28 research outputs found

    Characteristics of dietary intake in relation to the consumption of home-produced foods among farm women in two rural areas of Kenya: A preliminary study

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    The present study aimed to clarify the differences in nutritional intake in relation to the consumption of local food products and dietary patterns between two rural Kenyan regions, Kitui and Vihiga, where different ethnic groups live in different agro-ecological zones. A participant observation study with weighted dietary records was conducted in August 2019. Enumerators stayed in each targeted household for approximately one week and measured the ingredients and dishes. We compared the dietary intake of farm women in charge of meal preparation (n = 21) between the two regions and examined the contribution of each dish to the intake and the degree of home production for each food item. The results showed no difference in energy intake, but vitamin B2, B12, and C intakes were significantly higher in Vihiga, influenced by their consuming small fish and a variety of homegrown leafy vegetables. The people in Kitui consumed large quantities of homegrown pigeon peas, largely contributing to their nutritional intake. Dietary patterns were similar; common staple foods and tea with sugar accounted for about 40% of energy and protein intakes and fruit consumption was low. There was no difference in foods purchased frequently. These results suggested that promoting locally available fruits and vegetables would contribute to a sustainable supply of adequate micronutrients. Further studies are required to develop strategies to promote healthy dietary habits and improve health status

    Effect of extracted garlic powder ingestion for two months on exercise-induced immunological responses

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    Introduction. Exhaustive exercise is associated with an increased risk of upper respiratory tract infection. Previously, allicin supplementation has been reported to reduce the incidence of common cold symptoms and production of exercise-induced interleukin (IL)-6. However, it is not clear if daily ingestion of the edible portion of whole garlic (Allium sativum) alters the exercise-induced immunological response. The present study investigated the effects of extracted garlic powder ingestion for 2 months on immune cell counts, natural killer cell activity (NKCA), as well as changes in cytokines, cortisol, and lactic acid in response to high-intensity cycling exercise. Methods. The present study employed a before-after study design. Six sedentary male participants (age, 22.0±0.3 years) consumed extracted garlic powder for 2 months, and underwent 45 minutes of cycling exercise at 80% of the heart rate reserve once before and once after the supplementation period. A thousand milligrams of extracted garlic powder, comparable to 6 g (1 clove) of raw garlic, was ingested every day. Blood samples were obtained at the following five time points: before exercise, 0 min, 30 min, 60 min, and 120 min after exercise. We measured NKCA, leukocyte counts, neutrophil counts, lymphocyte counts, as well as levels of serum IL-6, IL-10, cortisol, and lactic acid. Repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analyses. When interaction effects were significant, measurement values at the various time points were compared between pre- and post-supplementation period using the paired t-test. Changes were deemed statistically significant when p\u3c0.05. Results. We observed no significant difference in pre-exercise measurements between pre- and post-supplementation periods. In addition, we found no significant interaction effect for leukocytes, neutrophils, NKCA, IL-10, and cortisol. However, we did identify a significant interaction effect for lymphocytes, IL-6, and lactic acid (p=0.033, p=0.030, and p\u3c0.001, respectively). Lymphocyte counts were significantly lower post-supplementation relative to pre-supplementation immediately after exercise (p=0.014). In addition, IL-6 was significantly lower post-supplementation relative to pre-supplementation immediately and 30 minutes after exercise (p=0.015 and p=0.018, respectively). Lactic acid levels were significantly lower post-supplementation relative to pre-supplementation immediately after exercise (p=0.018). Conclusions. The extracted garlic powder did not significantly influence exercise-induced responses by leukocytes, neutrophils, NKCA, IL-10, or cortisol. However, exercise-induced responses by lymphocytes, IL-6, and lactic acid were suppressed after ingestion of extracted garlic powder. Thus, daily ingestion of the edible portion of whole garlic may suppress exercise-induced immunological responses and lactic acid levels

