98 research outputs found

    Editors' Introduction

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    The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) undergoes programmed genome rearrangements (PGRs) during embryogenesis that results in the deletion of ~0.5 Gb of germline DNA from the somatic lineage. The underlying mechanism of these rearrangements remains largely unknown. miRNAs (microRNAs) and piRNAs (PIWI interacting RNAs) are two classes of small noncoding RNAs that play important roles in early vertebrate development, including differentiation of cell lineages, modulation of signaling pathways, and clearing of maternal transcripts. Here, I utilized next generation sequencing to determine the temporal expression of miRNAs, piRNAs, and other small noncoding RNAs during the first five days of lamprey embryogenesis, a time series that spans the 24-32 cell stage to the formation of the neural crest. I obtained expression patterns for thousands of miRNA and piRNA species. These studies identified several thousand small RNAs that are expressed immediately before, during, and immediately after PGR. Significant sequence variation was observed at the 3’ end of miRNAs, representing template-independent covalent modifications. Patterns observed in lamprey are consistent with expectations that the addition of adenosine and uracil residues plays a role in regulation of miRNA stability during the maternal-zygotic transition. We also identified a conserved motif present in sequences without any known annotation that is expressed exclusively during PGR. This motif is similar to binding motifs of known DNA binding and nuclear export factors, and our data could represent a novel class of small noncoding RNAs operating in lamprey

    Editors' Introduction

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    Desain Sarana Penunjang Berjualan Buah

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    Gaya hidup sehat saat ini sedang berkembang di masyarakat, orang berlomba untuk menjaga kesehatan dengan berbagai cara mulai dari olahraga, hingga menjaga asupan gizi dan makanan. Salah satu cara menjaganya adalah dengan mengkonsumsi buah dan sayur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi metode baru dalam memasarkan buah-buahan segar yang bisa langsung dikonsumsi ke pembeli langsung. Menggunakan dua metode penelitian data yaitu data primer berupa survey langsung ke usaha supermarket kemudian supplier buah dan pasar yang potensial serta dengan memakai data sekunder untuk menyelaraskan hasil dari data primer. Dilihat dari sisi pengembangan bisnis, Dengan selalu bertambahnya pembeli yang mengkonsumsi buah – buahan ini, membuat bisnis buah menjanjikan keuntungan yang besar. Apalagi di kota – kota besar,masyarakat tidak ada pilihan lain jika ingin mengkonsumsi buah buahan selain dengan cara membelinya, tidak seperti di daerah pedesaan yang umumnya memiliki beberapa tanaman buah di halaman rumahnya. Dengan menggunakan Motor Roda Tiga untuk sarana berjualan memberi manfaat berupa kendaraan bisa mendatangi pembeli di lokasi potensial dan bisa berpindah lokasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian evaluasi yang dapat dilakukan adalah merancang motor unit untuk saran berjualan buah yang bisa menampung display buah dan menampilkan buah segar sehingga menarik pembeli untuk membeli buah segar. Dengan kata lain, upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas sarana berjualan buah dengan strategi menambah aspek kepraktisan akan berharap banyak pada keberhasilan peran Motor Roda Tiga sebagai sarana berjualan buah di kota – kota besar. ============================================================================= Healthy lifestyle is currently developing in the community, people race to maintain health in various ways ranging from sports, to maintain the intake of nutrition and food. One way to guard it is to consume fruits and vegetables. This study aims to provide a new method in marketing fresh fruits that can be directly consumed to consumers directly. Using two data research methods that are primary data in the form of direct survey to the supermarket business and then potential fruit and market suppliers and by using secondary data to harmonize the results of the primary data. In terms of business development, With the ever-increasing consumer consumption of these fruits, making the fruit business promises great benefits. Especially in big cities, the community there is no other choice if you want to consume fruits other than by buying it, unlike in rural areas that generally have some fruit crops in the yard house use Three Wheeled Motorcycle Fruit Truck for the means of selling provide benefits in the form Vehicles can visit buyers at potential locations and can move locations. Based on the results of evaluation research that can be done is to design a unit car for fruit sales advice that can accommodate and display fresh fruit that attract consumers to buy fresh fruit. In other words, efforts to improve the quality of fruit-selling facilities with a strategy of adding practical aspects will expect much success in the role of Three Wheeled Motorcycle fruit truck as a means of selling fruit in big cities. This Product Design Concept Design Proposal contains explorations and changes in the form of a fruit-selling tool that can solve practicality issues

    Cellular and Molecular Features of Developmentally Programmed Genome Rearrangement in a Vertebrate (Sea Lamprey: \u3cem\u3ePetromyzon marinus\u3c/em\u3e)

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    The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) represents one of the few vertebrate species known to undergo large-scale programmatic elimination of genomic DNA over the course of its normal development. Programmed genome rearrangements (PGRs) result in the reproducible loss of ~20% of the genome from somatic cell lineages during early embryogenesis. Studies of PGR hold the potential to provide novel insights related to the maintenance of genome stability during the cell cycle and coordination between mechanisms responsible for the accurate distribution of chromosomes into daughter cells, yet little is known regarding the mechanistic basis or cellular context of PGR in this or any other vertebrate lineage. Here we identify epigenetic silencing events that are associated with the programmed elimination of DNA and describe the spatiotemporal dynamics of PGR during lamprey embryogenesis. In situ analyses reveal that the earliest DNA methylation (and to some extent H3K9 trimethylation) events are limited to specific extranuclear structures (micronuclei) containing eliminated DNA. During early embryogenesis a majority of micronuclei (~60%) show strong enrichment for repressive chromatin modifications (H3K9me3 and 5meC). These analyses also led to the discovery that eliminated DNA is packaged into chromatin that does not migrate with somatically retained chromosomes during anaphase, a condition that is superficially similar to lagging chromosomes observed in some cancer subtypes. Closer examination of “lagging” chromatin revealed distributions of repetitive elements, cytoskeletal contacts and chromatin contacts that provide new insights into the cellular mechanisms underlying the programmed loss of these segments. Our analyses provide additional perspective on the cellular and molecular context of PGR, identify new structures associated with elimination of DNA and reveal that PGR is completed over the course of several successive cell divisions

