229 research outputs found

    U-Spin Symmetry in Charmless B Decays

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    We prove a general theorem about equal CP rate differences within pairs of U-spin related charmless BB and BsB_s decays. Large deviations from equalities would be evidence for new physics. Six pairs of decays into two pseudoscalar mesons are identified where such relations hold. Ratios of corresponding rate differences and certain ratios of rates measure U-spin breaking. These processes provide useful information on the weak phase γ=ArgVub\gamma={\rm Arg} V^*_{ub}. Applications of U-spin symmetry to other decays are discussed.Comment: A few typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Constraints on the phase γ\gamma and new physics from BKπB\to K\pi Decays

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    Recent results from CLEO on BKπB\to K\pi indicate that the phase γ\gamma may be substantially different from that obtained from other fit to the KM matrix elements in the Standard Model. We show that γ\gamma extracted using BKπ,ππB\to K\pi, \pi\pi is sensitive to new physics occurring at loop level. It provides a powerful method to probe new physics in electroweak penguin interactions. Using effects due to anomalous gauge couplings as an example, we show that within the allowed ranges for these couplings information about γ\gamma obtained from BKπ,ππB\to K \pi, \pi\pi can be very different from the Standard Model prediction.Comment: Revised version with analysis done using new data from CLEO. RevTex, 11 Pages with two figure

    Increased EMRSA-15 health-care worker colonization demonstrated in retrospective review of EMRSA hospital outbreaks

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    Background:Health care worker (HCW) colonization with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a documented cause of hospital outbreaks and contributes to ongoing transmission. At Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) it had been anecdotally noted that the increasing prevalence of EMRSA-15 appeared to be associated with increased HCW colonization compared with Aus2/3-EMRSA. Hence we compared HCW colonization rates during outbreaks of EMRSA-15 and Aus2/3-EMRSA at a single institution.Methods:We performed a retrospective review of EMRSA-15 and Aus2/3-EMRSA outbreaks from 2000 –2009 at RPH, a quaternary hospital in Western Australia. Outbreak files were reviewed and relevant data extracted. Results:Ten EMRSA-15 outbreaks were compared with seven Aus2/3 outbreaks. The number of patients colonized was similar between EMRSA-15 and Aus2/ 3-EMRSA outbreaks (median 7 [range 3 – 20] and 11 [5 – 26], respectively; P = 0.07) but the number of HCWs colonized was significantl y higher in EMRSA-15 outbreaks compared to Aus2/3-EMRSA outbreaks (median 4 [range 0 – 15] and 2 [1-3], respectively; P = 0.013). The percentage of HCWs colonized was also higher in EMRSA-15 outbreaks versus Aus2/3-EMRSA outbreaks (median 3.4% [range 0 – 5.5%] and 0.81% [0.56 – 2.2%], respectively; P= 0.013).Conclusions:This study demonstrates a higher level of HCW colonization during EMRSA-15 outbreaks compared with Aus2/3-EMRSA outbreaks. This finding suggests that MRSA vary in their ability to colonize HCWs and contribute to outbreaks. MRSA type should be determined during outbreaks and future research should investigate the mechanisms by which EMRSA-15 contributes to increased HCW colonization

    Final State Rescattering and Color-suppressed \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0} h^0 Decays