    ショクイクジュギョウ ニ サンカ シタ ジョシガクセイ ノ ショクモツセッシュ オヨビ ホコウウンドウジッシ ノ ジョウキョウ

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    近年,若年層の朝食欠食をはじめ食生活の乱れや運動不足が問題視されている。T大学では食の専門家を育成しており,将来的に食育活動に携わる者も少なくない。そこで本研究ではT大学1年次生を対象に食育トライアル授業を計画し,参加学生の食物摂取状況や運動習慣を把握することにより,今後の授業計画のための基礎資料を得ることを目的とした。対象者は,食育トライアル授業に参加した学生のうち,調査に協力の得られた女性13名であった。調査の結果,1日あたりの食品群別摂取量は,穀類が366g,いも類は37g,緑黄色野菜は75g,その他の野菜は112g,魚介類は44g,肉類は80g,卵類は22g,菓子類が66gであった。一人一日あたりのエネルギー摂取量は,推定エネルギー必要量とほぼ一致していた。脂質エネルギー比率は29.4%,炭水化物エネルギー比率は56.8%であった。カルシウム,鉄分,水溶性ビタミン類,食物繊維の摂取量は不足するリスクが認められた。特に鉄分と食物繊維は対象者全員で不足のリスクが高かった。食品の適切な選択方法についての知識や技術を身につけること,さらに食環境整備が必要であると考えられた。ライフコーダーにより歩行数を測定した結果,1日の平均歩行数は10,434±2,606歩であり,健康日本21の目標値を上回る人は13名中9名であった。一方,速歩や強い強度の運動時間が短かったことから,今後は健康増進のためにも運動強度を高める教育が必要と考えられた。In recent years, the dietary lifestyle and lack of physical activity has been regarded as a problem for Japanese youth. We have completed a trial Shokuiku (Dietary education) class which consisted of 13 female students who also acted as experimental participants. We monitored their regular eating habits and physical activity levels. The results indicated that the participants consumed 366g/day of cereals, 37g/d potato, 75g/d green/yellow vegetables, 112g/d other vegetables, 44g/d fishes, 80g/d meats, 22g/d egg, 66g/d of sweets/snacks. The daily energy intake of the participants closely matched the Estimated Energy Requirement. Fat energy ratio was 29.4%, and carbohydrate energy ratio was 56.8%. Most of the participants didn\u27t reach to the EAR level of calcium, iron, and soluble vitamins. For these participants, the lack of iron and dietary fiber was obvious. These results suggested that they need to acquire the knowledge and the know-how to consume the necessary nutrients. According to the results of the Lifecoder, the step counts of female participants were 10,434±2,606 and the walking speed was relatively slow. These results suggested that they need to improve their walking pace for their health promotion

