112 research outputs found

    Metoclopramide-induced central nervous system depression in the chicken

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    BACKGROUND: Metoclopramide is a dopamine D2-receptor antagonist used as an antiemetic and gastroprokinetic agent in man and animals. The drug causes sedation as a side effect in man. Such a sedative action of metoclopramide has not been documented in the chicken as the drug is not used clinically in this species. The present study examines the central nervous system depressant effects of metoclopramide in 7ā€“14 days old broiler chicks. RESULTS: Injection of metoclopramide at 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, subcutaneously (s.c.) induced sedation in the chicks in a dose dependent manner. The chicks manifested, within 3.6ā€“19 minutes of metoclopramide injection, signs of sedation characterized by drooping of the head and wings, closed eyelids, reduced motility and decreased distress calls. The duration of sedation ranged between 37.2 to 163.4 minutes. Metoclopramide at 100 and 200 mg/kg induced, within 12.2 and 6.2 minutes, sleep (loss of righting reflex) for 43.8 and 158.6 minutes, respectively. The median effective doses of metoclopramide for induction of sedation and sleep in the chicks were 11 and 53 mg/kg, s.c., respectively. Lower doses of metoclopramide (5 and 10 mg/kg, s.c.) significantly decreased the open-field activity of the chicks and increased the durations of their tonic immobility. All treated-chicks recovered from the central nervous system depressant effect of metoclopramide without any observable adverse effects. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that metoclopramide induces central nervous system depression in chicks, and the drug could have potential clinical applications as a sedative-hypnotic agent in avian species not intended for human consumptions


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    Perkembangan teknologi berdampak pada pola pikir dan perubahan pada segi manusia baik itu tingkat konsumsi penggunaan peralatan elektronik seperti TV, komputer, rice cooker, lampu led dan lain-lain yang sekarang dengan mudah di jangkauĀ  oleh kalangan masyarakat guna agar memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka. Akibat jatuh tegangan yang melebihi toleransi mengakibatkan banyak peralatan elektronik yang tidak bisa bekerja secara maksimal bahkan beberapa mengalami kerusakan.Ā Dalam perancangan alat pengukuaran jatuh tegangan tiga fasa berbasis mikrokontroler dan gsm/gprs shield menggunakan modul Arduino Uno R3, Modul GSM/GPRS Shield SIM900, Sensor Tegangan, Sensor Arus ACS712 30A dan LCD 20x4 Karakter. TeganganĀ  dan ArusĀ  perfasa yang terbaca pada setiap sensor akan mengirim sinyal ke Arduino Uno R3 melalui Input Analog A0-A5 lalu di ubah dari sinyal analog ke sinyal digital oleh Arduino Uno R3 dan kemudian di tampilan pada LCD 20x4. Tegangan dan arus yang terukur oleh sensor tegangan dan sensor arus dalam keadan kurang berbeban sampai berbeban fasa R 223, 46 - 211, 22 Volt dan Arus fasa R 10, 01 - 19, 79 A fasa S 224, 27 - 214, 44 Volt dan Arus fasa S 17, 41-19, 48 A serta fasa T 222, 39-213, 77 Volt dan Arus fasa T 7, 46-11, 53 A. Dari data pengujian alat keseluruhan tegangan tiga fasa akan mengalami jatuh tegangan pada saat beban-beban listrik mulai bertambah dan yang terukur oleh sensor teganganĀ  211, 22 VoltĀ  dan sensor arus sebesar 19, 79 A. Ketika terjadi jatuh tegangan maka alat akan mengirim besar tegangan dan arus ke pengguna handphone dengan rata-rata waktu 10, 11 detik.

    Trends in treatment and overall survival among patients with proximal esophageal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The management of proximal esophageal cancer differs from that of tumors located in the mid and lower part of the esophagus due to the close vicinity of vital structures. Non-surgical treatment options like radiotherapy and definitive chemoradiation (CRT) have been implemented. The trends in (non-)surgical treatment and its impact on overall survival (OS) in patients with proximal esophageal cancer are unclear, related to its rare disease status. To optimize treatment strategies and counseling of patients with proximal esophageal cancer, it is therefore essential to gain more insight through real-life studies. AIM: To establish trends in treatment and OS in patients with proximal esophageal cancer. METHODS: In this population-based study, patients with proximal esophageal cancer diagnosed between 1989 and 2014 were identified in the Netherlands Cancer Registry. The proximal esophagus consists of the cervical esophagus and the upper thoracic section, extending to 24 cm from the incisors. Trends in radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, and OS were assessed. Analyses were stratified by presence of distant metastasis. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analyses was performed to assess the effect of period of diagnosis on OS, adjusted for patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics. RESULTS: In total, 2783 patients were included. Over the study period, the use of radiotherapy, resection, and CRT in non-metastatic disease changed from 53%, 23%, and 1% in 1989-1994 to 21%, 9%, and 49% in 2010-2014, respectively. In metastatic disease, the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy increased over time. Median OS of the total population increased from 7.3 mo [95% confidence interval (CI): 6.4-8.1] in 1989-1994 to 9.5 mo (95%CI: 8.1-10.8) in 2010-2014 (logrank P < 0.001). In non-metastatic disease, 5-year OS rates improved from 5% (95%CI: 3%-7%) in 1989-1994 to 13% (95%CI: 9%-17%) in 2010-2014 (logrank P < 0.001). Multivariable regression analysis demonstrated a significant treatment effect over time on survival. In metastatic disease, median OS was 3.8 mo (95%CI: 2.5-5.1) in 1989-1994, and 5.1 mo (95%CI: 4.3-5.9) in 2010-2014 (logrank P = 0.26). CONCLUSION: OS significantly improved in non-metastatic proximal esophageal cancer, likely to be associated with an increased use of CRT. Patterns in metastatic disease did not change significantly over time