    Cellular and Molecular Features of Developmentally Programmed Genome Rearrangement in a Vertebrate (Sea Lamprey: \u3cem\u3ePetromyzon marinus\u3c/em\u3e)

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    The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) represents one of the few vertebrate species known to undergo large-scale programmatic elimination of genomic DNA over the course of its normal development. Programmed genome rearrangements (PGRs) result in the reproducible loss of ~20% of the genome from somatic cell lineages during early embryogenesis. Studies of PGR hold the potential to provide novel insights related to the maintenance of genome stability during the cell cycle and coordination between mechanisms responsible for the accurate distribution of chromosomes into daughter cells, yet little is known regarding the mechanistic basis or cellular context of PGR in this or any other vertebrate lineage. Here we identify epigenetic silencing events that are associated with the programmed elimination of DNA and describe the spatiotemporal dynamics of PGR during lamprey embryogenesis. In situ analyses reveal that the earliest DNA methylation (and to some extent H3K9 trimethylation) events are limited to specific extranuclear structures (micronuclei) containing eliminated DNA. During early embryogenesis a majority of micronuclei (~60%) show strong enrichment for repressive chromatin modifications (H3K9me3 and 5meC). These analyses also led to the discovery that eliminated DNA is packaged into chromatin that does not migrate with somatically retained chromosomes during anaphase, a condition that is superficially similar to lagging chromosomes observed in some cancer subtypes. Closer examination of “lagging” chromatin revealed distributions of repetitive elements, cytoskeletal contacts and chromatin contacts that provide new insights into the cellular mechanisms underlying the programmed loss of these segments. Our analyses provide additional perspective on the cellular and molecular context of PGR, identify new structures associated with elimination of DNA and reveal that PGR is completed over the course of several successive cell divisions

    Highly conserved molecular pathways, including Wnt signaling, promote functional recovery from spinal cord injury in lampreys

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 8 (2018): 742, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18757-1.In mammals, spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to dramatic losses in neurons and synaptic connections, and consequently function. Unlike mammals, lampreys are vertebrates that undergo spontaneous regeneration and achieve functional recovery after SCI. Therefore our goal was to determine the complete transcriptional responses that occur after SCI in lampreys and to identify deeply conserved pathways that promote regeneration. We performed RNA-Seq on lamprey spinal cord and brain throughout the course of functional recovery. We describe complex transcriptional responses in the injured spinal cord, and somewhat surprisingly, also in the brain. Transcriptional responses to SCI in lampreys included transcription factor networks that promote peripheral nerve regeneration in mammals such as Atf3 and Jun. Furthermore, a number of highly conserved axon guidance, extracellular matrix, and proliferation genes were also differentially expressed after SCI in lampreys. Strikingly, ~3% of differentially expressed transcripts belonged to the Wnt pathways. These included members of the Wnt and Frizzled gene families, and genes involved in downstream signaling. Pharmacological inhibition of Wnt signaling inhibited functional recovery, confirming a critical role for this pathway. These data indicate that molecular signals present in mammals are also involved in regeneration in lampreys, supporting translational relevance of the model.We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Institutes of Health (R03NS078519 to OB; R01GM104123 to JJS; R01NS078165 to JRM), The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and The Marine Biological Laboratory, including the Charles Evans Foundation Research Award, the Albert and Ellen Grass Foundation Faculty Research Award, and The Eugene and Millicent Bell Fellowship Fund in Tissue Engineering

    Adherence to secondary prophylaxis and disease recurrence in 536 Brazilian children with rheumatic fever

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>More than 15 million people worldwide have rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease due to RF. Secondary prophylaxis is a critical cost-effective intervention for preventing morbidity and mortality related to RF. Ensuring adequate adherence to secondary prophylaxis for RF is a challenging task. This study aimed to describe the rates of recurrent episodes of RF, quantify adherence to secondary prophylaxis, and examine the effects of medication adherence to the rates of RF in a cohort of Brazilian children and adolescents with RF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This retrospective study took place in the Pediatric Rheumatology outpatient clinic at a tertiary care hospital (Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria MartagĂŁo Gesteira) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and included patients with a diagnosis of RF from 1985 to 2005.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>536 patients with RF comprised the study sample. Recurrent episodes of RF occurred in 88 of 536 patients (16.5%). Patients with a recurrent episode of RF were younger (p < 0.0001), more frequently males (p = 0.003), and less adherent (p < 0.0001) to secondary prophylaxis than patients without RF recurrence. Non-adherence to medication at any time during follow-up was detected in 35% of patients. Rates of non-adherence were higher in the group of patients that were lost to follow-up (42%) than in the group of patients still in follow-up (32%) (p = 0.027). Appointment frequency was inadequate in 10% of patients. Higher rates of inadequate appointment frequency were observed among patients who were eventually lost to follow-up (14.5%) than in patients who were successfully followed-up (8%) (p = 0.022). 180 patients (33.5%) were lost to follow up at some point in time.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We recommend implementation of a registry, and a system of active search of missing patients in every service responsible for the follow-up of RF patients. Measures to increase adherence to secondary prophylaxis need to be implemented formally, once non-adherence to secondary prophylaxis is the main cause of RF recurrence. Detection of irregularity in secondary prophylaxis or in appointments should be an alert about the possibility of loss of follow-up and closer observation should be instituted.</p
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