Book Reviews


U.S. Multinationals and Worker Participation in Management: The American Experience in the European Community By Ton DeVos Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, 1981. Pp. 229. Reviewed by David M. Helfeld Cooperation between Management and Labor By Walter Kolvenbach Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1982. Pp. 89. Dfl. 65.00, 26.00.ReviewedbyRobertN.CovingtonUtilizationofOuterSpaceandInternationalLawByGijsBerthaC.M.Reijnen.Amsterdam,Oxford,NewYork:Elsevier,1981.Pp.179.26.00. Reviewed by Robert N. Covington Utilization of Outer Space and International Law By Gijs Bertha C.M. Reijnen. Amsterdam, Oxford, New York: Elsevier,1981. Pp. 179. 65.30. Reviewed by Howard J. Taubenfel

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