    ジョシ シンタイソウ センシュ ニ オケル チュウショク ノ エネルギーリョウ ガ エネルギー セッシュリョウ ヤ タイシボウリツ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    本研究は減量期の女子新体操選手に対する5週間の昼食提供が1日の総エネルギー摂取量や体重,体脂肪率に及ぼす影響を検討することを目的とした。対象者は16名(年齢19.5±1.0歳)であり,昼食のエネルギー量は561±74kcal,たんぱく質量は29.2±4.3gであった。身体特性は昼食提供前(提供前)と昼食提供後(提供後)の計2回,栄養素等摂取量は提供前と昼食提供中(提供中)を調べた。統計解析は対応のあるt-検定,Wilcoxonの符号付き順位和検定,McNemar検定,Pearsonの積率相関係数,Spearmanの順位相関係数を用いた。昼食を提供した結果,総エネルギー摂取量,食事別エネルギー摂取量および総エネルギー消費量には提供前と提供中で有意な違いがみられず,昼食エネルギー摂取割合は提供前(23.3±10.4%)に比べて提供中(36.5±15.3%)が有意に増加した(p=0.005)。提供前と提供後で除脂肪体重には有意差がみられなかったものの,体重(48.4±3.2kgから47.6±3.2kg, p=0.001)および体脂肪率(13.4±2.0%から12.3±1.6%,p=0.008)は有意に低下した。しかし,体脂肪率の変化量は食事別エネルギー摂取割合の変化量との間に有意な関連がみられなかった。以上より,昼食提供は1日のエネルギー摂取量,食事別エネルギー摂取量に影響を与えず,昼食エネルギー摂取割合を増加させ,体脂肪率を減少させることが示された。体脂肪率と各因子間には有意な関連がみられなかったが,昼食を摂ることは減量期の選手にとって重要である可能性が示唆された。The present study aimed to examine the effect of lunch on total energy intake, body weight, and body fat percentage during weight reduction periods. Sixteen female rhythmic gymnasts (mean age, 19.5±1.0 years) participated in this study. School lunch was provided (561±74kcal, 29.2±4.3g protein) for five weeks. Physical characteristics were assessed twice, before (Before) and after (After) the lunch-providing period. Dietary intake was assessed twice, Before and during the lunch-providing period. The paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, McNemar test, Pearson\u27s product moment correlation coefficient, and Spearman\u27s rank correlation coefficient were used for the statistical analyses. After the lunch-providing period, no significant differences were found in total energy intake, each meal energy intake, and total energy expenditure relative to Before and during the lunch providing-period, but a significant increase was found in the ratio of lunch to total energy intake (23.3±10.4% to 36.5±15.3%, p=0.005). Moreover, significant decreases in body weight (48.4±3.2kg to 47.6±3.2kg, p=0.001) and body fat percentage (13.4±2.0% to 12.3±1.6%, p=0.008), but not lean body mass, were observed relative to Before. However, changes in body fat percentage were not correlated with changes in the ratio of each meal energy intake. From these results, providing lunch does not affect total energy intake or each meal energy intake, but increases the ratio of lunch to total energy intake and decreases body fat percentage. The body fat percentage was not correlated with each factor. Our findings suggest the importance of providing lunch to female rhythmic gymnasts during weight reduction periods

