20 research outputs found

    Comparison of three representative subjective evaluations of chewing function

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    In 2018, oral hypofunction was registered officially as a disease in Japan. It is important to detect oral hypofunction symptoms early in patients, before frank oral dysfunction symptoms occur. Subjective evaluations of chewing function, which help to identify foods that cannot be chewed, might be useful in diagnosing oral hypofunction. Previous evaluations used to identify patients with oral hypofunction used varying standards, making it impossible to compare and integrate them without first developing a unified screening method. This study aimed to compare and integrate known evaluation methods that are useful for diagnosing oral hypofunction. A total of 76 elderly participants (aged >65 years) were enrolled after providing consent to participate in this study. The established subjective evaluation methods of chewing function investigated for this study included the Yamamoto denture performance judgment table, the Sato table for evaluation of chewing function in complete denture wearers, and the Hirai evaluation method for the masticatory function in complete denture wearers. As the Yamamoto method lacks scoring, the total number of circles was used as the score. A time study was performed on the time taken for the description, entry, and analysis of these tables. There was a strong correlation between the Sato and Hirai methods (r=0.71) and between the Sato and Yamamoto (r=0.68) and Hirai and Yamamoto (r=0.60) methods. During the time study, the description time was the shortest with the Yamamoto method, and the entry and analysis times were the shortest with the Sato method. The total time was significantly shorter with the Sato method than with the Yamamoto method. Three evaluation methods showed correlation, but the examination times varied. In future studies, we plan to clarify the selection criteria, including the relevance of objective evaluation and usability

    カンゴ ケイ ダイガクセイ ノ ケンコウ ド ト セイカツ シュウカン ノ ジッタイ

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    背景 人々のライフサイクルにおける青年期は, 体格や体力が最も充実し疾患が発症しにくいため日常生活に乱れが生じやすくなる時期でもある. これまでの研究では, 青年期である学生の日常生活と健康状態に関する研究は多く報告されている. しかし, 看護系大学生を対象にした健康状態と生活習慣を調査した研究は少ない. 目的 看護系大学生の健康度と生活習慣の実態を明らかにすることを目的とした. 方法 2011年7月中旬から12月, A大学看護学部の1年生に, 健康度・生活習慣診断検査 (DIHAL2) 及び, 独自に作成した基本属性調査用紙を用いた自己記入式質問紙調査を実施した. 結果・考察 対象看護系大学生の運動面における生活習慣では, 運動意識がやや低い傾向, 食事面及び休息面における生活習慣ではもう少し (中間位) の傾向, 嗜好品面における生活習慣では非常に優れている傾向がみられた. また健康度・生活習慣パターン判定 (総合判定) では, 健康度生活習慣要注意型46.4%, 健康度生活習慣充実型24.6%, 健康度要注意型15.9%, 生活習慣要注意型13.0%であった. 今回対象とした看護系学生は, 健康度及び生活習慣共に望ましくない者が過半数弱を占めていた. これは, 大学生には健康度生活習慣要注意型が最も多いという先行研究で述べられている結果と同傾向であり, 日常生活にみだれが生じやすくなる青年期の特徴と同傾向であった. 結論 A大学看護学部1年生69名の健康度と生活習慣の実態を検討したところ, 健康度及び生活習慣共に望ましくない健康度生活習慣要注意型が最も多くみられ, 大学生の結果に共通すると共に青年期の特徴と同傾向であることが明らかになった.Background The adolescent period is the one during which we can fulfill our physical potential, making us less likely to fall ill. This is also a period, however, during which our lifestyle tend to be irregular by placing too much confidence in it. Objective/Methods In order to clarify the actual health and lifestyle of nursing students, students completed a revised version of the Diagnostic Inventory of Health and Lifestyle (DIHAL2). Result/Discussion Results indicated that the respondents had lifestyles that substantially ignored exercise; however, their lifestyles did emphasize diet and rest (somewhat) and they markedly moderated use of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and other drugs. In addition, ascertaining health and lifestyle patterns (determined overall) indicated that 46.4% of respondents had risky health and lifestyle behaviors, 24.6% had adequate health and lifestyle behaviors, 15.9% had risky health behaviors, and 13.0% had risky lifestyle behaviors. Almost a majority of the nursing students who responded to this survey had risky health and lifestyle behaviors. This trend coincides with results of previous studies indicating that college students most often have risky health and lifestyle behaviors. The same trend is a sign of adolescence, when everyday routines are most readily disrupted.Conclusions We need to advise students to become conscious of the importance of their own health and lifestyle for fulfilling nursing jobs in the days ahea