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    The color-suppressed \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0}\pi^0, D^{(*)0}\eta, D^0\omega decay modes have just been observed for the first time. The rates are all larger than expected, hinting at the presence of final state interactions. Considering \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0}\pi^0 mode alone, an elastic D^{(*)}\pi -> D^{(*)}\pi rescattering phase difference \delta \equiv \delta_{1/2} - \delta_{3/2} \sim 30^\circ would suffice, but the \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0}\eta, D^0\omega modes compel one to extend the elastic formalism to SU(3) symmetry. We find that a universal a_2/a_1=0.25 and two strong phase differences 20^\circ \sim \theta < \delta < \delta^\prime \sim 50^\circ can describe both DP and D^*P modes rather well; the large phase of order 50^\circ is needed to account for the strength of {\it both} the D^{(*)0}\pi^0 and D^{(*)0}\eta modes. For DV modes, the nonet symmetry reduces the number of physical phases to just one, giving better predictive power. Two solutions are found. We predict the rates of the \bar B^0-> D^{+}_s K^-, D^{*+}_s K^-, D^0\rho^0, D^+_s K^{*-} and D^0\phi modes, as well as \bar B^0-> D^{0}\bar K^0, D^{*0}\bar K^0, D^{0}\bar K^{*0} modes. The formalism may have implications for rates and CP asymmetries of charmless modes.Comment: REVTeX4, 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Modular Invariants in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    We investigate the modular properties of the characters which appear in the partition functions of nonabelian fractional quantum Hall states. We first give the annulus partition function for nonabelian FQH states formed by spinon and holon (spinon-holon state). The degrees of freedom of spin are described by the affine SU(2) Kac-Moody algebra at level kk. The partition function and the Hilbert space of the edge excitations decomposed differently according to whether kk is even or odd. We then investigate the full modular properties of the extended characters for nonabelian fractional quantum Hall states. We explicitly verify the modular invariance of the annulus grand partition functions for spinon-holon states, the Pfaffian state and the 331 states. This enables one to extend the relation between the modular behavior and the topological order to nonabelian cases. For the Haldane-Rezayi state, we find that the extended characters do not form a representation of the modular group, thus the modular invariance is broken.Comment: Latex,21 pages.version to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Topological Phase Transition in the ν=2/3\nu=2/3 Quantum Hall Effect

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    The double layer ν=2/3\nu=2/3 fractional quantum Hall system is studied using the edge state formalism and finite-size diagonalization subject to periodic boundary conditions. Transitions between three different ground states are observed as the separation as well as the tunneling between the two layers is varied. Experimental consequences are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX v3.0, 7 figure

    Combining CP Asymmetries in BKπB \to K \pi Decays

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    We prove an approximate relation, to leading order in dominant terms, between CP-violating rate differences in B0/Bˉ0K±πB^0/\bar{B}^0 \to K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp} and B±K±π0B^{\pm} \to K^{\pm}\pi^0. We show how data from these two processes may be combined in order to enhance the significance of a nonzero result.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, revise

    First limit on inclusive BXsννˉB \to X_s \nu \bar\nu decay and constraints on new physics

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    The inclusive BXsννˉB \to X_s \nu \bar\nu decay rate, on which no experimental bound exists to date, can be constrained by searching for large missing energy events in BB decays. Carefully examining the experimental and theoretical aspects of such an analysis, we argue that the published ALEPH limit on \BR(B \to \tau \bar\nu) implies, conservatively, the bound \BR(B \to X_s \nu \bar\nu)<3.9\times10^{-4}, which is less than one order of magnitude above the standard model prediction. The LEP collaborations could significantly improve this bound by a dedicated experimental analysis. We study the constraints this new limit imposes on various extensions of the standard model. We derive new bounds on the couplings of third generation fermions in models with leptoquarks, and in supersymmetric models without R-parity. We also constrain models where new gauge bosons are coupled dominantly to the third generation, such as TopColor models and models based on horizontal gauge symmetries. For models which predict an enhanced effective bsZbsZ vertex, the constraint from BXsννˉB \to X_s \nu \bar\nu is competitive with the limits from inclusive and exclusive BXs+B \to X_s \ell^+ \ell^- decays.Comment: 43 pages (paper) + 3 pages (erratum), REVTeX, no figures. Erratum added (Paper unchanged). Two effects neglected in the original analysis are discussed in the Erratum. The numerical estimate of the limit on the branching ratio is weaker by about a factor of thre

    On Large Final-State Phases in Heavy Meson Decays

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    An attempt is made to identify circumstances under which the weak decays of DD and BB mesons may display large differences between eigenphases of strong final-state interactions. There are several cases in which rescattering from other final states appears to enhance decay rates with respect to estimates based on the factorization hypothesis.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 4 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.