    ムシュウ ニンニク 2カゲツカン ノ セッシュ ハ ウンドウ ユウハツセイ IL-6 ジョウショウ ヲ ヨクセイ スル:ゼンゴ ヒカク シケン

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    ニンニクに含まれるアリシンはヒトで運動誘発性インターロイキン(IL)6産生を抑制することが報告されている。しかし,アリシンは特有の強い臭気を持つため,実生活を考えると日常的に使用することが難しい。我々はそこで,無臭ニンニク(odorless garlic ; OG)2か月間摂取が運動誘発性IL-6産生と他の免疫応答を減弱する可能性について検討することを目的とした。日頃からあまり活動的でない6名の健康な男性(22.0±0.7歳)を対象に一日当たり1 gのOGを2か月間にわたって摂取させた。研究での運動負荷条件は推定最大心拍数の80%強度の自転車運動とし,45分間実施した。運動負荷は,実験開始前(control群 ; CON-Ex)とニンニク摂取2か月後(odorless garlic supplementation and exercise群 ; OG-Ex)に実施した。血液サンプルは運動負荷を行う前,運動負荷直後(0 min),30分後,60分後に採取し,IL-6,IL-10,白血球数,好中球数,リンパ球数,Natural Killer Cell Activity (NKCA),コルチゾールを測定した。運動負荷前から運動負荷60分後までの上昇曲線下面積(iAUC)を算出し,統計解析には繰り返しのある二元配置分散分析(ANOVA)およびHolm’s methodを用いた対応のあるt検定を行った。運動負荷前の生化学値にはCON-ExとOG-Exの間に有意な差は見られなかった。運動負荷後の白血球数,好中球数,リンパ球数,NKCA,IL-10,およびコルチゾールに交互作用は見られなかったものの,IL-6には交互作用が見られた(p=0.011)。OG-Ex 群の運動誘発性IL-6 iAUC値はCON-Ex群に比べて有意な低下がみられた(CON-Ex, 82.5±12.2 min・pg/mL ; OG-Ex, 55.5±14.2 min・pg/mL ; p=0.018)。今回の結果は2か月間のOG摂取が運動誘発性IL-6上昇を抑制するという仮説を支持する結果となった。しかしながら,OG摂取は他の免疫指標に影響を及ぼすことはなかった。OG摂取が運動誘発性の免疫機能に及ぼす影響については,今後のさらなる研究が必要である。Allicin, which is a primary compound in crushed garlic, inhibits exercise-induced interleukin (IL)-6 production in humans. However, the daily use of crushed garlic or stabilized allicin is not practical due to the strong odor of allicin. We therefore investigated the possibility that odorless garlic (OG) supplementation for 2 months attenuates exercise-induced IL-6 and other immunological responses. Six healthy untrained men (aged 22.0±0.7 years) consumed 1 g of OG per day for 2 months. Participants underwent two 45-min periods of acute cycling exercise at 80% intensity of heart rate reserve (HRR). The first period was at baseline (control exercise ; CON-Ex) and the second after 2 months of OG supplementation (odorless garlic supplementation and exercise ; OG-Ex). To assess levels of IL-6, IL-10, leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, Natural Killer Cell Activity (NKCA) and cortisol, blood samples were collected before and immediately (0 min), and 30 and 60 min after each 45-min period of exercise. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t-test with Holm’s method were performed, and the incremental area under the curve (iAUC) from before to 60 min after exercise was calculated. No significant differ­ences in the pre-exercise levels of biochemical indices were observed between the CON-Ex and OG-Ex assessments. No significant interaction effects were observed in exercise-induced changes in leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, NKCA, IL-10, or cortisol. A significant interaction effect was observed in exercise-induced changes in IL-6 (p=0.011). OG consumption also significantly decreased the iAUC of IL-6 (CON-Ex, 82.5±12.2 min・pg/mL ; OG-Ex, 55.5±14.2 min・pg/mL ; p=0.018). Our findings support the hypothesis that two months of OG supplementation attenuates exercise-induced increases in IL-6 levels among untrained men. However, OG did not exert a similar effect on other immunological parameters. Further study is required to clarify the effect of OG on exercise-induced activation of the immune system

