284 research outputs found

    In Vitro Wound Healing Improvement By Low-level Laser Therapy Application In Cultured Gingival Fibroblasts.

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    The aim of this study was to determine adequate energy doses using specific parameters of LLLT to produce biostimulatory effects on human gingival fibroblast culture. Cells (3 × 10(4) cells/cm(2)) were seeded on 24-well acrylic plates using plain DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. After 48-hour incubation with 5% CO(2) at 37°C, cells were irradiated with a InGaAsP diode laser prototype (LASERTable; 780 ± 3 nm; 40 mW) with energy doses of 0.5, 1.5, 3, 5, and 7 J/cm(2). Cells were irradiated every 24 h totalizing 3 applications. Twenty-four hours after the last irradiation, cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay and the two most effective doses (0.5 and 3 J/cm(2)) were selected to evaluate the cell number (trypan blue assay) and the cell migration capacity (wound healing assay; transwell migration assay). Data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney nonparametric tests with statistical significance of 5%. Irradiation of the fibroblasts with 0.5 and 3 J/cm(2) resulted in significant increase in cell metabolism compared with the nonrradiated group (P < 0.05). Both energy doses promoted significant increase in the cell number as well as in cell migration (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that, under the tested conditions, LLLT promoted biostimulation of fibroblasts in vitro.201271945

    Effects of different tooth bleaching systems on the roughness and superficial morphology of enamel and a restorative composite resin

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    Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações de rugosidade e morfologia superficial do esmalte e da resina composta após diferentes técnicas de clareamento dental. Material e método: incisivos bovinos íntegros foram selecionados, sendo que cavidades padronizadas foram confeccionadas na face vestibular, as quais foram restauradas com resina composta. Os dentes foram distribuídos em grupos, de acordo com o tratamento proposto: G1-clareamento com peróxido de carbamida (PC) 10%; G2 - clareamento com peróxido de hidrogênio (PH) a 38%; G3- clareamento com PH a 38% associado à foto-ativação com LED. Para G1, o agente clareador foi aplicado por 8 horas diárias durante 21 dias. Para\ud G2 e G3, foram realizadas 3 sessões de clareamento, caracterizadas por 3 aplicações do gel clareador por 15 minutos, com intervalos de 7 dias entre as sessões, sendo que em G3 o gel clareador foi ativado com LED (470nm) por 6 minutos. As superfícies do esmalte e da resina composta foram avaliadas antes e após o procedimento clareador através de um rugosímetro e de um microscópio de força atômica. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram diferença significante da rugosidade do esmalte antes e após o clareamento apenas para G1, em relação ao controle (Wilcoxon, p<0,05). Para a resina composta, nenhum dos grupos apresentou diferença estatística em relação ao controle (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05). Conclusão: O aumento da rugosidade do esmalte aconteceu apenas quando o clareamento foi realizado através da aplicação de um gel com 10% de PC. Nenhum dos procedimentos clareadores avaliados nesta pesquisa interferiram na rugosidade e morfologia da resina composta.CNPq (135181/2010-0; 30129/2010-1

    Predicting future cognitive decline from non-brain and multimodal brain imaging data in healthy and pathological aging

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    Previous literature has focused on predicting a diagnostic label from structural brain imaging. Since subtle changes in the brain precede a cognitive decline in healthy and pathological aging, our study predicts future decline as a continuous trajectory instead. Here, we tested whether baseline multimodal neuroimaging data improve the prediction of future cognitive decline in healthy and pathological aging. Nonbrain data (demographics, clinical, and neuropsychological scores), structural MRI, and functional connectivity data from OASIS-3 (N = 662; age = 46–96 years) were entered into cross-validated multitarget random forest models to predict future cognitive decline (measured by CDR and MMSE), on average 5.8 years into the future. The analysis was preregistered, and all analysis code is publicly available. Combining non-brain with structural data improved the continuous prediction of future cognitive decline (best test-set performance: R2 = 0.42). Cognitive performance, daily functioning, and subcortical volume drove the performance of our model. Including functional connectivity did not improve predictive accuracy. In the future, the prognosis of age-related cognitive decline may enable earlier and more effective individualized cognitive, pharmacological, and behavioral interventions

    Metamaterial-Enhanced Nonlinear Terahertz Spectroscopy

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    We demonstrate large nonlinear terahertz responses in the gaps of metamaterial split ring resonators in several materials and use nonlinear THz transmission and THz-pump/THz-probe spectroscopy to study the nonlinear responses and dynamics. We use the field enhancement in the SRR gaps to initiate high-field phenomena at lower incident fields. In vanadium dioxide, we drive the insulator-to-metal phase transition with high-field THz radiation. The film conductivity increases by over two orders of magnitude and the phase transition occurs on a several picosecond timescale. In gallium arsenide, we observe high-field transport phenomena, including mobility saturation and impact ionization. The carrier density increases by up to ten orders of magnitude at high fields. At the highest fields, we demonstrate THz-induced damage in both vanadium dioxide and gallium arsenide.United States. Dept. of Energy (DOE-BES, grant DE-FG02- 09ER46643)United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR Grant No. N00014-09-1-1103

    Extraordinary carrier multiplication gated by a picosecond electric field pulse

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    The study of carrier multiplication has become an essential part of many-body physics and materials science as this multiplication directly affects nonlinear transport phenomena, and has a key role in designing efficient solar cells and electroluminescent emitters and highly sensitive photon detectors. Here we show that a 1-MVcm−1 electric field of a terahertz pulse, unlike a DC bias, can generate a substantial number of electron–hole pairs, forming excitons that emit near-infrared luminescence. The bright luminescence associated with carrier multiplication suggests that carriers coherently driven by a strong electric field can efficiently gain enough kinetic energy to induce a series of impact ionizations that can increase the number of carriers by about three orders of magnitude on the picosecond time scale

    In vitro wound healing improvement by low-level laser therapy application in cultured gingival fibroblasts

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    The aim of this study was to determine adequate energy doses using specific parameters of LLLT to produce biostimulatory effects on human gingival fibroblast culture. Cells (3 X '10 POT. 4' cells/'cm POT. 2') were seeded on 24-well acrylic plates using plain DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. After 48-hour incubation with 5% C'O IND. 2' at '37 GRAUS' C, cells were irradiated with a 'IN''Ga''AS'P diode laser prototype (LASERTable; 780 mais ou menos 3 nm; 40mW) with energy doses of 0.5, 1.5, 3, 5, and 7 J/'cm POT. 2'. Cells were irradiated every 24 h totalizing 3 applications. Twenty-four hours after the last irradiation, cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay and the two most effective doses (0.5 and 3 J/'cm POT. 2') were selected to evaluate the cell number (trypan blue assay) and the cell migration capacity (wound healing assay; transwell migration assay). Data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann- Whitney nonparametric tests with statistical significance of 5%. Irradiation of the fibroblasts with 0.5 and 3 J/'cm POT. 2' resulted in significant increase in cell metabolism compared with the nonrradiated group (P < 0.05). Both energy doses promoted significant increase in the cell number as well as in cell migration (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that, under the tested conditions, LLLT promoted biostimulation of fibroblasts in vitro.FAPESP (09/54722-1 ; 09/52326-1)CNPq (301029/2010-1