11 research outputs found

    Rethinking competence in marine life cycles: ontogenetic changes in the settlement response of sand dollar larvae exposed to turbulence

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    Complex life cycles have evolved independently numerous times in marine animals as well as in disparate algae. Such life histories typically involve a dispersive immature stage followed by settlement and metamorphosis to an adult stage on the sea floor. One commonality among animals exhibiting transitions of this type is that their larvae pass through a ‘precompetent’ period in which they do not respond to localized settlement cues, before entering a ‘competent’ period, during which cues can induce settlement. Despite the widespread existence of these two phases, relatively little is known about how larvae transition between them. Moreover, recent studies have blurred the distinction between the phases by demonstrating that fluid turbulence can spark precocious activation of competence. Here, we further investigate this phenomenon by exploring how larval interactions with turbulence change across ontogeny, focusing on offspring of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus (Eschscholtz). Our data indicate that larvae exhibit increased responsiveness to turbulence as they get older. We also demonstrate a likely cost to precocious competence: the resulting juveniles are smaller. Based upon these findings, we outline a new, testable conception of competence that has the potential to reshape our understanding of larval dispersal and connectivity among marine populations

    Chymotrypsin mRNA expression in digestive gland amoebocytes: cell specification occurs prior to metamorphosis and gut morphogenesis in the gastropod Haliotis rufescens

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    In the non-feeding larva of the marine gastropod, Haliotis rufescens, gut morphogenesis is initiated at metamorphosis. Intestine-specific chymotrypsin gene expression begins in amoebocytes located in the dorsoposterior region of the undifferentiated digestive gland prior to metamorphosis, 5 d post-fertilization. Transcript accumulates steadily in these cells over the next 6 d while the amoebocytes migrate slowly dorsally. Induction of metamorphosis dramatically accelerates the rates of chymotrypsin mRNA accumulation and amoebocyte migration, and is required for homing of the amoebocytes to the hindgut region. Induction of chymotrypsin gene expression occurs only in larvae that had developed competence to recognize an exogenous morphogenetic cue and initiate metamorphosis, with a more pronounced increase in chymotrypsin mRNA accumulation in occurring older larvae. Chymotrypsin mRNA accumulation patterns suggest that hindgut cell specification occurs prior to metamorphosis, but that completion of the morphogenetic program requires signaling events associated with metamorphosis

    Validation of housekeeping genes for gene expression studies in Symbiodinium exposed to thermal and light stress

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    Unicellular photosynthetic algae (dinoflagellate) from the genus Symbiodinium live in mutualistic symbiosis with reef-building corals. Cultured Symbiodinium sp. (clade C) were exposed to a range of environmental stresses that included elevated temperatures (29A degrees C and 32A degrees C) under high (100 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1) Photosynthetic Active Radiation) and low (10 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1)) irradiances. Using real-time RT-PCR the stability of expression for the nine selected putative housekeeping genes (HKGs) was tested. The most stable expression pattern was identified for cyclophilin and S-adenosyl methionine synthetase (SAM) followed by S4 ribosomal protein (Rp-S4), Calmodulin (Cal), and Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (Cox), respectively. Thermal stress alone resulted in the highest expression stability for Rp-S4 and SAM, with a minimum of two reference genes required for data normalization. For Symbiodinium exposed to both, light and thermal stresses, at least five reference genes were recommended by geNorm analysis. In parallel, the expression of Hsp90 for Symbiodinium in culture and in symbiosis within coral host (Acropora millepora) was evaluated using the most stable HKGs. Our results revealed a drop in Hsp90 expression after an 18 h-period and a 24 h-period of exposure to elevated temperatures indicating the similar Hsp90 expression profile in symbiotic and non-symbiotic environments. This study provides the first list of the HKGs and will provide a useful reference in future gene expression studies in symbiotic dinoflagellates

    Thermal stress promotes host mitochondrial degradation in symbiotic cnidarians: are the batteries of the reef going to run out?

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    The symbiotic relationship between cnidarians and their dinoflagellate symbionts, Symbiodinium spp, which underpins the formation of tropical coral reefs, can be destabilized by rapid changes to environmental conditions. Although some studies have concluded that a breakdown in the symbiosis begins with increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation within the symbiont due to a decoupling of photosynthesis, others have reported the release of viable symbionts via a variety of host cell derived mechanisms. We explored an alternative model focused upon changes in host cnidarian mitochondrial integrity in response to thermal stress. Mitochondria are often likened to being batteries of the cell, providing energy in the form of ATP, and controlling cellular pathway activation and ROS generation. The overall morphology of host mitochondria was compared to that of associated symbionts under an experimental thermal stress using confocal and electron microscopy. The results demonstrate that hyperthermic stress induces the degradation of cnidarian host mitochondria that is independent of symbiont cellular deterioration. The potential sites of host mitochondrial disruption were also assessed by measuring changes in the expression of genes associated with electron transport and ATP synthesis using quantitative RT-PCR. The primary site of degradation appeared to be downstream of complex III of the electron transport chain with a significant reduction in host cytochrome c and ATP synthase expression. The consequences of reduced expression could limit the capacity of the host to mitigate ROS generation and maintain both organelle integrity and cellular energy supplies. The disruption of host mitochondria, cellular homeostasis, and subsequent cell death irrespective of symbiont integrity highlights the importance of the host response to thermal stress and in symbiosis dysfunction that has substantial implications for understanding how coral reefs will survive in the face of climate change

    Marine biofilms as mediators of colonization by marine macroorganisms: Implications for antifouling and aquaculture

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    In the marine environment, biofilms on submerged surfaces can promote or discourage the settlement of invertebrate larvae and macroalgal spores. The settlement-mediating effects of biofilms are believed to involve a variety of biofilm attributes including surface chemistry, micro-topography, and a wide range of microbial products from small-molecule metabolites to high-molecular weight extracellular polymers. The settled organisms in turn can modify microbial species composition of biofilms and thus change the biofilm properties and dynamics. A better understanding of biofilm dynamics and chemical signals released and/or stored by biofilms will facilitate the development of antifouling and mariculture technologies. This review provides a brief account of 1) existing knowledge of marine biofilms that are relevant to settlement mediation, 2) biotechnological application of biofilms with respect to developing non-toxic antifouling technologies and improving the operation of aquaculture facilities, and 3) challenges and future directions for advancing our understanding of settlement-mediating functions of biofilms and for applying this knowledge to real-life situations