    カンゴケイ ダイガクセイ ノ ケンコウド セイカツ シュウカン ト ジコ チョウ セイガクシュウ ホウリャク ノ カンケイ ノ ケントウ

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    背景 健康を維持するには,日々の生活習慣が大きく影響するが,青年期は体力を過信するあまり,日常生活が乱れやすい.青年期にある大学生の日常生活と健康状態に関する研究はこれまでにも行われているが,大学生の生活習慣と学習能力とはあまり検討されていない.目的 本研究の目的は,看護系大学生の健康度および生活習慣と自己調整学習方略との関連性を明らかにする.対象ならびに分析方法 調査期間は,2011年7月中旬~ 12月で,A大学看護学部1年生を対象とした.徳永(2005)が開発した「健康度・生活習慣診断検査(以下;DIHAL.2と略す」と藤田(2010)の開発した「自己調整学習方略尺度」に基本属性に関する質問項目を加え,自己記入式質問紙調査を実施した.前号の論文では,DIHAL.2を用いて健康度と生活習慣の実態を報告している.今回は前号の結果を踏まえ,学生の自己調整学習方略尺度の結果との関連を分散分析とBonferroniの多重比較検定を用いて解析した.結果・考察 DIHAL.2に基づいて分類した健康度・生活パターンの間で自己調整学習方略得点を比較した.その結果,「充実型」と「要注意型」との間で,自己調整学習方略に有意差を認めた.「要注意型」では,プランニング方略の得点が他の3つの方略の得点より有意に低く,「生活習慣要注意型」と「健康度要注意型」の両者では,プランニング方略の得点が努力調整方略との得点より有意に低かった.「充実型」では,各方略間に有意な差はみられず,すべて高得点であった.結論 健康度・生活習慣が充実している人は,自己調整学習のどの方略も他の健康度・生活習慣判定タイプより高い数値を示していたことは,バランスが取れた自己学習能力があると評価できた.一方で「要注意型」タイプは,プランニング方略を中心とした学習方法が他の学習方略よりも低かった.Background Our daily lifestyle affects own health,and it easily becomes unfavorable during adolescence because of excessive confidence on own physical strength.Regarding college students,who are in adolescence, there are many research reports about their daily life and health status.However,there are few reports of research on the relationship between their lifestyle and learning ability. Purpose The purpose of this study is to clarify the lifestyle of nursing students and its relation with their selfregulated learning strategies. Object/Methods The period of survey was from the middle of July to December,2011.The subjects were first grade nursing students.Inventory of Health and Lifestyle (DIHAL.2)developed by Tokunaga(2005)and "the questionnaire of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies" developed by Fujita(2010)were used.Analysis of variance and Bonferroni\u27s multiple comparison were employed for the analysis. Results/Consideration We compared the scores of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies between the healthand- lifestyle patterns classified on the basis of DIHAL.2.A significant difference was observed in the scoresbetween "fullfilling type" and "health-and lifestyle-improvement-requiring type".The "health-and lifestyleimprovement- requiring type" exhibited significantly lower scores of planning strategy than those of other three strategies.Both "lifestyle-improvement-requiring type" and "health-improvement-requiring type" had lower scores of planning strategy than those of management-of-effort strategy.We observed no significant difference in the scores of "fullfilling type" between learning strategies; their scores were all high. Conclusion The students fulfilled in health and lifestyle had higher scores for any strategies for self-regulated learning than those of any other health-and-lifestyle types.This allowed us to consider that the students fulfilled in health and lifestyle have a well balanced self-learning ability.Meanwhile.the students of "health-and lifestyleimprovement- requiring type" had lower scores of planning strategy than those of any other learning strategies

    Regular Oral Health Management Improved Oral Function of Outpatients with Oral Hypofunction in Dental Hospital: A Longitudinal Study

