277 research outputs found

    The trail of my studies on glycoproteins from enterokinase to tumor markers

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    This review describes the results of the author’s studies on glycoproteins which have been carried out for more than 50 years. Starting from the elucidation of basic structures of glycoproteins, i.e. the structure of the linkage between an amino acid and a sugar and the occurrence of the β-mannosidic linkage as the common structure of glycoproteins, the author became interested in the cell membrane glycoproteins focused on the comparison of cancer cells versus normal cells. These studies were then extended to the establishment of sugar-directed and cancer-associated monoclonal antibodies. Some of the monoclonal antibodies are useful for cancer diagnosis

    The chemokine RANTES is secreted by human melanoma cells and is associated with enhanced tumour formation in nude mice

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    Modulation of tumour cell growth by tumour-infiltrating leucocytes is of high importance for the biological behaviour of malignant neoplasms. In melanoma, tumour-associated macrophages (TAM) and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) are of particular interest as inhibitors or enhancers of cell growth. Recruitment of leucocytes from the peripheral blood into the tumour site is mediated predominantly by chemotaxins, particularly by the group of chemokines

    Tumor innate immunity primed by specific interferon-stimulated endogenous retroviruses.

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    Mesenchymal tumor subpopulations secrete pro-tumorigenic cytokines and promote treatment resistance1-4. This phenomenon has been implicated in chemorefractory small cell lung cancer and resistance to targeted therapies5-8, but remains incompletely defined. Here, we identify a subclass of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) that engages innate immune signaling in these cells. Stimulated 3 prime antisense retroviral coding sequences (SPARCS) are oriented inversely in 3' untranslated regions of specific genes enriched for regulation by STAT1 and EZH2. Derepression of these loci results in double-stranded RNA generation following IFN-γ exposure due to bi-directional transcription from the STAT1-activated gene promoter and the 5' long terminal repeat of the antisense ERV. Engagement of MAVS and STING activates downstream TBK1, IRF3, and STAT1 signaling, sustaining a positive feedback loop. SPARCS induction in human tumors is tightly associated with major histocompatibility complex class 1 expression, mesenchymal markers, and downregulation of chromatin modifying enzymes, including EZH2. Analysis of cell lines with high inducible SPARCS expression reveals strong association with an AXL/MET-positive mesenchymal cell state. While SPARCS-high tumors are immune infiltrated, they also exhibit multiple features of an immune-suppressed microenviroment. Together, these data unveil a subclass of ERVs whose derepression triggers pathologic innate immune signaling in cancer, with important implications for cancer immunotherapy

    EpCAM an immunotherapeutic target for gastrointestinal malignancy: current experience and future challenges

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    Despite advances in surgery and adjuvant regimes, gastrointestinal malignancy remains a major cause of neoplastic mortality. Immunotherapy is an emerging and now successful treatment modality for numerous cancers that relies on the manipulation of the immune system and its effector functions to eradicate tumour cells. The discovery that the pan-epithelial homotypic cell adhesion molecule EpCAM is differentially expressed on gastrointestinal tumours has made this a viable target for immunotherapy. Clinical trials using naked anti EpCAM antibody, immunoconjugates, anti-idiotypic and dendritic cell vaccines have met variable success. The murine IgG2a Edrecolomab was shown to reduce mortality and morbidity at a level slightly lower than treatment with 5FU and Levamisole when administered to patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma in a large randomised controlled trial. Fully human and trifunctional antibodies that specifically recruit CD3-positive lymphocytes are now being tested clinically in the treatment of minimal residual disease and ascites. Although clinical trials are in their infancy, the future may bring forth an EpCAM mediated approach for the effective activation and harnessing of the immune system to destroy a pathological aberrance that has otherwise largely escaped its attention

    Genotype–phenotype associations: substitution models to detect evolutionary associations between phenotypic variables and genotypic evolutionary rate

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    Motivation: Mapping between genotype and phenotype is one of the primary goals of evolutionary genetics but one that has received little attention at the interspecies level. Recent developments in phylogenetics and statistical modelling have typically been used to examine molecular and phenotypic evolution separately. We have used this background to develop phylogenetic substitution models to test for associations between evolutionary rate of genotype and phenotype. We do this by creating hybrid rate matrices between genotype and phenotype