    カソ コウレイカ ノ ススム ノウソンチョウソン ニ オケル チイキシンダン ト イリョウヒカンレンシヒョウ ノ ケントウ

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    本研究は,総務省が平成17年(2005)年に分類した小規模自治体を対象として,次のことを明らかにすることを目的とした。1)保健医療福祉の関連指標について,類似する自治体間で比較を行うこと,つまり地域診断を実施すること,2)介護及び医療費に関連する因子を明らかにすることである。対象となる類似自治体は,総務省類型分類(人口及び産業構造から分類)で,平成17(2005)年度に山梨県小菅村が該当した「町村I-1(人口5,000人未満で,第二,三次産業従事者が80%以上,第三次産業従事者55%未満),54自治体」であった。本研究開始時の平成20(2008)年8月時点において,54町村すべての合併状況を確認した結果,独立して存続している町村は11であった。用いた指標は,老人医療費,入院費,介護費,人口,高齢化率,核家族世帯数,第一次・二次・三次の各産業従事者割合,要介護認定率,平均寿命などあった。11町村の中で,特徴的だった例を4つ列挙する。1)長野県天竜村は平均寿命が長く,医療費と介護費も低い傾向にあった(医療費・介護費併用型)。2)小菅村と山梨県鳴沢村は,医療費や介護費,介護認定率が低かった(医療費・介護費安価型)。3)東京都御蔵島村と群馬県上野村は,医療費は低いが介護費が高かった(介護費依存型)。4)沖縄県北大東村は,寿命は長いが,介護費が高かった(その他型)。重回帰分析の結果,医療費と有意な相関があったのは,入院費であった。介護費と有意な相関があったのは,65歳以上の親族のいる核家族世帯数であった。小規模自治体において,介護保険依存と医療費依存の方向性を有する自治体があり,保健医療福祉の評価には,両者を合わせて検討する必要性が示唆された。サンプルサイズが小さいということや,検討に用いることができたデータの内容について限界はあるが,核家族と入院が介護費用と医療費に影響を及ぼしている可能性があることが示された。The objectives of this study were to compare medical expenses of similar local governments, and to clarify the factors related to expenses for care and medicine. The subjects of our investigation were local governments with a national classification in fiscal 2005 that was similar to Kosuge village in Yamanashi based on population and industrial structure : the population was smaller than 5000, the total percentage of secondary and tertiary industry was more than 80%, and the percentage of tertiary industry was less than 55%. These criteria were met by 54 local governments. When we started this investigation in August 2008, 11 governments remained unconsolidated. The indices consisted of medical expenses for the aged, hospital expenses, nursing-care expenses, population size, aging population, the number of nuclear families, the industrial structure, the percentage of advanced nursing care, and life expectancy. The outstanding points were as follows : 1) Tenryu village in Nagano showed long life expectancy and low medical and nursing-care expenses (combination type by medical and nursing-care expenses) ; 2) Kosuge and Narusawa village in Yamanashi showed low medical and nursing-care expenses and a low percentage of advanced nursing-care (low-cost type of medical and nursing-care expenses) ; 3) Mikurajima village in Tokyo and Ueno village in Gunma showed low medical expenses and high nursing-care expenses (dependent type by nursing-care expense) ; and 4) Kitadaito village in Okinawa showed long life expectancy and high nursing-care expenses (other type). In multiple regression analysis, only hospital expense was found to explain medical expenses, and the number of nuclear families consisting of the elderly was found to explain nursing-care expenses. These results imply that there are two types of local governments that must be considered in health care analyses : one depends on nursing-care, and the other depends on medicine. In spite of the small sample size as statistical data discussion for interpretation, results from this study suggest that nuclear families and hospitalization affect nursing-care and medical expenses

    オウヨウセイブツカガクブ1ネンセイ ヲ タイショウ トシタ ショクイクトライアル ノ ジッシ ト ヒョウカ ジュギョウサンカシャ ヘノ アンケート ニヨル ケントウ

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    応用生物科学部1年生を対象に,食育トライアル授業として,食の生産,安全管理,健康管理などに関する10回の講義と2回の農業体験(種まき,収穫作業等)を実施し,学生の授業への出席状況及び授業前後のアンケートによって,プログラムの内容および学生の食育に対する知識,意欲等の変化を評価した。応用生物科学部全学科の学生に授業への参加を呼びかけた結果,授業の出席者は27名であり,栄養科学科の学生が20名と最も多く,参加学生の学科構成に偏りがみられた。授業の初回に行ったアンケートの回答者は24名,最終回に行ったアンケートの回答者は11名であった。授業後のアンケートでは,「食育活動への興味は深まったか」「知りたい情報は得られたか」「参加後,農業と食の関連に対する考えが変わったか」「授業として開講された場合受講するか」という問いに対し,それぞれ73~91%が「はい」と回答し,「授業への総合的な満足度」についても73%が「(非常に)満足である」と回答した。「農業」に原点をおいた食育トライアル授業によって,食べ物の成長を通した気づきと感動,生産者への感謝の気持ち,環境への配慮,栄養と健康との関連知識の習得等に寄与することができたと考えられる。今後は授業への参加者数を増やし,結果の一般化可能性について検討するとともに,授業の実現に向けた人的・物的資源の問題について検討する必要がある。We aimed to evaluate changes in both knowledge of dietary education (Shokuiku) and in motivation, in first-year students of the Faculty of Applied Biosciences who attended a voluntary Shokuiku program in 2008. The program comprised 10 lectures on food production, safety management, and health management, as well as 2 farming practicum classes (seed sowing, harvesting, etc.). Twenty of the 27 students who attended the courses belonged to the Department of Nutritional Sciences. We received responses from 24 and 11 students to questionnaires administered before and after the program, respectively. We obtained a "yes" answer 73-91% of the time in response to the following questions : 1) Was your interest in dietary education activities enhanced? 2) Were you able to obtain the information you sought? 3) After attending these courses, did your understanding of the relationship between farming and diet change? and 4) Would you take this course if it were officially offered as a class? Seventy-three percent of students replied that they were very satisfied with the courses. By placing "farming" as the central principle, these courses contributed to food awareness and appreciation, feelings of gratitude toward producers, consideration for the environment, and knowledge acquisition about the relationship between nutrition and health. Future studies should address the generalizability by examining a larger pool of participants. In addition, other issues such as human and material resources should be considered in realization of the Shokuiku program curriculum

