67 research outputs found
In vitro evaluation of coenzyme Q10 on primary fibroblast culture
Chronic inflammation in periodontitis results in continuous production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), so the levels are excessive, causing destruction of the gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone through a variety of mechanisms including DNA damage and the formation of proinflammatory cytokine. One way to prevent periodontal tissue damage caused by excessive ROS formation is by administering antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial for inhibiting free radicals to prevent the progression of periodontal tissue destruction and accelerate healing processes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fibroblast proliferation of the combination of Coenzyme Q10 and vegetable glycerin compared to PerioQ. Materials used were made of original Coenzyme Q10 dissolved in glycerin that was prepared in a ratio of 2:8 and 1:9, and Perio Q as the control. Each group consisted of six samples (n = 6). Primary fibroblasts were derived from healthy gingival tissue. Observations on day-1, -3, and -5 using MTT assay at a wavelength of 550nm. Statistical analysis used a Two-Way ANOVA test followed by a Post Hoc test. The experiment showed the absorbance values were high in all the groups, the highest value was on day 3, namely Coenzyme Q10 at a concentration of 2:8, followed by Coenzyme Q10 at a concentration of 1:9, and PerioQ. The statistical tests showed significant differences in the 3 groups (p < 0.05). It is concluded that Coenzyme Q10 in 1:9 and 2:8 concentrations were both as viable as Perio Q towards primary gingival fibroblast culture.
Terapi dental implan .endosseos meskipun memiliki efisiensi tinggi dan dapat diprediksi, tidak mudah dilakukan untuk semua pasien. Klinisi harus mengevaluasi masing-masing kekuatan calon pasien meliputi banyak hal. Evaluasi termasuk pengeluaran patologi, identifikasi dari struktur anatomi, dan evaluasi jaringan tulang yang ada. Kegagalan dari evaluasi akurat dapat menimbulkan komplikasi termasuk ketidakmampuan menempatkan implan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah menunjukkan beberapa kondisi yang didapati pada pasien yang menginginkan perawatan dental implan. Pada kasus tertentu, diagnostik imaging diperlukan untuk penambahan tulang. Diagnostik imaging, alat evaluasi kritis, yang pada akhirnya menunjukkan pad a posisi implan ditempatkan pada suatu posisi tepat yang selanjutnya dapat untuk berfungsi dan penempatan kembali gigi secara estetis. Pengetahuan dari imaging diagnostik sangat diperlukan, termasuk keuntungan dan kerugiannya, hal ini penting untuk melengkapi treatment implan dental secara optimal.
Dilaporkan 5 pasien perawatn gigi implan. Dari gambaran radiotogi dapat didiagnosis kondisi tulang alveolar dan posisi gigi yang tersisa, sehingga dapat dibuat treatment planning yang berbeda-beda. Pemeriksaan radiologi termasuk melihat kualitas tulang alveolar, bangunan yang ada, dan possi gigi yang berhubungan dengan pembuatan mahkota gigi implan.
