1,433 research outputs found

    Increasing uninterrupted walking distance for students with autism spectrum disorder

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    Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) do not engage in an adequate amount of physical activity. Often, students with a Level 2 or Level 3 diagnosis of ASD engage in behavior that may make it increasingly difficult for practitioners to encourage the increase of physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine if preference assessment increase Uninterrupted Walking Distance in students with ASD. Researchers have demonstrated positive outcomes on physical activity levels when students are given the opportunity to choose their most preferred physical activity as a reinforcement. Results from this study showed statistically relevant walking data when the students were allowed to access their first preferred activity (P \u3c .03. Mall) as opposed to their second (P \u3c .2. Bike) and third (P \u3c .1, Yoga. Physio Ball). The results from this research expand on previous studies that have focused on increasing the levels of physical exercise for students with ASD

    Which oral antifungal is best for toenail onychomycosis?

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    Terbinafine, 250 mg taken daily for 12 weeks, is the best regimen for toenail onychomycosis due to better clinical and mycologic cure rates, tolerability, and cost effectiveness (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, meta-analyses)

    ¿Un sistema educativo comprensivo?

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    Any good educational system tries to keep the maximum number of students in the educational system for as long as possible, where he or she will receive a quality education which will prepare him or her for higher education and the labour market. In other words, they fight for a comprehensive educational system. The LOMCE is going to achieve the complete opposite. We shall analyze this more deeply in the following paragraphs. Keywords: Vocational training, higher vocational training, educational method, scholar evaluation, exam, income test, scholar dropout, basic education, secondary education, postsecondary education, higher education, private school, public school.Ningún sistema educativo intenta mantener el máximo número de estudiantes en el sistema educativo durante el mayor tiempo posible, donde el o ella recibirá una educación de calidad la cual los preparará para la educación superior y el mercado laboral. En otras palabras, ellos luchan por un sistema educativo comprensivo. La LOMCE va a lograr todo lo contrario. Nosotros analizaremos esto más profundamente en los siguientes párrafos.ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    Is DEET safe for children?

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    Reported evidence suggests that DEET use is safe for children older than 2 months, with only very rare incidence of major adverse effects (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C). Typically, a topical concentration between 10% and 30% should be used (SOR: C). Increasing DEET concentration does not improve protection, but does increase the duration of action (SOR: A)

    Starburst galaxies in the COSMOS field : clumpy star-formation at redshift 0 < z <0.5

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    This work has been funded by the Spanish MINECO, Grant ESTALLIDOS, AYA2013-47742-C4-2P and AYA2010-21887-C04-04. J.M.A. acknowledges support from the European Research Council Starting Grant SEDMorph (P.I. V. Wild). R.H.G. acknowledges the FPI grant from MINECO within ESTALLIDOS project.Context. At high redshift, starburst galaxies present irregular morphologies with 10-20% of their star formation occurring in giant clumps. These clumpy galaxies are considered the progenitors of local disk galaxies. To understand the properties of starbursts at intermediate and low redshift, it is fundamental to track their evolution and the possible link with the systems at higher z. Aims. We present an extensive, systematic, and multiband search and analysis of the starburst galaxies at redshift (0 1010. We classify galaxies into three main types, depending on their HST morphology: single knot (Sknot), single star-forming knot plus diffuse light (Sknot+diffuse), and multiple star-forming knots (Mknots/clumpy) galaxy. We found a fraction of Mknots/clumpy galaxy fclumpy = 0.24 considering out total sample of starburst galaxies up to z ∼ 0.5. The individual star-forming knots in our sample follows the same L(Hα) vs. size scaling relation as local giant HII regions. However, they slightly differ from the one provided using samples at high redshift. This result highlights the importance of spatially resolving the star-forming regions for this kind of study. Star-forming clumps in the central regions of Mknots galaxies are more massive, and present higher star formation rates, than those in the outskirts. This trend is less clear when we consider either the mass surface density or surface star formation rate. Sknot galaxies do show properties similar to both dwarf elliptical and irregulars in the surface brightness (μ) versus Mhost diagram in the B-band, and to spheroidals and ellipticals in the μ versus Mhost diagram in the V-band. Conclusions. The properties of our star-forming knots in Sknot+diffuse and Mknots/clumpy galaxies support the predictions of recent numerical simulations claiming that they have been produced by violent disk instabilities. We suggest that the evolution of these knots means that large and massive clumps at the galaxy centers represent the end product of the coalescence of surviving smaller clumps from the outskirts. Our results support this mechanism and make it unlikely that mergers are the reason behind the observed starburst knots. Sknot galaxies might be transitional phases of the Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCD) class, with their properties consistent with spheroidal-like, but blue structures.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Food and Drug Administration\u27s Final Rule on Tobacco Advertising Is All Butt Final: Commercial Speech Doctrine Will Be Tested Once More under a Stricter Central Hudson Analysis in the Aftermath of 44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Island Comment.

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    In 1996 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) promulgated regulations affecting the advertising, sale, and promotion of tobacco. President Clinton supported the FDA’s claim it has the power to regulate tobacco products not as drugs, but as medical delivery devices of nicotine. Meaning tobacco sellers, retailer, distributors, and manufacturers would be subject to strict rules concerning how and where tobacco products may be advertised, distributed, and promoted. Despite the FDA’s claims, these measures were oriented toward discouraging children from smoking. Opponents of the regulations claim the restrictions constitute blatant infringement of commercial speech. The FDA argues that while advertising is protected speech, tobacco advertising directed toward minors is not, as it is illegal for minors to purchase tobacco products. Thus, making limitations permissible under the commercial speech doctrine. While it is an admirable goal, the manner being used by the FDA may be unconstitutional under the First Amendment. Legal commentators have also declared the provisions constitutionally infirm following the decision of 44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Island. In 44 Liquormart, the court acknowledged the vulnerability commercial speech has to regulation. The Court asserted “special care” should be given when reviewing regulations which ban commercial speech completely absent claims of deception or illegal activity. Moreover, complete bans to commercial speech are a dangerous affront to the First Amendment since it would foreclose all alternative means of providing specific information. Although the FDA advertising rules have been touted as common sense provisions with reasonable limitations, many of the provisions may prove ineffective and may also violate the tobacco industry’s commercial speech rights. The Supreme Court has stated commercial speech must be protected under the First Amendment, and the government has a heavy burden to justify infringing upon those rights