34 research outputs found

    An in-reachability based classification of invariant synchrony patterns in weighted coupled cell networks

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    This paper presents an in-reachability based classification of invariant synchrony patterns in Coupled Cell Networks (CCNs). These patterns are encoded through partitions on the set of cells, whose subsets of synchronized cells are called colors. We study the influence of the structure of the network in the qualitative behavior of invariant synchrony sets, in particular, with respect to the different types of (cumulative) in-neighborhoods and the in-reachability sets. This motivates the proposed approach to classify the partitions into the categories of strong, rooted and weak, according to how their colors are related with respect to the connectivity structure of the network. Furthermore, we show how this classification system acts under the partition join ( \vee ) operation, which gives us the synchrony pattern that corresponds to the intersection of synchrony sets.Comment: 48 pages, 19 figures, 3 table

    Entre o oficial e o costumeiro: o exercício dos poderes e a espacialização da ruralidade no centro da América do Sul (primeira metade do século XVIII)

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    Analisamos aqui a relação entre o sistema administrativo português e a formação de ambientes rurais no centro da América do Sul, em territórios que, na primeira metade do século XVIII, integravam o extremo oeste do Estado do Brasil, no âmbito administrativo da capitania de São Paulo. A partir de um enfoque local, examinando correspondências entre autoridades metropolitanas e cartas de sesmarias, este artigo dialoga com a produção histórica sobre a administração portuguesa na América, buscando reconstruir aspectos generalizantes que possam revelar características estruturais da conquista da terra e da formação de ambientes rurais nos territórios portugueses na América.In this article we analyze the relationship between the Portuguese administrative system and formation of rural environments in the center of South America, in territories that in the first half of the eighteenth century comprised the extreme western part of the State of Brazil, under the administrative captaincy of Sao Paulo. From a local focus, analizing letters of metropolitan authorities and documentation of possession of land, this article dialogue with the historical production of the Portuguese administration in America, seeking rebuild generalizing aspects that may prove structural characteristics of the conquest of land and training of rural environments in Portuguese territories in America

    Plantar povoações no território: (re)construindo a urbanização da capitania do Piauí, 1697-1761

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    The Piauí province´s urbanization has kept up with since late 17th century a complex process dealt among Portuguese Crown, the regal representatives, the network woven by the Casa da Torre and by the resident population in its countryside. What it was content of Rodelas countryside has begun to build with territorial identity since the foundation of first parish in 1697. Structuring itself discontinuously in time and space, the Piauí had reformed in 1758, year of creation of its autonomous government. And had became urban in 1761 when the king D. José I and marquis of Pombal had framed by the royal letter written in June 19 a territory formed by six towns and one city. Thus, this paper purposes to reconstructing the Piauí province according to agents involved in the urbanization processes. It proposes to deconstructing Crown´s polices by means towns strategically placed in territory aiming at control and "remedy" of routine injustices practiced in Piauí´s hinterlands. The method of presenting this reconstruction draws on interconnection between text (manuscript documents) and image (maps and photography) which in their discourses have represented a Piauí as space of experiences apprehended as much in official dimension as inhabitant´s everyday life.A urbanização da capitania do Piauí acompanhou, desde finais do século XVII, um complexo processo negociado entre a Coroa portuguesa, os representantes régios, a rede clientelar urdida pela Casa da Torre e a população residente em seus sertões. O que antes era conteúdo dos sertões de Rodelas passou a construir-se como identidade territorial a partir da fundação da primeira freguesia, em 1697, dedicada a Nossa Senhora da Vitória. Estruturando-se descontinuamente no tempo e no espaço, o Piauí reforma-se em 1758, ano da autonomização do seu governo. E fez-se urbano em 1761, quando D. José I e o marquês de Pombal equacionaram, por meio da carta régia de 19 de junho, um território formado por seis vilas e uma cidade. Nessa direção, o objetivo deste artigo consiste em reconstruir o processo de formação da capitania do Piauí segundo os agentes envolvidos na urbanização do território. Propõe-se descortinar as políticas da Coroa por meio da oficialização de povoações estrategicamente locadas no território visando o controle e o "remédio" das injustiças rotineiras do Piauí. O método de apresentar essa reconstrução vale-se da interconexão entre texto (documentação manuscrita) e imagem (mapas e fotografias), que em suas entrelinhas representam um Piauí como espaço de experiências sentidas tanto na dimensão oficial quanto no cotidiano dos seus moradores

    Passa-se uma engenhoca: ou como se faziam transações com terras, engenhos e crédito em mercados locais e imperfeitos (freguesia de Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, séculos XVIII e XIX)

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    Linear Parametrically Varying Systems with Brief Instabilities: An Application to Vision/Inertial Navigation

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    This paper addresses the problem of nonlinear filter design to estimate the relative position and velocity of an unmanned air vehicle (UAV) with respect to a point on a ship using infrared (IR) vision, inertial, and air data sensors. Sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of a particular type of complementary filters with guaranteed stability and performance in the presence of so-called out-of-frame events that arise when the vision system loses its target temporarily. The results obtained build upon new developments in the theory of linear parametrically varying systems (LPVs) with brief instabilities–also reported in the paper–and provide the proper framework to deal with out-of-frame events. Field tests with a prototype UAV illustrate the performance of the filter and the scope of applications of the new theory developed.Office of Naval Research under Contract N0001497AF00002National Science Foundation under Grants CCR-0311084 and ECS-0093762Portugese FCT POSI program under framework QCA II