    Sosialisasi Partisipasi Perempuan Dalam Pembangunan Di Desa Dadakitan

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat terutama perempuan terkait pentingnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan di desa, memberikan pemahaman pada masyarakat khususnya perempuan tentang peran serta mereka pada berbagai aspek kemasyarakatan terutam pada bidang pembangungan. Ketidaksetaraan gender dalam pembangunan desa karena stigma dalam masyarakat bahwa laki-laki memiliki kualitas kerja, dan kualitas pendidikan lebih baik dibanding perempuan. Masalah yang paling sering ditemkan dalam masyarakat desa ialah kurangnya partisipasi perempuan dalam pembangunan, termasuk pada desa mitra. Masyarakat belum memahami dan belum mengetahui bahwa mereka menajadi salah satu indikator penting dalam pembangunan. Dalam kegaitan pengabdian ini dilakukan sosialisasi tentang masalah tersebut. Memberikan contoh-contoh penting pembangunan desa dan peran serta masyarakatnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu dengan pendekatan kolaboratif antara mitra dan pelaksana pengabdian. Dalam pelaksana kegiatan ini disambut baik oleh kepada desa dadakitan. Kepala desa dadakitan berharap kegiatan ini dilakukan secara berkelanjutan dengan pengabdian lain mengingat antusiasme masyarakat desa dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian ini.Kata kunci : Partisipasi, perempuan, pembanguna

    Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Iran

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    BACKGROUND: Estimates of the annual prevalence for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) were consistent across the international sites range, 1.9% ā€“ 2.5%. The nine population surveys, which used Diagnostic Interview Schedule, estimated a six-month prevalence of OCD ranging from 0.7% to 2.1%. This study performed in order to determine the prevalence of OCD in a population-based study among Iranian adults aged 18 and older and to study the association of them with factors such as sex, marital status, education, type of occupation and residential area. METHODS: A cross-sectional nationwide epidemiological study of the Iranian population aged 18 and older was designed to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and their association with the above mentioned factors. 25180 individuals were selected and interviewed through a randomized systematic and cluster sampling method from all Iranian households. Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criteria were used in diagnosis of OCD. 250 clinical psychologists interviewed the selected subjects face to face at their homes. RESULTS: The prevalence of OCD in Iran is 1.8% (0.7% and 2.8% in males and females; respectively). 50.3% of the survey sample were men, 49.9% women, 29.1% single, 67.45% married, 0.4% separated or divorced, 2.5% widow/widower and 4% undetermined. All of the above-mentioned factors were examined in the univariate and multivariate logistic regression models. Although the data did not fit the models well, but in univariate models, sex, the category "single" of marital status, age, the categories "business" and "housewife" and residential areas showed significant effect adjusting for the factors, but the models didn't fit the data properly. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the prevalence of OCD is not rare in the community of Iran and is within the range of other countries. Similar to prior studies in other communities, OCD is more common in females than males

    The majority of total nuclear-encoded non-ribosomal RNA in a human cell is 'dark matter' un-annotated RNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Discovery that the transcriptional output of the human genome is far more complex than predicted by the current set of protein-coding annotations and that most RNAs produced do not appear to encode proteins has transformed our understanding of genome complexity and suggests new paradigms of genome regulation. However, the fraction of all cellular RNA whose function we do not understand and the fraction of the genome that is utilized to produce that RNA remain controversial. This is not simply a bookkeeping issue because the degree to which this un-annotated transcription is present has important implications with respect to its biologic function and to the general architecture of genome regulation. For example, efforts to elucidate how non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) regulate genome function will be compromised if that class of RNAs is dismissed as simply 'transcriptional noise'.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that the relative mass of RNA whose function and/or structure we do not understand (the so called 'dark matter' RNAs), as a proportion of all non-ribosomal, non-mitochondrial human RNA (mt-RNA), can be greater than that of protein-encoding transcripts. This observation is obscured in studies that focus only on polyA-selected RNA, a method that enriches for protein coding RNAs and at the same time discards the vast majority of RNA prior to analysis. We further show the presence of a large number of very long, abundantly-transcribed regions (100's of kb) in intergenic space and further show that expression of these regions is associated with neoplastic transformation. These overlap some regions found previously in normal human embryonic tissues and raises an interesting hypothesis as to the function of these ncRNAs in both early development and neoplastic transformation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that 'dark matter' RNA can constitute the majority of non-ribosomal, non-mitochondrial-RNA and a significant fraction arises from numerous very long, intergenic transcribed regions that could be involved in neoplastic transformation.</p

    A systematic review of physical activity and sedentary behaviour research in the oil-producing countries of the Arabian Peninsula

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