599 research outputs found

    The influence of the water supply on the bioactive compounds of different tomato varieties

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of irrigation on the composition and content of phenolic compounds and carotenoids in different tomato cultivars using HPLC/DAD-UV technique and reverse-phase (RP) chromatographic columns for analysis. Among phenols, the quercetin derivatives and hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives were the major compounds, while lycopene was the dominant carotenoid in the extract of tomato. It was found that the response of tomatos to shortage of water is affected by genetic factors and seasonal environmental variations. In general, 100% irrigation yielded tomatoes with the lowest level of carotenoids and polyphenols. In 2012, when the temperature and number of sunny hours were at record levels, the non-irrigated plants of cultivar Strombolino yielded tomatoes with significantly higher levels of carotenoids and phenols than that of the other cultivars

    Cyberterrorism and the protection of critical information infrastructures : A snapshot of the current state of certain regulatory issues

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    Western states fight against terrorism for decades now, however, certain fundamental regulatory questions stay unanswered to this day. Consequently, with the newest form of terrorism, cyberterrorism, arise just as many legal uncertainties as with conventional terrorism. The complicated and incomplete system of international treaties on (cyber-)terrorism only cover certain aspects of the issue, moreover they generally make the individual states responsible for regulating (cyber-)terrorism without defining a common system of basic rules. In this paper the author discusses cyberterrorism from an international and national legal perspective highlighting the specific area of critical information infrastructure protection. Furthermore the paper also takes into consideration cyberterrorism in the light of international humanitarian law

    The effect of temperature change on leaf surface temperature of plants in sweet pepper forcing

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    In the greenhouse during the vegetable forcing we ensured the optimal cultivation conditions for sweet pepper plants for high quality, healthy production. In vegetable forcing the soil status, light intensity, air movement, humidity, air temperature and the changes of these factors can influence the success of forcing. In Hungary the forcing area of sweet pepper (Capcisum annuum L.) is approximately 2500 ha. It is the most important horticultural activity. Therefore it was justified to study this plant from many aspects. The surface temperature of plants was measured in six pritamin-type sweet peppers, during of forcing. We performed our measurements in a vegetable horticulture farm of Magyarbánhegyes in summer cultivation period from July to August, on soil in plastic tunnel. The tested varieties were pritamin types, red colored Tokyo, orange colored Sayuri hybrids and their parental sweet pepper varieties, the tomato shaped red PAZ, orange PAZ and California types red colour Torkál F1 and orange colour Fellini F1 sweet peppers. Our measurements were carried out at 1230 each time, every day

    Effect of water supply on sugar concentration of carrot

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    Visible reflectance and content of isomeric ratio of lycopene in commercial and elevated lycopene tomato varieties by different technological traits

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    Quantification of red pigment content of fruits using destructive techniques is expensive and it enables only the analysis of batches but not of individual items. This study examined the feasibility of using non-destructive, spectrophotometric method to predict one of the most valuable internal quality indices, lycopene, in individual tomato fruits. An open field experiment was conducted to study the effect of irrigation and potassium supplementation on the yield and lycopene content of processed tomato fruit. Three different treatments (regularly irrigated RI, irrigation cut-off 30 days before harvest CO, and rainfed RF unirrigated control) and two different potassium fertilisations (P) were applied. Regular irrigation significantly decreased the lycopene content of tomato fruits. The CO treatment resulted in the highest total lycopene without potassium supplementation. Potassium supplementation, given at the time before fruit maturity, significantly increased the lycopene concentration of cultivar Brigade F1, independently of irrigation. The closest correlation was at 700 nm R2=0.38 and R2=0.45, between reflectance and the (all-E)-lycopene and the (9Z)+(13Z)-lycopene isomers, respectively

    Role of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in nociception and migraine

