6,126 research outputs found

    Environment classification for upland rice production region in Brazil.

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    The upland rice (UR) cropped area in Brazil has decreased in the last decade. A portion of this can be attributed to the UR breeding program strategy adopted since the 1980s, according to which direct grain selection is targeted primarily to the most suitable areas. New strategies for an improved breeding under non-optimal conditions for UR require detailed characterization of spatial, inter-annual and sub-seasonal climate variability, particularly in relation to types, intensity and timing of drought events during the cropping cycle. This paper used a process-based crop model to support the Brazilian UR breeding program in efforts to adopt a new strategy that accounts for the varying range of environments where UR is currently cultivated

    Environmental group identification for upland rice production in central Brazil.

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    Upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) production is basically concentrated in four central Brazilian States, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Rondônia and Tocantins. To reduce the genotype and environment (G × E) interactions, the classification of environment groups was proposed. The goal of this study explores possibilities to adjust the upland rice regional breeding systems to optimally fit to the range of environments they are targeting, based on a historical yield data set of the Brazilian Geographic and Statistics Institute (IBGE, www.ibge.gov.br/home/) from 54 microregions. The specific objectives of this study were: (i) to identify and classify environmental groups in the Brazilian upland rice production area; (ii) to validate these environmental groups using yield data set from the upland rice multi-trial experiments (MTEs); (iii) and to identify the most representative site for each environmental group. For this the historical upland rice yield data from 54 microregions were detrented from the effects of technological advances and adjusted to the reference year, 2006. The adjusted yield data were used to build a matrix, which was submitted to a cluster analysis allowing the identification of three different environmental groups. These groups were classified as: highly favorable environment (HFE); favorable environment (FE); and less favorable environment (LFE). The HFE is less affected by inter-annual rainfall variability than the other two groups. The upland rice breeding programs must take into account the differences among the environmental groups to conduct their trials and suggest genotypes for the upland production area

    Elaboração de uma base de dados de climáticos para a área de produção do arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi apresentar uma metodologia para organizar os dados climáticos em uma base de dados, fazer a análise da consistência dos mesmos e estimar os dados de precipitação pluvial, temperatura máxima e mínima do ar e radiação solar faltantes, de forma a obter uma série histórica de 30 anos de dados diários para os estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso, Tocantins e Rondônia.Pôster - graduação

    Uso do modelo de simulação Oryza/Apsim 2000 na definição da população de plantas para o arroz de terras altas.

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    Com este trabalho se propôs simular a resposta do arroz de terras altas a diferentes populações de plantas, em várias épocas de semeadura, com o modelo de simulação do crescimento, desenvolvimento e produtividade ORYZA/APSIM 2000, visando maximizar a produtividade dessa cultura. Para tanto, considerou-se as populações de plantas de 100, 150, 250 e 450 plantas m-2, as quais foram combinadas com cinco datas de semeadura: 01/11, 15/11, 01/12, 15/12 e 31/12. A produtividade de grãos simulada do arroz de terras altas apresentou resposta quadrática à população de plantas, com valores máximos sendo alcançados com populações acima de 350 plantas m-2. Contudo, considerando a maior eficiência técnica, as menores populações de plantas testadas são as mais adequadas. Há maior probabilidade de se obter altas produtividades de arroz de terras altas em datas de semeadura precoces, a partir de 01/11.bitstream/item/46422/1/boletimdepesquisa-36.pd

    Identification of mega environments in the Brazilian upland rice production area.

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    The goal of this study explores possibilities to adjust the upland rice regional breeding systems to optimally fit the range of environments they are targeting, based on a historical yield data set of the IBGE. The specific objectives of this study were: to identify and classify environment groups in the Brazilian upland rice (UPR) production area; to validate these environment groups using yield data set from the upland rice multi-trial experiments (MTEs); and to identify the most representative site for each environment group. For that, the historical upland rice yield data from 54 microregions were detrented from the effects of technological advances and adjusted to the reference year, 2006. A matrix was built with the adjusted yield data and submitted to a cluster analysis allowing to identify three different environment groups. These groups were classified as: high favourable environment (HFE); favourable environment (FE); and low favourable environment (LFE). The HFE has as characteristic being less affected by inter-annual rainfall variability than the other two. KEYWORDS: environment classification, cluster analysis, yield

    Response of traditional and modern upland rice cultivars to drought.

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    Two modern cultivars and one traditional cultivar were submitted to two water regimes, potential growth and water deficit, after the panicle differentiation. It was observed that modern upland rice cultivars had different response to drought than traditional cultivar

    Efeito de cultivar e espaçamento em diferentes ambientes de produção de arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a performance de 3 cultivares contrastantes (BRSPrimavera, BRSMGCuringa e Douradão) e quatro espaçamentos entre linhas (0,25; 0,35; 0,45 e 0,55 cm) em quatro diferentes ambientes, CNPAF2 (sem deficiência hídrica), CNPAF, Porangatu e Formoso do Araguaia

    Calibração e validação do modelo ORYZA/APSIM para arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo desse estudo é calibrar e validar o modelo de simulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento ORYZA/APSIM para uma cultivar de arroz de terras altas.bitstream/CNPAF-2010/29788/1/doc-238.pd

    Uso do modelo de simulação ORYZA/APSIM 2000 na definição do manejo de N em arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi simular com o modelo ORYZA/APSIM 2000 diferentes estratégias de manejo da adubação nitrogenada visando maximizar o aumento da produtividade e minimizar a lixiviação de N, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade do sistema de produção de arroz de terras altas