    カソ コウレイカ ノ ススム ノウソンチョウソン ニ オケル チイキシンダン ト イリョウヒカンレンシヒョウ ノ ケントウ

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    本研究は,総務省が平成17年(2005)年に分類した小規模自治体を対象として,次のことを明らかにすることを目的とした。1)保健医療福祉の関連指標について,類似する自治体間で比較を行うこと,つまり地域診断を実施すること,2)介護及び医療費に関連する因子を明らかにすることである。対象となる類似自治体は,総務省類型分類(人口及び産業構造から分類)で,平成17(2005)年度に山梨県小菅村が該当した「町村I-1(人口5,000人未満で,第二,三次産業従事者が80%以上,第三次産業従事者55%未満),54自治体」であった。本研究開始時の平成20(2008)年8月時点において,54町村すべての合併状況を確認した結果,独立して存続している町村は11であった。用いた指標は,老人医療費,入院費,介護費,人口,高齢化率,核家族世帯数,第一次・二次・三次の各産業従事者割合,要介護認定率,平均寿命などあった。11町村の中で,特徴的だった例を4つ列挙する。1)長野県天竜村は平均寿命が長く,医療費と介護費も低い傾向にあった(医療費・介護費併用型)。2)小菅村と山梨県鳴沢村は,医療費や介護費,介護認定率が低かった(医療費・介護費安価型)。3)東京都御蔵島村と群馬県上野村は,医療費は低いが介護費が高かった(介護費依存型)。4)沖縄県北大東村は,寿命は長いが,介護費が高かった(その他型)。重回帰分析の結果,医療費と有意な相関があったのは,入院費であった。介護費と有意な相関があったのは,65歳以上の親族のいる核家族世帯数であった。小規模自治体において,介護保険依存と医療費依存の方向性を有する自治体があり,保健医療福祉の評価には,両者を合わせて検討する必要性が示唆された。サンプルサイズが小さいということや,検討に用いることができたデータの内容について限界はあるが,核家族と入院が介護費用と医療費に影響を及ぼしている可能性があることが示された。The objectives of this study were to compare medical expenses of similar local governments, and to clarify the factors related to expenses for care and medicine. The subjects of our investigation were local governments with a national classification in fiscal 2005 that was similar to Kosuge village in Yamanashi based on population and industrial structure : the population was smaller than 5000, the total percentage of secondary and tertiary industry was more than 80%, and the percentage of tertiary industry was less than 55%. These criteria were met by 54 local governments. When we started this investigation in August 2008, 11 governments remained unconsolidated. The indices consisted of medical expenses for the aged, hospital expenses, nursing-care expenses, population size, aging population, the number of nuclear families, the industrial structure, the percentage of advanced nursing care, and life expectancy. The outstanding points were as follows : 1) Tenryu village in Nagano showed long life expectancy and low medical and nursing-care expenses (combination type by medical and nursing-care expenses) ; 2) Kosuge and Narusawa village in Yamanashi showed low medical and nursing-care expenses and a low percentage of advanced nursing-care (low-cost type of medical and nursing-care expenses) ; 3) Mikurajima village in Tokyo and Ueno village in Gunma showed low medical expenses and high nursing-care expenses (dependent type by nursing-care expense) ; and 4) Kitadaito village in Okinawa showed long life expectancy and high nursing-care expenses (other type). In multiple regression analysis, only hospital expense was found to explain medical expenses, and the number of nuclear families consisting of the elderly was found to explain nursing-care expenses. These results imply that there are two types of local governments that must be considered in health care analyses : one depends on nursing-care, and the other depends on medicine. In spite of the small sample size as statistical data discussion for interpretation, results from this study suggest that nuclear families and hospitalization affect nursing-care and medical expenses