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    Energy-efficient buildings can make a major contribution to tackle the world’s climate change and energy use. A number of different environmental certification systems have been created to support energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. In this project simulations are made on a building named Hjältarnas Hus. The building will be used as a support center for those affected by cancer or another critical illness and their families. Hjältarnas Hus will be built in the area next to the University Hospital of Umeå and is planned to be ready for use by the winter 2016/2017. The building project Hjältarnas Hus focuses on sustainability with recyclable materials and aims to achieve the Swedish Environmental Building Certification (Miljöbyggnad) grade GOLD. The main purpose of this project is to study heat transfer through windows. Due to the fact that the facade of Hjältarnas Hus contains large exterior windows, high indoor temperatures are expected during the summer if no solar shading system is installed. The simulations were made in IDA ICE and COMSOL Multiphysics. The focus of this study is to analyze the part of the building that will be used as a library because that part has 90 % windows in the façade. This part is thereby the thermally weakest part of the building envelope since windows are a critical component. The simulations have been based on three milestones. One of the targets was to investigate the temperature gradient that occurs in Hjältarnas Hus library for different ventilation flows, provided that the building achieves the Swedish Environmental Building Certification grade SILVER or GOLD. The second target was to investigate whether the projected solar shading system provides sufficient shading with respect to the certification requirements for Solar heat gain. The third target was to investigate the risk for appearance of external condensation on glass. An investigation of the profitability of an investment in a solar energy generating facility has also been conducted. The result from the simulations showed that the library will never be able to avoid overheating in the summer without any shading system. Even if the ventilation flow is at maximum speed, high temperatures will occur if no shading is installed. The simulations shows that the Swedish Environmental Building Certification grade SILVER can be achieved while the shading system is installed. Risk of external condensation on the window surfaces was greatest during the months of August, September and October. According to the simulations, condensations will appear during 7 % of these months. A calculation from the supplier shows that solar cells are a profitable investment for Hjältarnas Hus. The best option gave a payback period of 9.29 years without any contribution by the State where the investment cost was 950 000 (excl. VAT). För att komma tillrätta med de miljöproblem vi har i världen idag är ett klimatsmart byggande en viktig förutsättning. Som en del i utvecklingen för att minska energi- och resursanvändningen i byggnader har olika certifieringssystem vuxit fram. I detta arbete har simuleringar utförts på en byggnad med namnet Hjältarnas Hus. Byggnaden kommer att fungera som ett anhörighus för familjer där någon familjemedlem drabbats av en svår sjukdom. Hjältarnas Hus kommer att uppföras på området intill Umeå universitetssjukhus i Umeå och planeras att stå klart under vintern 2016/2017. Byggnationen har ett stort fokus på ett hållbart byggande med återvinningsbara material och har ett uppsatt mål om att kunna nå certifieringen av Miljöbyggnad nivå GULD. Detta arbete fokuserar i huvudsak på att undersöka energitransporten genom byggnadens fönsterytor. På grund av att byggnaden kommer att ha stora glaspartier i fasaden förväntas problem med övertemperaturer att uppstå under sommarhalvåret om ingen åtgärd för solavskärmning vidtas. Simuleringarna har utförts i simuleringsprogrammen IDA ICE och COMSOL Multiphysics och har begränsats till ett rum som kommer att brukas som ett allrum/bibliotek då detta rum anses vara byggnadens svagaste länk för att klara det termiska klimatet sommartid. Orsaken till detta är att 90 % av fasaden består av glaspartier. De simuleringar som utförts i detta arbete har baserats på tre delmål. Ett av delmålen var att undersöka mönstret för de temperaturskiktningar som uppstår i Hjältarnas Hus allrum/bibliotek för olika ventilationsflöden med hjälp av simuleringsprogrammet COMSOL Multiphysics. Detta förutsatt att byggnaden klarar certifieringen av Miljöbyggnad nivå GULD eller SILVER med avseende på indikatorn Solvärmelast. Det andra delmålet var att undersöka med hjälp av IDA ICE om den projekterade solavskärmningen ger en tillräcklig avskärmning i rummet för att certifieringen skall kunna uppnås. Det tredje delmålet var att simulera risken för bildning av utvändig kondens på fönsterytorna som uppstår till följd av fönstrens låga U-värden i IDA ICE. Förutom detta har även en utredning kring lönsamheten i en investering i en solcellsanläggning på Hjältarnas Hus takyta genomförts. Resultaten från simuleringarna av temperaturskiktningarna i rummet visade att allrummet/biblioteket aldrig kommer att kunna undvika övertemperaturer under sommarmånaderna om ingen solavskärmning vidtas. Även om ventilationsflödet går på maximal hastighet kommer övertemperaturer att uppnås om ingen solavskärmning är installerad. De alternativ av solavskärmning som studerades för byggnaden visade sig uppfylla kraven som ställs på SILVER-nivån i klassificeringen av Miljöbyggnad med avseende på indikatorn Solvärmelast. Resultaten från studien av bildning av utvändig kondens på årsbasis visade att risken för utvändig kondens på fönsterytorna var störst under månaderna augusti, september och oktober. Under dessa månader bildades det utvändig kondens på fönsterytorna under 7 % av tiden enligt gjorda simuleringar. En investering av solceller för placering på Hjältarnas Hus takyta är lönsamt enligt de beräkningar som erhållits från leverantör. Det bästa alternativet gav en återbetalningsperiod på 9,29 år utan stadsbidrag till en investeringskostnad på ca 950 000 kr (exklusive moms).

    Colour evolution of conventionally and organically cultivated hungarina red spice paprika varieties

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    Colour evolution of conventionally and organically cultivated Szegedi-20, Meteorit, Mihálytelki and Kármin spice paprika varieties was studied in green, break, pale red, deep red and over-ripened maturity stages. As the ripening stages forwarded the organic samples gradually lost their initial extractable colour (ASTA value) gain toward their conventional counterparts. The over-ripened colour levels were satisfactorily high in the conventional (169.9-264.8 ASTA) and in the organic (160.8-210.5 ASTA) paprika varieties as well, although the colour accumulation was 9.0- 62.8 ASTA lower in the organic samples. Significant and perceptible visual colour differences (ΔE*ab) were found between the organic and conventional crops. The lightness difference (ΔL*) indicated that the organic paprika generally were lighter than the conventional ones. The positive hue difference (ΔH*ab) showed that the colour of deep red and over-ripened organic Szegedi-20, Mihálytelki and Kármin paprika crops were more yellow compared with the conventional group. The lightness (L*) and hue angle (h°ab) were found the most suitable instrumental colour parameters to distinguish the ripening stages and the colour characteristics of the samples. The better colour evolution of conventional crops was attributed to the soil characteristics, nutrient supply and chemical plant protection that were specifically designed for the needs of paprika in the conventional farming