Radiograf dua dimensi, seperti periapikal dan panoramik, sangat berharga sebagai skrening kondisi tulang alveoler pasien, karena mempunyai tingkat prediksi yang tinggi disamping memberikan radiasi pencahayaan rendah. Maj Ked GiJuni 200916(1): 47-50 Kata kunci: radiograf, tulang alveolar, dental impla
Remodeling tulang alveolar setelah ekstirpasi periodontal lateral
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melaporkan remodeling tulang alveolar setelah ekstirpasi kista periodontal lateral pada area kaninus dan premolar rahang bawah kanan sebelah lingual. Remodeling tulang alveolar dilakukan karena setelah ekstirpasi kista meninggalkan bentuk tulang alveolar seperti kawah.Seorang remaja putri, 16 tahun, gingiva sebelah lingual antara kaninus dan premolar pertama kanan bawah membesar, tidak terasa sakit, diagnosis dari pemeriksaan adalah kista periodontal lateral. Setelah menjalani extirpasi kista, dilakukan remodeling dengan cara masase tulang alveolar secara rutin. Kesimpulan, luka bekas eksisi kista periodontallateralis dapat menutup baiktulang yang menonjol kearah lingual semakin rata kembali normal, gigi kaninus rahang bawah kanan yang semula kearah bukal karena pembesaran kista cenderung kembali ke posisi lengkung rahang normal. Maj. Ked. Gi. 200613(2):165-168
The aims of this paper is to report alveolar bone remodeling afterl lateral periodontal cyst extirpation the lingual mandibular premolar-canine area. Alveolar bone remodeling was done because after cyst extirpation there was found a cratershape alveolar bone and the canine move labially. A sixteen years old female patient was diagnosed as lateral periodontal cyst. Investigation show that there was a painless enlargement on the lingual surface of gingiva the lingual mandibular premolar canine area. After cyst extirpation procedure, remodeling was done by massaging the alveolar bone routinely. At the end of the treatment can be noticed that the wound wass totally recovered followed by flattening the prominent bone. Maj. Ked. Gi. 200613(2):165-16
Latar Belakang. Pelayanan medis oleh dokter maupun doktergigi berpedoman pada Undang-Undang dan etika yang pada hakekatnya untuk melindungi masyarakat. Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia (KKI) bertugas menjaga kualitas pelayanan medis sebagai upaya perlindungan kepada masyarakat penggunanya, dalam pelaksanaan Undang-Undang no 29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran. Fungsi pengawasan KKI meliputi pembinaan terhadap penyelenggaraan praktik kedokteran, terutama dalam rangka mempertahankan profesionalisme dan peningkatan mutu pelayanan medis. Selain itu KKI juga mensosialisasikan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan dokter dan pelayanan kesehatan pada masyarakat luas.Tujuan penulisan ini adalah agar dokter/dokter gigi dapat memahami dan melaksanakan tindakan kedokteran sesuai harapan KKI dalam rangka membina hubungan dokter dan pasien. Tinjauan Pustaka. Hubungan yang baik antara dokter dan pasien akan berjalan baik jika dokter memahami pada 1. Esensi hubungan dokter-pasien2. Aspek hukum hubungan dokter-pasien3. Kesetaraan dalam hubungan dokter-pasien4. Persetujuan tindakan kedokteran. Kesimpulan. Dokter dituntut bersikap bijaksana, memperlakukan pasien penuh tanggung jawab secara etika maupun keilmuan. Maj Ked GiDesember 201219(2): 171-17
The main cause of periodontitis is bacterial porphyromonas gingivalis, which is an anaerobic gram-negative bacteria and is pathogenic because it destroys periodontal tissue. Brown algae (sargassum sp) is widely available in Indonesia waters, especially in the water of Maluku, and contains many minerals, fatty acids, phenols, alginates, fukosantin, alkaloids, steroids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and contains high levels of iodine that can be used as an antibacterial. This literature review aims to study the role of brown algae (sargassum sp) as an antibacterial (porphyromonas gingivalis) in periodontal disease. Brown algae (sargassum sp) can be used in traditional medicine, food, cosmetics/beauty, pharmacy and textile industries. This review found 3 different active compounds that act as antibacterial agents: phenols, flavonoids, and tannins. Therefore, brown algae (sargassum sp) can be used to inhibit the growth of porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria. The highest antibacterial content is found in brown algae (sargassum sp). Brown algae (sargassum sp) can be used as the basic treatment of periodontitis disease because it contains antibacterial substances such as phenols, flavonoids and tannins
Application of Ozonated Olive Oil as Adjunctive Therapy after Periodontal Pocket Curettage towards Collagen Density of Alveolar Bone in Periodontitis Healing Process (In Vivo Study with Sprague dawley)