    チイキザイジュウコウレイシャ ニ オケル テントウヨボウジココウリョクカン ト HDL コレステロール オヨビ シンタイノウリョク トノ カンレン コスゲムラオウダンケンキュウ

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    背景 : 本研究の目的は,転倒予防自己効力感とHDLコレステロール及び身体能力との関連性を調べることであった。方法 : 対象者は山梨県小菅村に在住する65歳以上の高齢者339名で,本調査には132名(38.9%)が参加した。移動能力として10m全力歩行,最大一歩幅,40cm踏台昇降を,バランス能力としてつぎ足歩行を測定した。血液性状の中で,主要なアウトカムとして,HDLコレステロールを用いた。転倒予防自己効力感は,10項目,4リッカートスケールからなる質問紙で評価した。研究デザインは,転倒恐怖の有無による2群間比較の横断研究である。結果 : 転倒予防自己効力感とHDLコレステロールの間に有意な関連はなかったが,転倒予防自己効力感が低い群では有意に移動能力が低かった。また,膝痛や腰痛を伴う男性では,転倒予防自己効力感が低かった。結論 : 自己効力感とHDLコレステロールとの関連は認められなかったが,本研究は地域在住で独立生活を営む高齢者に限定されているため,今後,良くデザインされた大規模な観察研究が必要だと考えられた。Background : The aim of the current study was to clarify relationships between self-efficacy and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and physical strength.Methods : Target participants were 339 elderly residents aged 65 years or older from Kosuge Village, Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan. One hundred and thirty two persons participated in the study (38.9%). Outcome measurements included the 10-m walking time, the maximal step length and 40-cm step test as moving ability, the tandem gait as balance ability, and HDL-C. Fall-prevention self-efficacy (FPSE) was evaluated using a questionnaire that examined 10 items (actions) and 4 Likert scale. A total of 40 points could be awarded. This research design was a cross-sectional study that divided the elderly into two groups by the existence of a fear of falling.Results : Although there was no significant relationship between fall-prevention self-efficacy and HDL-C, we demonstrated that a group with poor self-efficacy had significantly deteriorated moving ability and that only one male participant with knee pain and/or lumbago exhibited poor self-efficacy.Conclusions : We could not find significant relationships between self-efficacy and HDL-C. But this study is limited to the independent elderly people in a local area, and further studies should be conducted to detect the relationships

    Effects of Egg White Protein Supplementation on Muscle Strength and Serum Free Amino Acid Concentrations

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of egg white protein compared to carbohydrate intake prior to exercise on fat free mass (FFM), one repetition maximum (1RM) muscle strength and blood biochemistry in female athletes. Thirty healthy female collegiate athletes were recruited for this study and matched by sport type, body fat percentage and 1RM leg curl muscle strength. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: protein group (15.0 g egg white protein; 75 kcal) and carbohydrate group (17.5 g maltodextrin, 78 kcal). Supplements were administered daily at the same time in a double-blind manner prior to training during an 8-week period. Measurements were performed before and after the 8-week regimen. The mean dietary energy intake did not change throughout the study period. FFM and 1RM assessments (i.e., leg curl, leg extension, squat, and bench press) increased in both groups. Furthermore, serum urea and serum citrulline levels after the 8-week regimen increased significantly only in the protein group. Our findings indicated that compared to the carbohydrate supplement, the protein supplement was associated with some changes in protein metabolites but not with changes in body composition or muscle strength