    Colour evolution of conventionally and organically cultivated Hungarian red spice paprika varieties

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    Colour evolution of conventionally and organically cultivated Szegedi-20, Meteorit, Mihálytelki and Kármin spice paprika varieties was studied in green, break, pale red, deep red and over-ripened maturity stages. As the ripening stages forwarded the organic samples gradually lost their initial extractable colour (ASTA value) gain toward their conventional counterparts. The over-ripened colour levels were satisfactorily high in the conventional (169.9-264.8 ASTA) and in the organic (160.8-210.5 ASTA) paprika varieties as well, although the colour accumulation was 9.0-62.8 ASTA lower in the organic samples. Significant and perceptible visual colour differences (ΔE*ab) were found between the organic and conventional crops. The lightness difference (ΔL*) indicated that the organic paprika generally were lighter than the conventional ones. The positive hue difference (ΔH*ab) showed that the colour of deep red and over-ripened organic Szegedi-20, Mihálytelki and Kármin paprika crops were more yellow compared with the conventional group. The lightness (L*) and hue angle (h°ab) were found the most suitable instrumental colour parameters to distinguish the ripening stages and the colour characteristics of the samples. The better colour evolution of conventional crops was attributed to the soil characteristics, nutrient supply and chemical plant protection that were specifically designed for the needs of paprika in the conventional farming

    Gyulladásos és neuropátiás fájdalom farmakológiai befolyásolása primér szenzoros neuronokon ható szerekkel = Pharmacological modulation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by agents acting on primary sensory neurones

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    A kapszaicin-érzékeny, VR1/TRPV1 receptort expresszáló primér szenzoros neuronok afferens működésükön kívül lokális és szisztémás efferens funkciókkal is rendelkeznek. A belőlük felszabaduló calcitonin gén-rokon peptid (CGRP) és tachykininek (pl. P-anyag) neurogén gyulladást váltanak ki az innervációs területen, míg a szomatosztatin gyulladásgátló és antinociceptív hatásokkal rendelkezik az sst4 receptorokon keresztül. Ezen neuronok jelentős szerepet játszanak gyulladásos (ízületi, légúti) és neuropátiás állapotok patomechanizmusában. A neurogén gyulladás és a neuropátiás fájdalom kezelésére jelenleg nincs megfelelő terápiás lehetőség. Kísérleteinkben a TRPV1 kapszaicin receptor, az sst4 szomatosztatin receptor, a hipofízis adenilát cikláz aktiváló polipeptid (PACAP-38), valamint az endomorphin-1 szerepét és ezeken ható vegyületek hatásait vizsgáltuk különféle akut és krónikus gyulladás, valamint neuropátia modellekben. Bár bizonyos gyulladásos folyamatokban a TRPV1, a neurokinin és CGRP receptorok blokkolása, valamint a PACAP és az endomorphin-1 anti-inflammációs és anti-nociceptív hatásokat fejtett ki, az sst4 receptor bizonyult minden modellünkben a legígéretesebb célpontnak. Eredményeink alapján ezen az érzőideg végződéseken és gyulladásos sejteken egyaránt expresszálódó receptoron ható stabil, per os is hatékony szelektív agonisták egy teljesen új hatásmechanizmusú gyulladáscsökkentő és fájdalomcsillapító gyógyszercsoport kifejlesztésére adhatnak lehetőséget. | Capsaicin-sensitive, VR1/TRPV1 receptor-expressing primary sensory neurons have local and systemic efferent functions besides their afferent role. Calcitonin gene-related peptide and tachykinins (e.g. substance P) induce neurogenic inflammation in the innervated area, somatostatin exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive actions via sst4 receptor activation. Therefore, these neurons play an important role in the pathological mechanisms of several inflammatory (arthritis, asthma) and neuropathic conditions. At present there is no appropriate pharmacological treatment for the neurogenic component of inflammatory reactions and neuropathic pain. In the present series of experiments the roles of TRPV1 capsaicin receptors, sst4 somatostatin receptors, the effects of pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP-38) and endomorphin-1 as well as agents acting at these targets were investigated in different acute and chronic inflammation and neuropathy models. Although in certain inflammatory processes the blockade of TRPV1, neurokinin and CGRP receptors, and also PACAP and endomorphin-1 exerted anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive actions, the sst4 receptor proved to be the most promising target. On the basis of our results stable, orally active, selective sst4 agonist acting on both sensory nerve terminals and several inflammatory and immune cells could provide perspectives for the development of a completely novel type of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs