45 research outputs found

    Analytical matrix elements of the Uehling potential in three-body systems, and applications to exotic molecules

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    Exact analytical expressions for the matrix elements of the Uehling potential in a basis of explicitly correlated exponential wave functions are presented. The obtained formulas are then used to compute with an improved accuracy the vacuum polarization correction to the binding energy of muonic and pionic molecules, both in a first-order perturbative treatment and in a nonperturbative approach. The first resonant states lying below the n=2 threshold are also studied, by means of the stabilization method with a real dilatation parameter

    Calculation of the relativistic Bethe logarithm in the two-center problem

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    We present a variational approach to evaluate relativistic corrections of order \alpha^2 to the Bethe logarithm for the ground electronic state of the Coulomb two center problem. That allows to estimate the radiative contribution at m\alpha^7 order in molecular-like three-body systems such as hydrogen molecular ions H_2^+ and HD^+, or antiprotonic helium atoms. While we get 10 significant digits for the nonrelativistic Bethe logarithm, calculation of the relativistic corrections is much more involved especially for small values of bond length R. We were able to achieve a level of 3-4 significant digits starting from R=0.2 bohr, that will allow to reach 10^{-10} relative uncertainty on transition frequencies.Comment: 19 pages, 5 tables, 7 figure

    Faraday optical isolator in the 9.2 Ό\mum range for QCL applications

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    We have fabricated and characterized a n-doped InSb Faraday isolator in the mid-IR range (9.2 ÎŒ\mum). A high isolation ratio of ≈\approx30 dB with a transmission over 80% (polarizer losses not included) is obtained at room temperature. Further possible improvements are discussed. A similar design can be used to cover a wide wavelength range (lambda ~ 7.5-30 ÎŒ\mum)

    Hˉ+\bar{\textrm{H}}^{+} Sympathetic Cooling Simulations with a Variable Time Step

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    In this paper we present a new variable time step criterion for the velocity-Verlet algorithm allowing to correctly simulate the dynamics of charged particles exchanging energy via Coulomb collisions while minimising simulation time. We present physical arguments supporting the use of the criterion along with numerical results proving its validity. We numerically show that Hˉ+\bar{\textrm{H}}^{+} ions with 18 meV initial energy can be captured and sympathetically cooled by a Coulomb crystal of Be+\textrm{Be}^{+} and HD+\textrm{HD}^{+} in less than 10 ms, an important result for the GBAR project.Comment: LEAP 2016 proceedin

    Two-photon spectroscopy of trapped HD+^+ ions in the Lamb-Dicke regime

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    We study the feasibility of nearly-degenerate two-photon rovibrational spectroscopy in ensembles of trapped, sympathetically cooled hydrogen molecular ions using a resonance-enhanced multiphoton dissociation (REMPD) scheme. Taking advantage of quasi-coincidences in the rovibrational spectrum, the excitation lasers are tuned close to an intermediate level to resonantly enhance two-photon absorption. Realistic simulations of the REMPD signal are obtained using a four-level model that takes into account saturation effects, ion trajectories, laser frequency noise and redistribution of population by blackbody radiation. We show that the use of counterpropagating laser beams enables optical excitation in an effective Lamb-Dicke regime. Sub-Doppler lines having widths in the 100 Hz range can be observed with good signal-to-noise ratio for an optimal choice of laser detunings. Our results indicate the feasibility of molecular spectroscopy at the 10−1410^{-14} accuracy level for improved tests of molecular QED, a new determination of the proton-to-electron mass ratio, and studies of the time (in)dependence of the latter.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    Cooling antihydrogen ions for the free-fall experiment GBAR

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    We discuss an experimental approach allowing to prepare antihydrogen atoms for the GBAR experiment. We study the feasibility of all necessary experimental steps: The capture of incoming Hˉ+\bar{\rm H}^+ ions at keV energies in a deep linear RF trap, sympathetic cooling by laser cooled Be+^+ ions, transfer to a miniaturized trap and Raman sideband cooling of an ion pair to the motional ground state, and further reducing the momentum of the wavepacket by adiabatic opening of the trap. For each step, we point out the experimental challenges and discuss the efficiency and characteristic times, showing that capture and cooling are possible within a few seconds.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Narrow-line phase-locked quantum cascade laser in the 9.2 micron range

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    We report on the operation of a 50 mW continuous wave quantum cascade laser (QCL) in the 9.2 micrometer range, phase locked to a single mode CO2 laser with a tunable frequency offset. The wide free running emission spectrum of the QCL (3-5 MHz) is strongly narrowed down to the kHz range making it suitable for high resolution molecular spectroscopy.Comment: 4 page

    Vibrational spectroscopy of H2+: precise evaluation of the Zeeman effect

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    We present an accurate computation of the g-factors of the hyperfine states of the hydrogen molecular ion H2+. The results are in good agreement with previous experiments, and can be tested further by rf spectroscopy. Their implication for high-precision two-photon vibrational spectroscopy of H2+ is also discussed. It is found that the most intense hyperfine components of two-photon lines benefit from a very small Zeeman splitting

    Vibrational spectroscopy of H2+: hyperfine structure of two-photon transitions

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    We present the computation of two-photon transition spectra between ro-vibrational states of the H2+ molecular ion, including the effects of hyperfine structure and excitation polarization. The reduced two-photon matrix elements are obtained by means of a variational method. We discuss the implications of our results for high-resolution spectroscopy of H2+