    EpCAM expression varies significantly and is differentially associated with prognosis in the luminal B HER2+, basal-like, and HER2 intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is frequently expressed in breast cancer, and its expression has been associated with poor prognosis. Breast cancer can be subdivided into intrinsic subtypes, differing in prognosis and response to therapy. METHODS: To investigate the association between EpCAM expression and prognosis in the intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer, we performed immunohistochemical studies on a tissue microarray encompassing a total of 1365 breast cancers with detailed clinicopathological annotation and outcomes data. RESULTS: We observed EpCAM expression in 660 out of 1365 (48%) cases. EpCAM expression varied significantly in the different intrinsic subtypes. In univariate analyses of all cases, EpCAM expression was associated with a significantly worse overall survival. In the intrinsic subtypes, EpCAM expression was associated with an unfavourable prognosis in the basal-like and luminal B HER2(+) subtypes but associated with a favourable prognosis in the HER2 subtype. Consistently, specific ablation of EpCAM resulted in increased cell viability in the breast cancer cell line SKBR3 (ER(−), PR(−), and HER2(+)) but decreased viability in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 (ER(−), PR(−), and HER2(−) ). CONCLUSION: The differential association of EpCAM expression with prognosis in intrinsic subtypes has important implications for the development of EpCAM-targeted therapies in breast cancer

    A genome-wide expression analysis identifies a network of EpCAM-induced cell cycle regulators

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    Expression of the epithelial cell adhesion molecule EpCAM is upregulated in a variety of carcinomas. This antigen is therefore explored in tumour diagnosis, and clinical trials have been initiated to examine EpCAM-based therapies. Notably, the possible intracellular effects and signalling pathways triggered by EpCAM-specific antibodies are unknown. Here, we show treatment of the mouse lung carcinoma cell line A2C12, of the human lung carcinoma cell line A549 and the human colorectal cell line Caco-2 with the monoclonal EpCAM antibody G8.8 to cause dose dependently an increase in cell proliferation, as determined by the MTS and the 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling assay. Furthermore, a genome-wide approach identified networks of regulated genes, most notably cell cycle regulators, upon treatment with an EpCAM-specific antibody. Indeed, changes in the expression of cell cycle regulators agreed well with the BrdU labelling data, and an analysis of differentially expressed genes revealed the processes with the strongest over-representation of modulated genes, for example, cell cycle, cell death, cellular growth and proliferation, and cancer. These data suggest that EpCAM is involved in signal transduction triggering several intracellular signalling pathways. Knowing EpCAM signalling pathways might lead to a reassessment of EpCAM-based therapies

    Abnormal Placental Development and Early Embryonic Lethality in EpCAM-Null Mice

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    BACKGROUND: EpCAM (CD326) is encoded by the tacstd1 gene and expressed by a variety of normal and malignant epithelial cells and some leukocytes. Results of previous in vitro experiments suggested that EpCAM is an intercellular adhesion molecule. EpCAM has been extensively studied as a potential tumor marker and immunotherapy target, and more recent studies suggest that EpCAM expression may be characteristic of cancer stem cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To gain insights into EpCAM function in vivo, we generated EpCAM -/- mice utilizing an embryonic stem cell line with a tacstd1 allele that had been disrupted. Gene trapping resulted in a protein comprised of the N-terminus of EpCAM encoded by 2 exons of the tacstd1 gene fused in frame to betageo. EpCAM +/- mice were viable and fertile and exhibited no obvious abnormalities. Examination of EpCAM +/- embryos revealed that betageo was expressed in several epithelial structures including developing ears (otocysts), eyes, branchial arches, gut, apical ectodermal ridges, lungs, pancreas, hair follicles and others. All EpCAM -/- mice died in utero by E12.5, and were small, developmentally delayed, and displayed prominent placental abnormalities. In developing placentas, EpCAM was expressed throughout the labyrinthine layer and by spongiotrophoblasts as well. Placentas of EpCAM -/- embryos were compact, with thin labyrinthine layers lacking prominent vascularity. Parietal trophoblast giant cells were also dramatically reduced in EpCAM -/- placentas. CONCLUSION: EpCAM was required for differentiation or survival of parietal trophoblast giant cells, normal development of the placental labyrinth and establishment of a competent maternal-fetal circulation. The findings in EpCAM-reporter mice suggest involvement of this molecule in development of vital organs including the gut, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, eyes, and limbs