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissue of the teeth caused by specific microorganisms or groups of specific microorganisms, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with periodontal pocket formation. Application of ozonated olive oil in dentistry is based on the actions such as antimicrobial and therapeutic agent, needed as adjunctive therapy after periodontal pocket curretage. Collagen is the main constituent of alveolar bone extracellular matrix and needed as a scaffold in the formation of mineralized matrix. The aim of this study was to determine the density of collagen in alveolar bone on periodontitis healing process after adjunctive topical application of ozonated olive oil in periodontal pocket curretage. In this study, 32 Sprague dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: curetted-topical application of ozonated olive oil as treatment groups and curetted-topical application of 1% CMC-Na as placebo group. Periodontitis induced by placing silk-ligature around submandibular incisors for 7 days. Subsequently, the rats were sacrificed on days 3, 5, 7, and 14 after curetted and topical application, and each group was represented by four rats. The staining was done using Mallory staining method. All the results were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. The results showed that there were significant differences (p<0,05) in the density of collagen between two groups. The study concluded that adjunctive topical application of ozonated olive oil after periodontal pocket curretage significantly increase the density of collagen in alveolar bone on periodontitis healing process in Spraque dawley
Terapi Kombinasi Root Debridement dan Antibiotik terhadap Periodontitis Agresif
Latar Belakang. Kerusakan periodontal yang signifikan secara klinis selama dewasa atau awal masa dewasa dikenal sebagai periodontitis agresif. Perawatan standar scaling dan root planing sering kurang memuaskan hasilnya sehingga perlu mempelajari periodontitis agresif secara tuntas dan terapi yang harus diberikan sehingga perawatan bisa memberikan hasil yang optimal. Tujuan. Untuk mengupas tentang periodontitis agresif agar bisa menegakkan diagnosis, serta mendapatkan hasil yang optimal dalam perawatannya. Ringkasan Pembahasan. Gigi goyah disebabkan oleh sedikit atau rapuhnya tulang alveoler pendukung gigi sehingga gigi tidak bisa menjalankan fungsinya. Periodontitis agresif menyerang seseorang, diketahui oleh dokter gigi sering tidak dari awal, akan tetapi setelah penyakit tersebut berlanjut. Skrening melalui foto Rontgen pada penderita periodontitis usia awal dewasa berguna untuk mengetahui secara dini periodontitis agresif. Pada perawatan regeneratif dengan mengganti tulang alveoler yang hilang, terlebih dahulu menghentikan aktivitas periodontitis agresif, yaitu dengan memberikan antibiotik dikombinasi dengan root debridement baik secara bedah maupun non bedah. Kesimpulan. 1. Mengenali dan merawat periodontitis agresif secara dini dapat mencegah kerusakan jaringan periodontal yang berat. 2. Perawatan periodontitis agresif terutama mengeliminir bakteri dengan kombinasi tindakan mekanis root debridement dan pemberian antibiotik yang tepat dalam jagka waktu yang cukup secara konsisten. 3. Pemberian antibiotik sebaiknya berdasarkan tes laboratorium bakteri resiten.
Background. Periodontal destruction is clinically significant during adulthood or early adulthood is known as aggressive periodontitis. Nursing standard scaling and root planing is often less satisfactory result, so need to study of periodontits aggressive thoroughly and therapy should be given so that treatments can provide result that optimal. The Purpose. To investigated the aggresive periodontitis in order to establish the diagnosis, and obtain optimal results in treatment. Summary of Discussion. Wobbly tooth caused by a slightly or bone fragility alveoler supporting the teeth so the teeth can not perform its function. Aggressive periodontitis someone attack, is is known by dentist often not from the beginning, but after the disease continues. Screening through X-ray in periodontitis someone attack, it is known by dentists often not from the beginning, but after the disease continues. Screening through X-ray in periodontitis patients with adult early age is useful to know early aggresive periodontitis. In the regenerative treatment by replacing the lost bone alveoler, first stop the activities of aggresive periodontitis, namely by giving antibiotics combination with root debridement either surgery or non surgical. Conclusion. 1. Recognizing and treating aggressive periodontitis early can prevent severe damage to periodontal tissues. 2. Treatment of aggressive periodontitis, especially action to eliminate the bacteria with a combination of mechanical root debridement and giving appropriate antibiotics within a sufficient period of time is concictently. 3. The given antibiotics should be based on laboratory tests of resistant bacteria
Effect of advanced-platelet rich-fibrin combined with rosuvastatin application after open flap debridement of infrabony pocket
