明らかとなった。一方,2-PANを選択的に合成する触媒は現在のところ見つかってはいない。触媒活性にはパラジウムの担持量は強く影響したが,比表面積や塩基性および酸性などの物性は触媒活性には影響しなかった