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    This longitudinal study aimed to clarify the impact of regular oral health management for oral hypofunction on the oral function of older dental outpatients. The 68 participants enrolled in this study were older dental outpatients (mean age 78.5 ± 8.1 years). According to the number of declined oral examinations after the first exam, participants were assigned to the oral hypofunction group (Hypo group, ≥3), receiving regular oral health management with a leaflet at the dental clinic, or the pre-oral hypofunction group (Pre-hypo group, ≤2), which served as a control. At the second oral examination, after approximately 6 months to 1 year, the Hypo group showed significant improvement in the tongue-lip motor function (Oral diadochokinesis, ODK) /pa/, /ta/, and masticatory function, while the Pre-hypo group showed significant worsening in oral hygiene and oral wetness. Temporal changes in ODK /pa/, /ta/, and the number of declined examination items were significantly different between the groups. Multiple analysis revealed that the number of improved oral examination items were associated with presence of regular oral health management after adjusting for age, sex, number of visits, measuring period, and dental treatment. Regular comprehensive oral health management for oral hypofunction improves and maintains oral function among older dental outpatients

    Associations between Oral Hypofunction Tests, Age, and Sex

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    Oral function declines in older individuals due to disease and age-related changes, making them vulnerable to oral and physical frailty. Therefore, it is important to manage the decline in oral function in older outpatients. Oral hypofunction is diagnosed by seven tests related to oral function, oral hygiene, oral moisture, occlusal force, oral diadochokinesis, tongue pressure, masticatory function, and swallowing function. However, sex or age were not factored into the current reference values of these tests. We included subjects attending the dental hospital clinic for maintenance, and recorded and analyzed oral hypofunction and the factors associated with its diagnosis. Of the 134 outpatients (53 males and 81 females, mean age 75.2 ± 11.2 years), 63% were diagnosed with oral hypofunction. Oral hypofunction prevalence increased significantly with age, and significant variations were observed in all tests. Furthermore, oral hygiene and swallowing function were not associated with oral hypofunction diagnosis. All examined factors decreased with increasing age, even after adjusting sex, except for oral hygiene and moisture. Occlusal force and masticatory function were higher in men after adjusting age. This study suggested that older outpatients were likely to be diagnosed with oral hypofunction, and that the test reference value and their selection for oral hypofunction should be reconsidered

    Structure and ligand recognition of the PB1 domain: a novel protein module binding to the PC motif

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    PB1 domains are novel protein modules capable of binding to target proteins that contain PC motifs. We report here the NMR structure and ligand-binding site of the PB1 domain of the cell polarity establishment protein, Bem1p. In addition, we identify the topology of the PC motif-containing region of Cdc24p by NMR, another cell polarity establishment protein that interacts with Bem1p. The PC motif-containing region is a structural domain offering a scaffold to the PC motif. The chemical shift perturbation experiment and the mutagenesis study show that the PC motif is a major structural element that binds to the PB1 domain. A structural database search reveals close similarity between the Bem1p PB1 domain and the c-Raf1 Ras-binding domain. However, these domains are functionally distinct from each other

    Differential detection of cytoplasmic Wilms tumor 1 expression by immunohistochemistry, western blotting and mRNA quantification

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    Wilms tumor 1 (WT1) is considered to be a promising target of cancer treatment because it has been reported to be frequently expressed at high levels in various malignancies. Although WT1-targeted cancer treatment has been initiated, conclusive detection methods for WT1 are not established. The present study aimed to consolidate immunohistochemistry for WT1 with statistical basis. Transfected cells with forced WT1 expression yielded specific western blot bands and nuclear immunostaining; cytoplasmic immunostaining was not specifically recognized. Immunohistochemistry, western blotting, and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction were performed in 35 human cell lines using multiple WT1 antibodies and their results were quantified. Relationships among the quantified results were statistically analyzed; the nuclear immunostaining positively correlated with western blot bands and mRNA expression levels, whereas cytoplasmic immunostaining did not. These results indicate that nuclear immunostaining reflects WT1 expression but cytoplasmic immunostaining does not. The nuclear immunostaining was barely (3/541) observed in primary cancer of esophagus, bile duct, pancreas and lung. Although the present study has some limitations, the results indicate that the cytoplasmic immunostaining does not correlate with actual WT1 expression and prompts researchers to carefully evaluate target molecule expression in treatment of cancer