Open flap debridement (OFD) is an invasive therapy for chronic periodontitis with pocket 5 mm or more. However, it is difficult to achieve regeneration and new attachment with this therapy. Periodontitis starts to add growth factors and local drugs delivery as host modulation therapy. Advanced-PRF (A-PRF) contains more growth factor than PRF which plays a role in promoting fibroblast proliferation, reepithelization, extracellular matrix production, and endothelial cell migration. 1.2% rosuvastatin gel (RSV) is a local delivery drug with a pleiotropic effect that can modify host response to promoting BMSCs, BMP-2, OPG, ALP, RANKL, and osteoblasts. This study aimed to examine the effect of the application of A-PRF+RSV in OFD therapy of which the parameters were probing depth (PD), relative attachment loss (RAL), and alveolar bone height. The study samples consisted of 24 periodontal pockets which were divided into 2 groups of 12 pockets each, namely A-PRF+RSV for group 1 and PRF+RSV for group 2. Clinical evaluations were carried out on baseline, day-30, and day-90 for PD and RAL, and on baseline and day -90 for alveolar bone height. Data of PD and RAL reduction were analyzed with non-parametric test Mann-Withney, while data of reduction of alveolar bone height were analyzed with parametric Independent-T test. Group 1 obtained a statistically more significant result in reducing PD, RAL, and alveolar bone height compared to group 2 (p<0.05) To conclude, the application of A-PRF and 1.2% rosuvastatin gel in OFD procedure promotes a higher PD and RAL reduction and alveolar bone height increase than the application of PRF coupled with 1.2% rosuvastatin gel
Osteocalcin levels in gingival crevicular fluid periodontitis patient with and without type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a systemic disease with a high prevalence in Indonesia. Periodontitis is a complication of DM with frequent occurrences. Periodontitis with DM causes greater bone damage than non-DM periodontitis because its conditions can affect osteoblast and osteoclast activity. Osteocalcin (OC), mostly synthesized by osteoblasts, regulates the activity of bone formation and turnover so that it can be a marker of bone formation and turnover to see the severity of the disease. OC can be found in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). This study aimed to determine osteocalcin levels in gingival crevicular fluid periodontitis patients with uncontrolled type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and non-Diabetes Mellitus.Method: Samples used in this study were gingival crevicular fluid taken from 20 samples of periodontitis patients with DM type 2 (DMT2P) and 20 samples of periodontitis non-DM patients. The OC levels were analyzed using ELISA Kit Osteocalcin then statistical tests were carried out.Result: The results showed that the OC level of the DMT2P group was 0.369 ± 0.140 while the periodontitis non-DM group was 0.664 ± 0.141.Conclusion: The OC levels of periodontitis patients with DM are lower than periodontitis patients non-DM
The Effectiveness of injectable platelet-rich fibrin and bone graft addition to open flap debridement for infrabony pocket therapy
Various biomaterials have been utilized as additional material to help tissue regeneration in the open flap debridement (OFD) procedure. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is an autologous platelet concentrate that contains many growth factors (GFs) and generally used as an additional biomaterial in OFD. However, PRF has several weaknesses, such as its consistency, which is hard to mix with another biomaterial, and its abundant sediment of regenerative cells resulted from high-speed centrifugation. Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (I-PRF) is one of the PRF derivatives that contain more regenerative cells. Due to the low-speed centrifugation, I-PRF has a liquid form. Certain GFs were also found in I-PRF, such as PDGF, TGF-β1, VEGF, IGF, EGF dan COL-Ia. In this study, we measured probing depth (PD), relative attachment level (RAL), and bone height as the healing parameter, to see the effectiveness of I-PRF addition and bone graft in the OFD for infrabony pocket as the aim of this study. Twenty (20) periodontal pockets were chosen (PD= 5-7 mm) and divided into OFD+I-PRF+bone graft (bg) group (group I) and OFD+PRF+bg group (group II) equally. The clinical evaluation was measured at the baseline, day-30, and day-90. Results showed that PD (p= 0.022) and RAL (p= 0.008) significantly increased in group I (PD 2.80 ± 0.42; RAL 2.50 ± 0.52) compared to group II (PD 2.10 ± 0.73; RAL 2.00 ± 0.67); however, there was no significant difference in the bone height (p= 0.194). Taken together, our data revealed that I-PRF+bg induces soft tissue regeneration in infrabony pocket treatment
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