2,586 research outputs found

    Minimising ambient illumination via ambient subtraction: Smartphone assessment of jaundice in liver patients via sclera images

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    Using smartphone images to quantify color presents a noninvasive way to assess jaundice and other color-related biomarkers of the human body. Here we focus on assessing jaundice through accurate bilirubin measurement in adult liver patients, the first time optical imaging has been applied to this cohort. These patients can suffer from very high levels of bilirubin, indicating their severity of liver disease. A smartphone assessment technique for jaundice based around the color of the sclera (white of the eye) extracted from images is being developed, as smartphone imaging enables cheap, non-invasive and quantitative readings. Variations in ambient light cause large changes to recorded pixel values so must be accounted for to ensure that any changes detected are due to changes in jaundice level. Here we suggest the use of an ambient subtraction approach to minimise the effects of ambient light. Pairs of flash/no-flash images are captured and the extracted values subtracted to yield data as though under a pure flash illumination. We present data demonstrating the technique with a group of healthy adult volunteers. We also present data from a patient study involving adults with liver disease. Images were captured and the bilirubin (jaundice) level predicted from these images before and after subtraction was compared to the ground truth value obtained via blood test. The linear correlation coefficient increased from 0.47 to 0.85 (p<0.001 in both cases) upon application of subtraction, demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique

    Direct fluorescence characterisation of a picosecond seeded optical parametric amplifier

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    The temporal intensity contrast of high-power lasers based on optical parametric amplification (OPA) can be limited by parametric fluorescence from the non-linear gain stages. Here we present a spectroscopic method for direct measurement of unwanted parametric fluorescence widely applicable from unseeded to fully seeded and saturated OPA operation. Our technique employs simultaneous spectroscopy of fluorescence photons slightly outside the seed bandwidth and strongly attenuated light at the seed central wavelength. To demonstrate its applicability we have characterised the performance of a two-stage picosecond OPA pre-amplifier with 2.8×105 gain, delivering pulses at 1054 nm. We show that fluorescence from a strongly seeded OPA is reduced by ~500× from the undepleted to full pump depletion regimes. We also determine the vacuum fluctuation driven noise term seeding this OPA fluorescence to be 0.7±0.4 photons ps−1 nm−1 bandwidth. The resulting shot-to-shot statistics highlights a 1.5% probability of a five-fold and 0.3% probability of a ten-fold increase of fluorescence above the average value. Finally, we show that OPA fluorescence can be limited to a few-ps pedestal with 3×10−9 temporal intensity contrast 1.3 ps ahead of an intense laser pulse, a level highly attractive for large scale chirped-pulse OPA laser systems

    Feasibility of smartphone colorimetry of the face as an anaemia screening tool for infants and young children in Ghana

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    Background Anaemia affects approximately a quarter of the global population. When anaemia occurs during childhood, it can increase susceptibility to infectious diseases and impair cognitive development. This research uses smartphone-based colorimetry to develop a non-invasive technique for screening for anaemia in a previously understudied population of infants and young children in Ghana. Methods We propose a colorimetric algorithm for screening for anaemia which uses a novel combination of three regions of interest: the lower eyelid (palpebral conjunctiva), the sclera, and the mucosal membrane adjacent to the lower lip. These regions are chosen to have minimal skin pigmentation occluding the blood chromaticity. As part of the algorithm development, different methods were compared for (1) accounting for varying ambient lighting, and (2) choosing a chromaticity metric for each region of interest. In comparison to some prior work, no specialist hardware (such as a colour reference card) is required for image acquisition. Results Sixty-two patients under 4 years of age were recruited as a convenience clinical sample in Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Forty-three of these had quality images for all regions of interest. Using a naïve Bayes classifier, this method was capable of screening for anaemia (<11.0g/dL haemoglobin concentration) vs healthy blood haemoglobin concentration (≥11.0g/dL) with a sensitivity of 92.9% (95% CI 66.1% to 99.8%), a specificity of 89.7% (72.7% to 97.8%) when acting on unseen data, using only an affordable smartphone and no additional hardware. Conclusion These results add to the body of evidence suggesting that smartphone colorimetry is likely to be a useful tool for making anaemia screening more widely available. However, there remains no consensus on the optimal method for image preprocessing or feature extraction, especially across diverse patient populations

    Exploring Entrepreneurial Skills and Competencies in Farm Tourism

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    Diversification to farm tourism is increasingly seen as a viable development strategy to promote a more diverse and sustainable rural economy and to counter declining farm incomes. However, our understanding of the dynamics of the modern farm tourism business and the entrepreneurial and competitive skills farmers require in making the transition from agriculture to a diversified - and service based - enterprise remains limited. Hence, the aim of this paper is to explore the range of skills and competencies that farmers in the North West of England identify as important when adopting a diversification strategy to farm tourism. With the findings indicating that that whilst a range of managerial skills are valued by farmers, they lack many of the additional business and entrepreneurial competencies required for success. Moreover, this paper acknowledges the need to generate consensus on the requisite skill-set that farm tourism operators require, along with a need for a currently fragmented rural tourism literature to acknowledge the significance of rural entrepreneurship and the characteristics of successful farmers and farm tourism ventures

