8 research outputs found

    Loyalty Among Government Employees

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    Mounting tensions in our society have brought us to a criticalpoint in the matter of political and civil rights. The stresses are inlarge measure internal. They grow out of the accelerating movementto effect far-reaching changes in our economic and social structure, amovement which evokes ever-increasing resistance. As the conflictssharpen, there is rising pressure to discard or undermine the basicprinciples embodied in the democratic concept of freedom for politicalopposition


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    JOHN D. HOGAN and FRANCIS A. J. IANNI, American Social Legislation, Nueva York: Harper and Brothers, 1956, 713 págs.

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    Book Reviews

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    U.S. Multinationals and Worker Participation in Management: The American Experience in the European Community By Ton DeVos Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, 1981. Pp. 229. Reviewed by David M. Helfeld Cooperation between Management and Labor By Walter Kolvenbach Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1982. Pp. 89. Dfl. 65.00, 26.00.ReviewedbyRobertN.CovingtonUtilizationofOuterSpaceandInternationalLawByGijsBerthaC.M.Reijnen.Amsterdam,Oxford,NewYork:Elsevier,1981.Pp.179.26.00. Reviewed by Robert N. Covington Utilization of Outer Space and International Law By Gijs Bertha C.M. Reijnen. Amsterdam, Oxford, New York: Elsevier,1981. Pp. 179. 65.30. Reviewed by Howard J. Taubenfel


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    Loyalty Among Government Employees

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    Mounting tensions in our society have brought us to a criticalpoint in the matter of political and civil rights. The stresses are inlarge measure internal. They grow out of the accelerating movementto effect far-reaching changes in our economic and social structure, amovement which evokes ever-increasing resistance. As the conflictssharpen, there is rising pressure to discard or undermine the basicprinciples embodied in the democratic concept of freedom for politicalopposition

    Reply by the Authors

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    IN the course of preparing our article upon the Federal Loyalty Orderthe authors wrote to Mr. Hoover and requested him to furnish allavailable materials relating to the methods employed by the FBI inmaking investigations under the loyalty program. Mr. Hoover suppliedus with certain materials, primarily his press statement publishedin the New York Herald-Tribune on November 16, 1947. Onthe basis of these materials, together with other available data, we setforth in the article the FBI\u27s position regarding its functions andmethods of operation under the program. Mr. Hoover\u27s letter to theYale Law Journal, except in one notable particular to be consideredshortly, adds nothing of substance to his previous statements summarizedin the article