586 research outputs found

    Estimation of the dietary nutrient profile of free-roaming feral cats: possible implications for nutrition of domestic cats

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    Cats are strict carnivores and in the wild rely on a diet solely based on animal tissues to meet their specific and unique nutritional requirements. Although the feeding ecology of cats in the wild has been well documented in the literature, there is no information on the precise nutrient profile to which the cat's metabolism has adapted. The present study aimed to derive the dietary nutrient profile of free-living cats. Studies reporting the feeding habits of cats in the wild were reviewed and data on the nutrient composition of the consumed prey items obtained from the literature. Fifty-five studies reported feeding strategy data of cats in the wild. After specific exclusion criteria, twenty-seven studies were used to derive thirty individual dietary nutrient profiles. The results show that feral cats are obligatory carnivores, with their daily energy intake from crude protein being 52 %, from crude fat 46 % and from N-free extract only 2 %. Minerals and trace elements are consumed in relatively high concentrations compared with recommended allowances determined using empirical methods. The calculated nutrient profile may be considered the nutrient intake to which the cat's metabolic system has adapted. The present study provides insight into the nutritive, as well as possible non-nutritive aspects of a natural diet of whole prey for cats and provides novel ways to further improve feline diets to increase health and longevity

    Influence of nutrition on feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis with emphasis on endogenous oxalate synthesis

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    The prevalence of calcium oxalate (CaOx) uroliths detected in cats with lower urinary tract disease has shown a sharp increase over the last decades with a concomitant reciprocal decrease in the occurrence of struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) uroliths. CaOx stone-preventative diets are available nowadays, but seem to be marginally effective, as CaOx urolith recurrence occurs in patients fed these diets. In order to improve the preventative measures against CaOx urolithiasis, it is important to understand its aetiopathogenesis. The main research focus in CaOx formation in cats has been on the role of Ca, whereas little research effort has been directed towards the role and origin of urinary oxalates. As in man, the exogenous origin of urinary oxalates in cats is thought to be of minor importance, although the precise contribution of dietary oxalates remains unclear. The generally accepted dietary risk factors for CaOx urolithiasis in cats are discussed and a model for the biosynthetic pathways of oxalate in feline liver is provided. Alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 (AGT1) in endogenous oxalate metabolism is a liver-specific enzyme targeted in the mitochondria in cats, and allows for efficient conversion of glyoxylate to glycine when fed a carnivorous diet. The low peroxisomal activity of AGT1 in cat liver is compatible with the view that felids utilised a low-carbohydrate diet throughout evolution. Future research should focus on understanding de novo biosynthesis of oxalate in cats and their adaptation(s) in oxalate metabolism, and on dietary oxalate intake and absorption by cats

    Evaluation of n-alkanes and their carbon isotope enrichments (d13C) as diet composition markers

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    Plant cuticular n-alkanes have been successfully used as markers to estimate diet composition and intake of grazing herbivores. However, additional markers may be required under grazing conditions in botanically diverse vegetation. This study was conducted to describe the n-alkane profiles and the carbon isotope enrichment of n-alkanes of common plant species from the Mid Rift Valley rangelands of Ethiopia, and evaluate their potential use as nutritional markers. A total of 23 plant species were collected and analysed for long-chain n-alkanes ranging from heptacosane to hexatriacontane (C27 to C36), as well as their carbon isotopic ratio (13C/12C). The analysis was conducted by gas chromatography/combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry following saponification, extraction and purification. The isotopic composition of the n-alkanes is reported in the delta notation (d13C) relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard. The dominant n-alkanes in the species were C31 (mean ± s.d., 283 ± 246 mg/kg dry matter) and C33 (149 ± 98 mg/kg dry matter). The carbon isotopic enrichment of the n-alkanes ranged from -19.37‰ to -37.40‰. Principal component analysis was used to examine interspecies differences based on n-alkane profiles and the carbon isotopic enrichments of individual n-alkanes. Large variability among the pasture species was observed. The first three principal components explained most of the interspecies variances. Comparison of the principal component scores using orthogonal procrustes rotation indicated that about 0.84 of the interspecies variances explained by the two types of data sets were independent of each other, suggesting that the use of a combination of the two markers can improve diet composition estimations. It was concluded that, while the n-alkane profile of the pasture species remains a useful marker for use in the study region, the d13C values of n-alkanes can provide additional information in discriminating diet components of grazing animal

    Urinary felinine excretion in intact male cats is increased by dietary cystine

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    Felinine is a branched-chain sulfur amino acid present in the urine of certain Felidae, including domestic cats. The objective of the present study was to determine if additional cystine and/or dietary N would increase felinine and N-acetylfelinine excretion by intact male cats fed a low-protein (LP) diet. Feeding five adult intact male cats an LP diet (18·8% of metabolisable energy (ME) as protein) v. a high-protein diet (38·6% of ME as protein) resulted in a trend (P¼0·08) for decreased urinary felinine and no change in N-acetylfelinine excretion. In a 23 d study, when the LP diet was supplemented with L-cystine at 9·3 g/kg DM, urinary felinine:creatinine ratio showed a linear two-fold (121 %) increase (P,0·01) from 0·24 (SEM 0·05) to 0·53 (SEM 0·13) after 10 d. Subsequent feeding of the LP diet resulted in a decrease in felinine excretion to base levels. Plasma gglutamylfelinylglycine concentrations were consistent with the excretion of felinine. Supplementation of the LP diet with L-cystine (9·3 g/kg DM), dispensable amino acids and arginine to a second group (n 5) also resulted in a significant (P,0·01) but smaller (þ72 %) increase in the daily felinine:creatinine ratio (0·25 (SEM 0·04) to 0·43 (SEM 0·05)). The degree of felinine N-acetylation within groups was unaffected by dietary addition and withdrawal of amino acids. The results indicate that felinine synthesis is regulated by cystine availability, and that arginine may be physiologically important in decreasing felinine biosynthesis in intact male cats

    The effects of dietary fibre type on satiety-related hormones and voluntary food intake in dogs

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    Depending on type and inclusion level, dietary fibre may increase and maintain satiety and postpone the onset of hunger. This 7-week study evaluated the effect of fibre fermentability on physiological satiety-related metabolites and voluntary food intake (VFI) in dogs. Sixteen healthy adult dogs were fed a low-fermentable fibre (LFF) diet containing 8·5 % cellulose or a high-fermentable fibre (HFF) diet containing 8·5 % sugarbeet pulp and 2 % inulin. Large intestinal fibre degradation was evaluated by apparent faecal digestibility of nutrients and faecal SCFA and NH3 concentrations. Postprandial blood samples were obtained to determine postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, total peptide tyrosine–tyrosine (PYY), total glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and total ghrelin concentrations. At the end of the study, the dogs were given a single meal of a dry dog food to determine VFI. Dogs fed the HFF diet had a significantly higher large intestinal fibre degradation and production of SCFA compared with the dogs fed the LFF diet. The HFF-fed dogs tended (P = 0·058) to show a lower VFI at the end of the study. No treatment effects were found for postprandial plasma glucose, PYY, GLP-1 and ghrelin responses. The concentrations of these metabolites could not be related to the observed difference in VFI. The inclusion of fermentable fibre in canine diets may contribute to the prevention or mitigation of obesity through its effects on satiety. The underlying mechanisms require further investigatio

    An attempt to define the sodium requirements of lactating dairy cows in a tropical environment

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    BACKGROUND: Lactating dairy cattle in the tropics may require more sodium (Na) owing to the hot and humid climatic conditions. It is unknown whether the current recommendations on Na for lactating cows can be quantitatively used in tropical countries. This study attempted to define the Na requirement of lactating dairy cows under tropical conditions by measuring Na levels in saliva, milk and faeces. RESULTS: The concentrations of Na and potassium (K) in milk, faeces and serum were not affected by dietary treatments. The amount of Na absorbed by cows fed the basal (low-Na) diet containing 0.4 g Na kg-1 dry matter (DM) was equal to the amount of Na lost in the milk, showing that these animals were fed an Na-deficient ration. This observation was corroborated by salivary Na and K levels, with the cows on the low-Na diet having salivary Na concentrations below 120 mmol L-1 in combination with salivary K concentrations above 20 mmol L-1 (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: Consumption of a daily ration formulated to contain the current Na requirement set by the NRC appears to provide too much Na for lactating cows under tropical conditions. A tentative value of 1.2 g kg-1 DM is proposed as the Na requirement for dairy cows under tropical conditions. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industr

    Size reduction in feed technology and methods for determining, expressing and predicting particle size: A review

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    Particle size of diets or ingredients plays an important role in pig growth and gut health. The way the size of particles is measured and expressed, however, is limited in explaining pig growth performance differences. This review explores new possibilities to determine, express and predict particle size. Different grinding methods, including the use of roller mills, hammer mills, multicracker and multi-stage grinding were reviewed. Roller milling tends to produce a more uniform particle size distribution (PSD) and consumes less energy, whilst hammer mills have a greater grinding capacity and a higher reduction ratio compared to roller mill. The multicracker system, a more recently developed technology, can be considered cost-effective and ensures grinding capacity. Since the effects of different grinding methods vary, multi-stage grinding, combining different grinding methods, might be a solution to obtain a defined PSD. Particle size determination techniques, including dry/wet sieving, laser diffraction, microscopy, and static/dynamic image analysis are described and compared. It is concluded that more characteristics of particles (e.g. shape, volume or surface area) should be investigated. Besides geometric mean diameter (GMD), particle size can also be expressed with parameters such as D50, D4,3 and span of PSD. Equivalent particle size (EPS) is introduced as a mean of describing the size of particles related to a functional trait of the particles. A meta-analysis was performed by collecting particle size and pig performance data from scientific studies examining the effect of recalculated EPS on pig performance (feed conversion ratio, FCR). Regression/linear modelling shows that recalculated EPS was not better than GMD in explaining pig performance differences due to the high variation among studies. Different expressions of PSD may result in different conclusions. An introduction of describing the breaking behavior of diet ingredients via mathematical models is provided. The development in breakage functions of wheat in roller milling in food preparations indicates that breakage functions are applicable in predicting the output PSD. Functions may also be extended to diet ingredients to be ground in animal feed manufacture. In feed manufacturing diagrams, particle size reduction for downstream processes (e.g. pelleting, extruding, expander processing) should be taken into account when the relationship between pig performance and particle size of diets is investigated. In conclusion, the determination, expression and prediction of particle size can be a new direction for controlling the grinding process in the feed mill to better explain its relationship with pig performance.</p

    Цитологическая диагностика заболеваний эндометрия с помощью решающего правила

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    Изучены цитограммы 216 больных, у 137 из них по данным клинического обследования и гистологически установлен рак эндометрия (РЭ), у 79 — железистая гиперплазия эндометрия (ГЭ). На основании детального описания клеточного состава мазков аспиратов полости матки составлен перечень всех клеточных элементов цитограмм, выделены структурные и клеточные признаки атипии клеток эндометрия, оценена степень их выраженности и создан алгоритм цитологического исследования эндометрия. Проведена компьютерная обработка данных микроскопического исследования цитограмм с построением экспертной системы для распознавания патологических процессов эндометрия. Разработано решающее правило (РП), включающее 12 наиболее значимых дифференциально-диагностических цитологических признаков ГЭ и РЭ: нарушение полярности ядер (клеток) в структурах, многорядие, наличие ядер и ядрышек неправильной формы, макронуклеол, ядерно-цитоплазменный индекс выше 0,7, неровная ядерная мембрана, опухолевый диатез, пласты гигантских размеров, пласты сложной формы с сосудисто-стромальным компонентом, петлистый рисунок хроматина и трехмерные структуры в виде шаров. Применение РП в сложных диагностических случаях имеет важное консультативное значение. Ключевые слова: рак эндометрия, дифференциальная диагностика, решающее правило.Cytograms of 216 patients were reviewed, including 137 patients with endometrium cancer (EC) diagnosed on the basis of clinical and histological data and 79 patients with hyperplasia of the endometrium (EH). On the basis of in-detail description of the cellular composition of the uterine cavity aspirate smears, a list of all cellular elements present in the cytograms was established; structural and cellular signs of the atypia of endometrium cells were identified; the degree of their evidence was assessed; and the algorithm for the cytological investigation of the endometrium was established. Data of microscopic studies of the cytograms were processed with the help of computers and an expert system for identification of pathology processes in the endometrium was created. A decision rule (DR) was developed, which includes 12 most important differential diagnostics cytological signs of EH and EC, such as: deteriorated polarity of nuclei (cells) in the structures, multiple layers, presence of irregular-shaped nuclei and nucleoli, macronucleoli, nucleocytoplasmic ratio exceeding 0.7, irregular nuclear membrane, tumor diathesis, giant-size layers, odd-shaped layers with vascular-stromal component, loopy pattern of the chromatin and structures in the form of three-dimension spheres. Application of the DR in complicated diagnostic cases is of a considerable consultative importance. Key Words: endometrium cancer, differential diagnostics, decision rule