    Evaluating treatments in health care: The instability of a one-legged stool

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Both scientists and the public routinely refer to randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as being the 'gold standard' of scientific evidence. Although there is no question that placebo-controlled RCTs play a significant role in the evaluation of new pharmaceutical treatments, especially when it is important to rule out placebo effects, they have many inherent limitations which constrain their ability to inform medical decision making. The purpose of this paper is to raise questions about <it>over-reliance </it>on RCTs and to point out an additional perspective for evaluating healthcare evidence, as embodied in the Hill criteria. The arguments presented here are generally relevant to all areas of health care, though mental health applications provide the primary context for this essay.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This article first traces the history of RCTs, and then evaluates five of their major limitations: they often lack external validity, they have the potential for increasing health risk in the general population, they are no less likely to overestimate treatment effects than many other methods, they make a relatively weak contribution to clinical practice, and they are excessively expensive (leading to several additional vulnerabilities in the quality of evidence produced). Next, the nine Hill criteria are presented and discussed as a richer approach to the evaluation of health care treatments. Reliance on these multi-faceted criteria requires more analytical thinking than simply examining RCT data, but will also enhance confidence in the evaluation of novel treatments.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Excessive reliance on RCTs tends to stifle funding of other types of research, and publication of other forms of evidence. We call upon our research and clinical colleagues to consider additional methods of evaluating data, such as the Hill criteria. Over-reliance on RCTs is similar to resting all of health care evidence on a one-legged stool.</p

    Identification of plastic constitutive parameters at large deformations from three dimensional displacement fields

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a general procedure to extract the constitutive parameters of a plasticity model starting from displacement measurements and using the Virtual Fields Method. This is a classical inverse problem which has been already investigated in the literature, however several new features are developed here. First of all the procedure applies to a general three-dimensional displacement field which leads to large plastic deformations, no assumptions are made such as plane stress or plane strain although only pressure-independent plasticity is considered. Moreover the equilibrium equation is written in terms of the deviatoric stress tensor that can be directly computed from the strain field without iterations. Thanks to this, the identification routine is much faster compared to other inverse methods such as finite element updating. The proposed method can be a valid tool to study complex phenomena which involve severe plastic deformation and where the state of stress is completely triaxial, e.g. strain localization or necking occurrence. The procedure has been validated using a three dimensional displacement field obtained from a simulated experiment. The main potentialities as well as a first sensitivity study on the influence of measurement errors are illustrated

    Comparison of breast and bowel cancer screening uptake patterns in a common cohort of South Asian women in England

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    Background: Inequalities in uptake of cancer screening by ethnic minority populations are well documented in a number of international studies. However, most studies to date have explored screening uptake for a single cancer only. This paper compares breast and bowel cancer screening uptake for a cohort of South Asian women invited to undertake both, and similarly investigates these women's breast cancer screening behaviour over a period of fifteen years. Methods: Screening data for rounds 1, 2 and 5 (1989-2004) of the NHS breast cancer screening programme and for round 1 of the NHS bowel screening pilot (2000-2002) were obtained for women aged 50-69 resident in the English bowel screening pilot site, Coventry and Warwickshire, who had been invited to undertake breast and bowel cancer screening in the period 2000-2002. Breast and bowel cancer screening uptake levels were calculated and compared using the chi-squared test. Results: 72,566 women were invited to breast and bowel cancer screening after exclusions. Of these, 3,539 were South Asian and 69,027 non-Asian; 18,730 had been invited to mammography over the previous fifteen years (rounds 1 to 5). South Asian women were significantly less likely to undertake both breast and bowel cancer screening; 29.9% (n = 1,057) compared to 59.4% (n = 40,969) for non-Asians (p < 0.001). Women in both groups who consistently chose to undertake breast cancer screening in rounds 1, 2 and 5 were more likely to complete round 1 bowel cancer screening. However, the likelihood of completion of bowel cancer screening was still significantly lower for South Asians; 49.5% vs. 82.3% for non-Asians, p < 0.001. South Asian women who undertook breast cancer screening in only one round were no more likely to complete bowel cancer screening than those who decided against breast cancer screening in all three rounds. In contrast, similar women in the non-Asian population had an increased likelihood of completing the new bowel cancer screening test. The likelihood of continued uptake of mammography after undertaking screening in round 1 differed between South Asian religio-linguistic groups. Noticeably, women in the Muslim population were less likely to continue to participate in mammography than those in other South Asian groups. Conclusions: Culturally appropriate targeted interventions are required to reduce observed disparities in cancer screening uptakes